Elizabeth Warren proposes canceling student loan debt and offering free public college

Where did I ever say OSHA went too far?

You said you work in the purchasing dept there is little or no chance you will be killed in an industrial accident sitting on your fat ass in your cubicle.

Yah walking in the yellow zones is so dangerous

The point you were making is that you think your paper pushing job is dangerous

Um. there. That's where you said OSHA went too far.
Funny how OSHA, too, or far are not words I used in any of those quotes.

I was making fun of you for thinking that sitting on your fat ass in a cubicle was "dangerous".

Maybe he's concerned about paper cuts? or in getting it caught in the computer's wires when viewing internet porn?
The only movements I have take place in the bathroom.

And the only solution as far as I'm concerned is more liberty and more freedom not less

Yup, whenever I hear a wingnut whine about Freedom in the same thread he thinks that OSHA goes too far, I have to truly question that.

I like the fact that my employer doesn't have the freedom to cut corners on safety. I like the fact that big companies can't dump carcinogens into my water supply.

"But, but, but... Freedom"

I suspect you'd like it if everyone lived in cells, was fed daily by the government and had to get special permission to leave home. I don't much care for the kind of things you seem to 'like'.
Funny how OSHA, too, or far are not words I used in any of those quotes.

I was making fun of you for thinking that sitting on your fat ass in a cubicle was "dangerous".

Yes, we know you really didn't have an argument to make, but you ended up looking silly doing it.

Hey, I'm sure your job at the Burger King is made safer by OSHA, too.
I suspect you'd like it if everyone lived in cells, was fed daily by the government and had to get special permission to leave home. I don't much care for the kind of things you seem to 'like'.

Yes, because thinking we need government to protect us is just like wanting to live in a prison planet.

The deranged magical thinking of libertarian children.
Funny how OSHA, too, or far are not words I used in any of those quotes.

I was making fun of you for thinking that sitting on your fat ass in a cubicle was "dangerous".

Yes, we know you really didn't have an argument to make, but you ended up looking silly doing it.

Hey, I'm sure your job at the Burger King is made safer by OSHA, too.

And you think sitting on your fat ass in a cubicle is dangerous

And I don't work for anyone, I'm retired at age 55

You better get to work now and don't forget to gear up for that dangerous job in purchasing
And you think sitting on your fat ass in a cubicle is dangerous

And I don't work for anyone, I'm retired at age 55

Oh, is that what you call, "Collecting disability after topping 350 lbs"?

No that's what i call living on rental income after 30 years of planning.

Unlike you I actually had a plan to retire early you'll probably drop dead at your desk at 80 because you were too short sighted to plan
I know what I'm going to say when I reread this but here I go anyway. Th Student Loan scheme creates high priced student charges. The reason is quite easy really; going to Uni is the APEX of education so the demand is always going to be there. But for whom? How can someone without money get there? Uni loan. But at what COST? Depends on how much the Uni thinks students can afford. So if prices get too high then the Market mechanism should cut in; lower demand. Hence not as many kids going there. Hence in order to fill courses the prices have to be affordable.

Now enter the student loan. The high cost is maintained because the students can afford to pay via extortionate loans. hence the charges are kept artificially high. People who can actually pay are also hit with the high costs because other kids will pay it due to their loans. It's a rip off, especially when the Unis know they can now charge extortionate prices. Similar things happen in the Housing market...until the Cost of money goes up. It's a corrupted market place.

So Kamala; if you really want to help? Ban student loans.

Hard but then watch the cost the Unis charge drop like a stone. They may even become affordable.

What we need , and what gub'mit is responsible for, is a level playing field.

What we "need" is for people to realize that life is a game and you have to play to win

Not happening if the rules favor any one team Blues dude


There are no teams

Life is an individual sport

Then some will always be defeated before they even get to play Bluesdude

This is the essence of the free traitors who pull strings to have rules changed in their favor

Want an ex that follows the OP?

We reciprocate STEM w/countries that have socialised education .....you heard that right.....scientits, engineers,doctors who have ZERO student debt are granted H1B's to compete w/American grads who are saddled with student debt

How do you think employers view this? Ah gee, the American grad wants $$$$$, and the foriegn one wants $$ , fairly simple math , and obviously skewed playing field construed and contrived by the same folks selling us a wall now

I suspect you'd like it if everyone lived in cells, was fed daily by the government and had to get special permission to leave home. I don't much care for the kind of things you seem to 'like'.

Yes, because thinking we need government to protect us is just like wanting to live in a prison planet.

No, Joe. That's your schtick. You're the one who wants to use government for every. god. damned. thing.
What we need , and what gub'mit is responsible for, is a level playing field.

What we "need" is for people to realize that life is a game and you have to play to win

Not happening if the rules favor any one team Blues dude


There are no teams

Life is an individual sport

Then some will always be defeated before they even get to play Bluesdude

This is the essence of the free traitors who pull strings to have rules changed in their favor

Want an ex that follows the OP?

We reciprocate STEM w/countries that have socialised education .....you heard that right.....scientits, engineers,doctors who have ZERO student debt are granted H1B's to compete w/American grads who are saddled with student debt

How do you think employers view this? Ah gee, the American grad wants $$$$$, and the foriegn one wants $$ , fairly simple math , and obviously skewed playing field construed and contrived by the same folks selling us a wall now


Blame the everyone has to go to college brainwashing for that.

Those countries that you want to emulate do not send every single high school kid to college. They only send the ones who have the aptitude for college

We don't want that here we think that even the dumbest kid in class has to go to college
yes, yes, i'm sure that's what the Kochs tell you... give up your protections, and you'll have more "Freedom" because you forgot what a shitty experience living in this country was before the New Deal for even white people.

America was "shit" before FDR rammed the Raw Deal up the nation's keister?

Au contraire. FDR was a tyrant who micromanaged the economy and imposed draconian regulations.

An immigrant Polish tailor in Jersey City, Jake Meged, put a sign in his window offering to press a man's suit for 35 cents- less than Roosevelt's proclamation that the fee should not be less than 40 cents.

FDR's goons had him thrown into a dungeon until he recanted.

I'm going to recommend a book to you, Joe. "The Forgotten Man", a history of the Roosevelt Depression, and the hell on earth that Roosevelt was responsible for. Were you aware that FDR actually subjected the WH staff to second hand smoke by puffing on unfiltered camels in a non-smoking government building , subjecting workers to 2nd hand smoke? That's a fact, BTW. FDR was a piece of manure. My ancestors never voted for him. My one grandfather was never a US citizen, the other was,but understood that since he wasn't a natural born citizen he could never be President so he never voted.

But America was pretty sweet before the New Deal, not "shit" as you have stated. That's why my ancestors decided to come to America instead of India or China at the turn of the 20th Century.
You realize that in FDR's day there was no such thing as a "smoke free government building"? And, it was very likely that most of those WH employees smoked, too.
I know what I'm going to say when I reread this but here I go anyway. Th Student Loan scheme creates high priced student charges. The reason is quite easy really; going to Uni is the APEX of education so the demand is always going to be there. But for whom? How can someone without money get there? Uni loan. But at what COST? Depends on how much the Uni thinks students can afford. So if prices get too high then the Market mechanism should cut in; lower demand. Hence not as many kids going there. Hence in order to fill courses the prices have to be affordable.

Now enter the student loan. The high cost is maintained because the students can afford to pay via extortionate loans. hence the charges are kept artificially high. People who can actually pay are also hit with the high costs because other kids will pay it due to their loans. It's a rip off, especially when the Unis know they can now charge extortionate prices. Similar things happen in the Housing market...until the Cost of money goes up. It's a corrupted market place.

So Kamala; if you really want to help? Ban student loans.

Hard but then watch the cost the Unis charge drop like a stone. They may even become affordable.


Wow.. that's even more retarded than what Polish Prince said.

What is driving the costs is too much privatization and too little government involvement.

It's simple supply and demand. When demand goes up, the price rises. When you require everyone to get a degree to get even entry level jobs, then you've increased demand. And when you cut back on spending by state and federal governments to provide more seats, supply goes down.

Why can Harvard charge more than UIC? Because Harvard is a bigger name. Not that their kids come out any brighter, but having that Harvard degree is really impressive.
Wow.. that's even more retarded than what Polish Prince said.

What is driving the costs is too much privatization and too little government involvement.

Hats off to you, Joe. You are the undisputed authority on "retarded".

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