Elizabeth Warren Refuses To Name Any Limitations On Abortion She Supports

A whole 13%?

That tells me when the issue goes back to the states those outnumbered 13% will be ignored / voted down by the majority.
63% believe Roe should not be overturned and abortion remain legal. What does majority mean these days?
Of course not. Evil hates light.

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She can't say it cause they're all for full term murdering...

I'm not" anti abortion" NO matter my personal opinion on the matter...it should remain legal ....but the full term abortions that a few states progressives governors tried to push was sickening ...it made the majority of Americans cringe ....and rightly so

I was always thought first trimester was fine ....it changed my mind ...I'm staunchly pro heartbeat laws

Wanna make it federal ?make it a heartbeat law ....go ahead progs thiers your compromise ...but no ya need to kill innocent children at 9 months ...fucking soulless ghouls


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