Elizabeth Warren? Seriously?

Come on, this woman is ridiculous. :lol: If she's not a liar, then she's an idiot. Either way, it's not looking good.

So you have no answer, because there isn't any, because it's a myth. Just admit it.

Link - post #436. So . . . is she dishonest? Or just a dummy? :D

^ LOL!

Based on reactions like this, I
But . . . she's 1/32 percent Cherokee, you know! She's suffered tremendously. The poor dear. :(

So is that the message Fox News is painting for you?

You do understand Indians are the very least bitter about their oppression compared to other major oppressed classes.......

Indian oppression is basically gone, as you have acknowledged. Yet you think she stated this to get leverage.....

News flash! She isn't really even 1/32 Cherokee. None of grammy's stories could be confirmed. :(

Actually it was already linked earlier. But you go on and continue to bravely run away since you can't back anything up.

Liz Warren will make a great candidate and if the best Republicans can do is post squaw pictures she should win easily

^I mean, look at that OP............It looks like a 12 year old made it. I'll try to quote without pictures.

"She is so stupid! She is a big dumby stupid face that doesn't know a thing! She is clearly a liar and stupid! She can't even post factual pictures about candidates on forum posts in attempts to slam someone just because they are big stupid dumb people."

Did that sum up every GOP argument this last few years, or just this post? The GOP deserves better.

The most significant argument I've heard is that her grandma says they have Indian ancestors and the Right is saying, "She's bat shit crazy! She can't prove that!"............

Not too brainy. Who cares if she has Indian ancestors..I'll bet a lot more of us do than we think. Doesn't matter in politics.

I care if she claims something she isn't...you may not that's your business...the GOP? could care less I'll make my own judgement...

Again -- and this is still where we started -- how do you know she "isn't"?
You can try to snowball this question all you like but it ain't going away.

Because she can't prove it..There are standards for her proving her claim...she can't meet any of them...
Liz Warren will make a great candidate and if the best Republicans can do is post squaw pictures she should win easily

^I mean, look at that OP............It looks like a 12 year old made it. I'll try to quote without pictures.

"She is so stupid! She is a big dumby stupid face that doesn't know a thing! She is clearly a liar and stupid! She can't even post factual pictures about candidates on forum posts in attempts to slam someone just because they are big stupid dumb people."

Did that sum up every GOP argument this last few years, or just this post? The GOP deserves better.

The most significant argument I've heard is that her grandma says they have Indian ancestors and the Right is saying, "She's bat shit crazy! She can't prove that!"............

Not too brainy. Who cares if she has Indian ancestors..I'll bet a lot more of us do than we think. Doesn't matter in politics.

I care if she claims something she isn't...you may not that's your business...the GOP? could care less I'll make my own judgement...

Again -- and this is still where we started -- how do you know she "isn't"?
You can try to snowball this question all you like but it ain't going away.

Because she can't prove it..There are standards for her proving her claim...she can't meet any of them...

"Standards" huh? What standards are these? "Can't prove it" is irrelevant; the burden of proof is on you people who claim she's "lying". To establish that you have to prove the negative.

I'm Black Irish. Do I have that on a piece of paper? No I don't; it's family folklore. Does that make me a "liar" then?

I'm still waiting for this "document" -- gonna ignore that too?
Last edited:
What would the Right do without conspiracy theories? They're very worried about Warren, as they should be.

Lol...Moderate Senate Democrats are the ones that wouldn't Confirm her for the Consumer Agency post she wanted...
POTUS is a better job.

lol....I must be getting tired I'm finding all posts as comedic relief...except mine of course..lol...time will tell..later
It must be so tiring promoting lies and conspiracies. Find a hobby.
"Cannot document" is not the same as "lie". It means it's not documented.

"Lying" on the other hand requires that the subject (a) declares a fact while (b) knowing that fact is untrue. That does not exist here.

And I did read my own link, well before now, and that's not what the writer said. Let's roll that tape:

>> "If you want to understand Native American identity," Tallbear said, "you need to get outside of that binary, one-drop framework. Native Americans do not fit in that binary. We have been racialized very differently in relationship to whites."

How do we know Native Americans are racialized differently, Tallbear said? Because a white person -- say, Elizabeth Warren, for example -- can absorb a Native American ancestor and still maintain an identity as white. If Warren had a black ancestor, that fact would threaten her white identity.

The dominant framework for Native American identity, Tallbear said, operates on the level of citizenship: Cherokees know they are Cherokee because of a complex history of legal treaties, and because they can document a connection to tribes whose members were identified and listed in official rolls. Were those rolls, which date back to the 1800s and were largely dictated by federal agents, flawed? Certainly. "You have to imagine, you're literally lining up all the Native Americans in a tribe and inevitably it's 'Your dad's white, your mom's Indian, let's make a decision,' " Tallbear said. "Federal agents were also using non-tribal ideas about belonging. But those base rolls are what we have inherited, and that's what we use."

... The incessant, one-drop-rule focus on Warren's blond hair and blue eyes betrays how little her fiercest critics and the entire mainstream media understand about what Native American identity is, where it came from and what it looks like.

By little, I mean not at all: If Native American identity operates likes that of any other nation-state, then you can be Cherokee and look just like Warren. The same way that legendary soccer player Pelé and legendary supermodel Gisele Bündchen can both be Brazilian.

"Elizabeth Warren doesn't not look Cherokee by Cherokee Nation standards at all," Tallbear said. "Going back eight, nine, 10 generations, there are Cherokee that look Asian, Cherokee that look black and Cherokee that look white." <<

(emphasis added to the pertinent)
So what she's talking about in the first part is citizenship in the Cherokee Nation. That's a different concept from ethnicity -- which is what being "1/32nd" (or whatever proportion) Cherokee means. It doesn't refer to citizenship.

Nope when she claimed Minority status on that document she was claiming to be Cherokee or Delaware...she cannot make that claim because:

1. She cannot not meet either Cherokee or Deleware Tribe requirements for Cherokee or Delaware citizenship
2. She cannot even provide any documents that relate her to a native American.

Government Agencies require documentation proving 25 percent minority heritage, she has no documentation.
She was a well versed Professor of Law as it relates to business, one would have a hard time convincing me she didn't know that.

She is at the very least a poser...

What "document" is that?

Any...she doesn't have any...

Once again:
"She claimed minority status on the document" ---- I made it real big for ya... what "document" are we talkin'?

Women are not a statistical minority, as in most societies -- they are roughly equal in number to men -- but they do qualify as a minority group because they tend to have less power and fewer privileges than men.

Or......Let me google that for you
They actually have more power and more privileges
Same avenue the Left used against Ross Perot and Ron Paul is used by them on Bernie Sanders and I guess her.

Just say they are crazy and public will follow.......the very same public that has voted us into our current situation that is.

Yeah, and libs have never done that, have they? For instance, the never attacked Sarah Palin using such techniques. Nah, they wouldn't do anything so sleazy or despicable.
Liz Warren will make a great candidate and if the best Republicans can do is post squaw pictures she should win easily

^I mean, look at that OP............It looks like a 12 year old made it. I'll try to quote without pictures.

"She is so stupid! She is a big dumby stupid face that doesn't know a thing! She is clearly a liar and stupid! She can't even post factual pictures about candidates on forum posts in attempts to slam someone just because they are big stupid dumb people."

Did that sum up every GOP argument this last few years, or just this post? The GOP deserves better.

The most significant argument I've heard is that her grandma says they have Indian ancestors and the Right is saying, "She's bat shit crazy! She can't prove that!"............

Not too brainy. Who cares if she has Indian ancestors..I'll bet a lot more of us do than we think. Doesn't matter in politics.

I care if she claims something she isn't...you may not that's your business...the GOP? could care less I'll make my own judgement...

Again -- and this is still where we started -- how do you know she "isn't"?
You can try to snowball this question all you like but it ain't going away.

"How do we know she isn't" is a question of exactly the same kind as "how do we know bigfoot doesn't exist. We don't have to prove she isn't Cherokee. She claimed she is, so it's incumbent on her to prove it when she's running for National Office. Otherwise she's a fraud.

Of course, Dims like you have proven time and time again that you have no problem electing frauds.
Liz Warren will make a great candidate and if the best Republicans can do is post squaw pictures she should win easily

^I mean, look at that OP............It looks like a 12 year old made it. I'll try to quote without pictures.

"She is so stupid! She is a big dumby stupid face that doesn't know a thing! She is clearly a liar and stupid! She can't even post factual pictures about candidates on forum posts in attempts to slam someone just because they are big stupid dumb people."

Did that sum up every GOP argument this last few years, or just this post? The GOP deserves better.

The most significant argument I've heard is that her grandma says they have Indian ancestors and the Right is saying, "She's bat shit crazy! She can't prove that!"............

Not too brainy. Who cares if she has Indian ancestors..I'll bet a lot more of us do than we think. Doesn't matter in politics.

I care if she claims something she isn't...you may not that's your business...the GOP? could care less I'll make my own judgement...

Again -- and this is still where we started -- how do you know she "isn't"?
You can try to snowball this question all you like but it ain't going away.

Because she can't prove it..There are standards for her proving her claim...she can't meet any of them...

"Standards" huh? What standards are these? "Can't prove it" is irrelevant; the burden of proof is on you people who claim she's "lying". To establish that you have to prove the negative.

I'm Black Irish. Do I have that on a piece of paper? No I don't; it's family folklore. Does that make me a "liar" then?

I'm still waiting for this "document" -- gonna ignore that too?

No it isn't. The burden of proof is on her because she made the claim. I don't have to prove bigfoot doesn't exist, and I don't have to prove that Fauxahontas isn't a Cherokee Indian. I never made any claims about her heritage. She, on the other hand, has made claims on official documents that she is of a certain Heritage.
Liz Warren will make a great candidate and if the best Republicans can do is post squaw pictures she should win easily

^I mean, look at that OP............It looks like a 12 year old made it. I'll try to quote without pictures.

"She is so stupid! She is a big dumby stupid face that doesn't know a thing! She is clearly a liar and stupid! She can't even post factual pictures about candidates on forum posts in attempts to slam someone just because they are big stupid dumb people."

Did that sum up every GOP argument this last few years, or just this post? The GOP deserves better.

The most significant argument I've heard is that her grandma says they have Indian ancestors and the Right is saying, "She's bat shit crazy! She can't prove that!"............

Not too brainy. Who cares if she has Indian ancestors..I'll bet a lot more of us do than we think. Doesn't matter in politics.

I care if she claims something she isn't...you may not that's your business...the GOP? could care less I'll make my own judgement...

Again -- and this is still where we started -- how do you know she "isn't"?
You can try to snowball this question all you like but it ain't going away.

"How do we know she isn't" is a question of exactly the same kind as "how do we know bigfoot doesn't exist. We don't have to prove she isn't Cherokee. She claimed she is, so it's incumbent on her to prove it when she's running for National Office. Otherwise she's a fraud.

Of course, Dims like you have proven time and time again that you have no problem electing frauds.

Wrongo, Finger boy.

"She lied" is a direct claim. That's where the burden of proof is -- to prove there's a lie. "How do you know she isn't" is therefore the exact question losers like you have to grapple with. If you can't answer that, the assertion fails.

^I mean, look at that OP............It looks like a 12 year old made it. I'll try to quote without pictures.

"She is so stupid! She is a big dumby stupid face that doesn't know a thing! She is clearly a liar and stupid! She can't even post factual pictures about candidates on forum posts in attempts to slam someone just because they are big stupid dumb people."

Did that sum up every GOP argument this last few years, or just this post? The GOP deserves better.

The most significant argument I've heard is that her grandma says they have Indian ancestors and the Right is saying, "She's bat shit crazy! She can't prove that!"............

Not too brainy. Who cares if she has Indian ancestors..I'll bet a lot more of us do than we think. Doesn't matter in politics.

I care if she claims something she isn't...you may not that's your business...the GOP? could care less I'll make my own judgement...

Again -- and this is still where we started -- how do you know she "isn't"?
You can try to snowball this question all you like but it ain't going away.

Because she can't prove it..There are standards for her proving her claim...she can't meet any of them...

"Standards" huh? What standards are these? "Can't prove it" is irrelevant; the burden of proof is on you people who claim she's "lying". To establish that you have to prove the negative.

I'm Black Irish. Do I have that on a piece of paper? No I don't; it's family folklore. Does that make me a "liar" then?

I'm still waiting for this "document" -- gonna ignore that too?

No it isn't. The burden of proof is on her because she made the claim. I don't have to prove bigfoot doesn't exist, and I don't have to prove that Fauxahontas isn't a Cherokee Indian. I never made any claims about her heritage. She, on the other hand, has made claims on official documents that she is of a certain Heritage.

Oh yes it is.
Who the fuck are you to tell some person you've never met what her ethnicity isn't?
Liz Warren will make a great candidate and if the best Republicans can do is post squaw pictures she should win easily

^I mean, look at that OP............It looks like a 12 year old made it. I'll try to quote without pictures.

"She is so stupid! She is a big dumby stupid face that doesn't know a thing! She is clearly a liar and stupid! She can't even post factual pictures about candidates on forum posts in attempts to slam someone just because they are big stupid dumb people."

Did that sum up every GOP argument this last few years, or just this post? The GOP deserves better.

The most significant argument I've heard is that her grandma says they have Indian ancestors and the Right is saying, "She's bat shit crazy! She can't prove that!"............

Not too brainy. Who cares if she has Indian ancestors..I'll bet a lot more of us do than we think. Doesn't matter in politics.

I care if she claims something she isn't...you may not that's your business...the GOP? could care less I'll make my own judgement...

Again -- and this is still where we started -- how do you know she "isn't"?
You can try to snowball this question all you like but it ain't going away.

"How do we know she isn't" is a question of exactly the same kind as "how do we know bigfoot doesn't exist. We don't have to prove she isn't Cherokee. She claimed she is, so it's incumbent on her to prove it when she's running for National Office. Otherwise she's a fraud.

Of course, Dims like you have proven time and time again that you have no problem electing frauds.

Wrongo, Finger boy.

"She lied" is a direct claim. That's where the burden of proof is -- to prove there's a lie. "How do you know she isn't" is therefore the exact question losers like you have to grapple with. If you can't answer that, the assertion fails.


She made a claim that she knew she couldn't document. I'm part Cherokee Indian is a direct claim. She made it. Failing to produce the documentation when asked to produce it is sufficient evidence to support the position that she's a liar.
I care if she claims something she isn't...you may not that's your business...the GOP? could care less I'll make my own judgement...

Again -- and this is still where we started -- how do you know she "isn't"?
You can try to snowball this question all you like but it ain't going away.

Because she can't prove it..There are standards for her proving her claim...she can't meet any of them...

"Standards" huh? What standards are these? "Can't prove it" is irrelevant; the burden of proof is on you people who claim she's "lying". To establish that you have to prove the negative.

I'm Black Irish. Do I have that on a piece of paper? No I don't; it's family folklore. Does that make me a "liar" then?

I'm still waiting for this "document" -- gonna ignore that too?

No it isn't. The burden of proof is on her because she made the claim. I don't have to prove bigfoot doesn't exist, and I don't have to prove that Fauxahontas isn't a Cherokee Indian. I never made any claims about her heritage. She, on the other hand, has made claims on official documents that she is of a certain Heritage.

Oh yes it is.
Who the fuck are you to tell some person you've never met what her ethnicity isn't?

She was running for the United States Senate, moron. The voters are entitled to know if she is accurately representing herself. She wasn't.
An awful lot of people in OK have Cherokee heritage...Lots.
And she isnt one of them. In fact, her ancestors helped kill Cherokees.
The issue is important only because it casts light on her character, which is that of a connving liar who will do or say anything to get what she wants. Of course to libs that's a qualification, not a bar.
An awful lot of people in OK have Cherokee heritage...Lots.

The ones that do can prove it. Fauxahontas can't.

Because you say so? Who the fuck are you?
Again for the 827th time, it's not her job to "prove" it -- it's yours to prove the negative.

Btw that evidence was already linked anyway. Document from 1894. :muahaha:
Wrong. It is her job to prove it. She was a candidate for U.S. Senate, and she was painting herself as a native American when she didn't have a shred of evidence to support such a claim. She was trading on a bogus ethnic heritage, but she is a fraud.

Just give this up while you're behind.

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