Elizabeth Warren? Seriously?

I know, I'd say he has that backwards, although I must admit those big banks are bastards too.
I'm no fan of bankers, or big corporations that step on the little guy. But the libs can't understand that the better the economy is the more options people have and the wealth gets "distributed" more evenly as they do better. They want to double down on the wrong direction.
I know, I'd say he has that backwards, although I must admit those big banks are bastards too.
I'm no fan of bankers, or big corporations that step on the little guy. But the libs can't understand that the better the economy is the more options people have and the wealth gets "distributed" more evenly as they do better. They want to double down on the wrong direction.

There are many thing the Libtards don't understand like using the government to take away money away from the people that earn it and giving it to the welfare shitheads is a bad thing for the economy.

By the way, if you don't like banks don't use one and if you don't like corporations don't buy anything they make or any of their services.
By the way, if you don't like banks don't use one and if you don't like corporations don't buy anything they make or any of their services.
I use a credit union for local accounts but credit card companies are hard to get away from. I also need gasoline, automobiles, tools, utilities, food and a host of other things. I could live in a tent in the woods but prefer not to.
The USA, you dumb fuck

Name a country without roads and bridges, you dumb fuck
They were built before you ever entered the workforce you twit. You're welcome.
And only rich people use them, right? That's why Warren wants to make them pay more taxes.

"You didn't build that" applies to everyone, not just rich people. EVERYONE uses roads and bridges, so EVERYONE should be paying more for them, not just rich people.
Wouldn't you agree that rich people benefit most from the society that everyone has created?

Society and government are two separate things. Why is government entitled to anything because of benefits that society provides?
OK, we've parsed this one before but I'll repeat it.
According to the Lib Doctrine: no one got wealthy on their own. Society made them wealthy. Therefore their money isnt really theirs. It belongs to society. They just happened to be i the right place at the right time. Like winning the lottery.
So government really has a duty to take as much of that wealth as voters want and redistribute it to the people, whose money it is anyway.
Seriously, they actually believe this.
The combination of the hard work and talents of the rich person with the infrastructure and interactions of society created that wealth. Are you going to tell me that a guy alone on an island could ever become rich?

Your argument is typical of the right wing mind. Boil any issue down to a overly simplistic, black-and-white dichotomy and then run with it.
They were built before you ever entered the workforce you twit. You're welcome.
And only rich people use them, right? That's why Warren wants to make them pay more taxes.

"You didn't build that" applies to everyone, not just rich people. EVERYONE uses roads and bridges, so EVERYONE should be paying more for them, not just rich people.
Wouldn't you agree that rich people benefit most from the society that everyone has created?

Society and government are two separate things. Why is government entitled to anything because of benefits that society provides?
OK, we've parsed this one before but I'll repeat it.
According to the Lib Doctrine: no one got wealthy on their own. Society made them wealthy. Therefore their money isnt really theirs. It belongs to society. They just happened to be i the right place at the right time. Like winning the lottery.
So government really has a duty to take as much of that wealth as voters want and redistribute it to the people, whose money it is anyway.
Seriously, they actually believe this.

I know all that, but I wanted some lame-assed liberal to respond with some pathetic attempt to justify government looting the earnings of the productive members of society so I could tear him apart.
I seem to have to give you a civics lesson in every thread you participate in.
Wouldn't you agree that rich people benefit most from the society that everyone has created?

Society and government are two separate things. Why is government entitled to anything because of benefits that society provides?
OK, we've parsed this one before but I'll repeat it.
According to the Lib Doctrine: no one got wealthy on their own. Society made them wealthy. Therefore their money isnt really theirs. It belongs to society. They just happened to be i the right place at the right time. Like winning the lottery.
So government really has a duty to take as much of that wealth as voters want and redistribute it to the people, whose money it is anyway.
Seriously, they actually believe this.

I know all that, but I wanted some lame-assed liberal to respond with some pathetic attempt to justify government looting the earnings of the productive members of society so I could tear him apart.

Our richest taxpayers have the lowest effective tax rate in history
That is why they fear Elizabeth Warren. She stirs up the masses

They pay the vast bulk of taxes. Furthermore, your desire to loot them couldn't be more obvious. Why else would you attempt to villify them with every other sentence?
They own the vast bulk of the wealth. Why the hell do you think they also pay the vast bulk of the taxes.
They were built before you ever entered the workforce you twit. You're welcome.
And only rich people use them, right? That's why Warren wants to make them pay more taxes.

"You didn't build that" applies to everyone, not just rich people. EVERYONE uses roads and bridges, so EVERYONE should be paying more for them, not just rich people.
Wouldn't you agree that rich people benefit most from the society that everyone has created?

Society and government are two separate things. Why is government entitled to anything because of benefits that society provides?
OK, we've parsed this one before but I'll repeat it.
According to the Lib Doctrine: no one got wealthy on their own. Society made them wealthy. Therefore their money isnt really theirs. It belongs to society. They just happened to be i the right place at the right time. Like winning the lottery.
So government really has a duty to take as much of that wealth as voters want and redistribute it to the people, whose money it is anyway.
Seriously, they actually believe this.
The combination of the hard work and talents of the rich person with the infrastructure and interactions of society created that wealth. Are you going to tell me that a guy alone on an island could ever become rich?

Your argument is typical of the right wing mind. Boil any issue down to a overly simplistic, black-and-white dichotomy and then run with it.
True. But the entrepreneur is the catalyst for wealth to happen. Everybody has access to roads and schools etc. Not everyone creates businesses employing people.
Entrepreneurs earning high incomes probably need to be exempt from taxes so we can encourage more of them creating jobs and growing the economy.
I know all that, but I wanted some lame-assed liberal to respond with some pathetic attempt to justify government looting the earnings of the productive members of society so I could tear him apart.

Our richest taxpayers have the lowest effective tax rate in history
That is why they fear Elizabeth Warren. She stirs up the masses
What's the tax rate for the bottom 40% of earners?
Oh, yeah.
What should it be on the portion of the population that has 4 tenths of a percent of our nations wealth?

The same rate as everyone else pays. Whatever happened to the liberal idea that everyone should "have some skin in the game?"

Why do you desire to loot money from that part of the population that only has 2 tenths of percent of our national wealth?

Why not go after those with 34.6% of the wealth?

You prove your stupidity by not recognizing the difference between wealth and income.
But anywya, what do you think is a fair rate of taxation for the bottom 40% of wage earners?
Link - post #436. So . . . is she dishonest? Or just a dummy? :D

^ LOL!

Based on reactions like this, I
But . . . she's 1/32 percent Cherokee, you know! She's suffered tremendously. The poor dear. :(

So is that the message Fox News is painting for you?

You do understand Indians are the very least bitter about their oppression compared to other major oppressed classes.......

Indian oppression is basically gone, as you have acknowledged. Yet you think she stated this to get leverage.....

News flash! She isn't really even 1/32 Cherokee. None of grammy's stories could be confirmed. :(

Actually it was already linked earlier. But you go on and continue to bravely run away since you can't back anything up.

Nobody has to prove anything. She claimed that she was a native American in order to get some perks. Come to find out, she's just another lying POS who will lie and say anything for her own benefit.

Liz Warren never received any "perks" from relaying that she was part native American

She got preferential hiring at Harvard because of it. That was the whole issue.
By the way, if you don't like banks don't use one and if you don't like corporations don't buy anything they make or any of their services.
I use a credit union for local accounts but credit card companies are hard to get away from. I also need gasoline, automobiles, tools, utilities, food and a host of other things. I could live in a tent in the woods but prefer not to.

Ever hear of a debit card, pre-paid credit cards, etc?
And only rich people use them, right? That's why Warren wants to make them pay more taxes.

"You didn't build that" applies to everyone, not just rich people. EVERYONE uses roads and bridges, so EVERYONE should be paying more for them, not just rich people.
Wouldn't you agree that rich people benefit most from the society that everyone has created?

Society and government are two separate things. Why is government entitled to anything because of benefits that society provides?
OK, we've parsed this one before but I'll repeat it.
According to the Lib Doctrine: no one got wealthy on their own. Society made them wealthy. Therefore their money isnt really theirs. It belongs to society. They just happened to be i the right place at the right time. Like winning the lottery.
So government really has a duty to take as much of that wealth as voters want and redistribute it to the people, whose money it is anyway.
Seriously, they actually believe this.
The combination of the hard work and talents of the rich person with the infrastructure and interactions of society created that wealth. Are you going to tell me that a guy alone on an island could ever become rich?

Your argument is typical of the right wing mind. Boil any issue down to a overly simplistic, black-and-white dichotomy and then run with it.
True. But the entrepreneur is the catalyst for wealth to happen. Everybody has access to roads and schools etc. Not everyone creates businesses employing people.
Entrepreneurs earning high incomes probably need to be exempt from taxes so we can encourage more of them creating jobs and growing the economy.
I generally admire entrepreneurs. My major beef is with the corporate creatures who infiltrate and infest mature organizations and I guess I'll have to include Wall Street scum and banksters.
^ LOL!

Based on reactions like this, I
So is that the message Fox News is painting for you?

You do understand Indians are the very least bitter about their oppression compared to other major oppressed classes.......

Indian oppression is basically gone, as you have acknowledged. Yet you think she stated this to get leverage.....

News flash! She isn't really even 1/32 Cherokee. None of grammy's stories could be confirmed. :(

Actually it was already linked earlier. But you go on and continue to bravely run away since you can't back anything up.

Nobody has to prove anything. She claimed that she was a native American in order to get some perks. Come to find out, she's just another lying POS who will lie and say anything for her own benefit.

Liz Warren never received any "perks" from relaying that she was part native American

She got preferential hiring at Harvard because of it. That was the whole issue.

Bullshit. Scott Brown tried to float that turd and it got flushed. You can't just make this shit up and not get called on it.

But you go ahead and look for a link. Good luck with that, see ya next year when you give up.
So you have no answer, because there isn't any, because it's a myth. Just admit it.

Link - post #436. So . . . is she dishonest? Or just a dummy? :D

^ LOL!

Based on reactions like this, I
But . . . she's 1/32 percent Cherokee, you know! She's suffered tremendously. The poor dear. :(

So is that the message Fox News is painting for you?

You do understand Indians are the very least bitter about their oppression compared to other major oppressed classes.......

Indian oppression is basically gone, as you have acknowledged. Yet you think she stated this to get leverage.....

News flash! She isn't really even 1/32 Cherokee. None of grammy's stories could be confirmed. :(

Actually it was already linked earlier. But you go on and continue to bravely run away since you can't back anything up.

Nobody has to prove anything. She claimed that she was a native American in order to get some perks. Come to find out, she's just another lying POS who will lie and say anything for her own benefit.

--- Link?

Didn't think so.
She got preferential hiring at Harvard because of it. That was the whole issue.

Nope. That is manufactured bullshit, but you believe it because it rhymes with your biases. That's the genius of propaganda.
Conservatives cannot face the economic issues that Warren brings to the table

Best they have is Indian taunts

Man, you people are so stupid. No wonder why our country is in the shape it's in today. Thanks dumbasses, for continuing to vote in liars and losers based upon nothing more than your partisanship.


I know whatcha mean, I hate when assertions are backed up by nothing, don't you?

This is the backup irony meter. The first one blew up at the word "liars".
An awful lot of people in OK have Cherokee heritage...Lots.
And she isnt one of them. In fact, her ancestors helped kill Cherokees.
The issue is important only because it casts light on her character, which is that of a connving liar who will do or say anything to get what she wants.

Then what does your making up the above say about your character?


Not to mention your thinking skills --- still waiting for somebody to essplain how one's "ancestors helped kill Cherokees" somehow means there can't be Cherokee in the same family. Guess that comes out of Special Logic School.
Conservatives cannot face the economic issues that Warren brings to the table

Best they have is Indian taunts

Man, you people are so stupid. No wonder why our country is in the shape it's in today. Thanks dumbasses, for continuing to vote in liars and losers based upon nothing more than your partisanship.


I know whatcha mean, I hate when assertions are backed up by nothing, don't you?

This is the backup irony meter. The first one blew up at the word "liars".

The point is, nobody who is supposedly "intelligent" would have gone about trying to seek special recognition (which is exactly what she was trying to do . . . obviously) as a native American when:

1) These are tall tales told by an old family member. Lol. Anyone who was serious would have done some background work first. You don't just claim special status because of a family tale.
2) She appears to be Caucasian. You cannot tell me that she suffered any kind of discrimination because she is a "native American." THAT is the purpose for things like that, not to be abused and taken advantage of by people such as Elizabeth Warren.
3) The woman may have been taken seriously if she hadn't been dishonest . . . or ridiculous, whichever one it may be.

Unless of course you want to continue to believe that she claimed a special minority status because she wanted to be invited to parties??? :D
Wouldn't you agree that rich people benefit most from the society that everyone has created?

Society and government are two separate things. Why is government entitled to anything because of benefits that society provides?
OK, we've parsed this one before but I'll repeat it.
According to the Lib Doctrine: no one got wealthy on their own. Society made them wealthy. Therefore their money isnt really theirs. It belongs to society. They just happened to be i the right place at the right time. Like winning the lottery.
So government really has a duty to take as much of that wealth as voters want and redistribute it to the people, whose money it is anyway.
Seriously, they actually believe this.
The combination of the hard work and talents of the rich person with the infrastructure and interactions of society created that wealth. Are you going to tell me that a guy alone on an island could ever become rich?

Your argument is typical of the right wing mind. Boil any issue down to a overly simplistic, black-and-white dichotomy and then run with it.
True. But the entrepreneur is the catalyst for wealth to happen. Everybody has access to roads and schools etc. Not everyone creates businesses employing people.
Entrepreneurs earning high incomes probably need to be exempt from taxes so we can encourage more of them creating jobs and growing the economy.
I generally admire entrepreneurs. My major beef is with the corporate creatures who infiltrate and infest mature organizations and I guess I'll have to include Wall Street scum and banksters.
Because you hate successful people.
We get it.

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