Elizabeth Warren? Seriously?

By the way, if you don't like banks don't use one and if you don't like corporations don't buy anything they make or any of their services.
I use a credit union for local accounts but credit card companies are hard to get away from. I also need gasoline, automobiles, tools, utilities, food and a host of other things. I could live in a tent in the woods but prefer not to.

If you finance the corporations and banks by doing business with them then don't bitch about them because they are providing you a service you need or want.

Without them we all would be pretty much living a Medieval existence.
Conservatives cannot face the economic issues that Warren brings to the table

Best they have is Indian taunts

Man, you people are so stupid. No wonder why our country is in the shape it's in today. Thanks dumbasses, for continuing to vote in liars and losers based upon nothing more than your partisanship.


I know whatcha mean, I hate when assertions are backed up by nothing, don't you?

This is the backup irony meter. The first one blew up at the word "liars".

The point is, nobody who is supposedly "intelligent" would have gone about trying to seek special recognition (which is exactly what she was trying to do . . . obviously) as a native American when:

1) These are tall tales told by an old family member. Lol. Anyone who was serious would have done some background work first. You don't just claim special status because of a family tale.

Nobody "claimed special status" except your strawman. And we did this source thing last night, to which you had no answer, so I guess we're just doomed to do it over and over until it sinks in -- when your grammy told you family stories, did you immediately pop up, jump in the car and drive to the National Archives to find documentation?

I didn't either. Doesn't make either one of us "liars'.

[2) She appears to be Caucasian. You cannot tell me that she suffered any kind of discrimination because she is a "native American." THAT is the purpose for things like that, not to be abused and taken advantage of by people such as Elizabeth Warren.

Again, your strawman. Nobody claimed to have "suffered discrimination" in the first place; you made it up and then went "oh, look what I found". Your logic runs like a 1978 Yugo. More to the point, it's blatantly dishonest.

[3) The woman may have been taken seriously if she hadn't been dishonest . . . or ridiculous, whichever one it may be.

Actually your posts might have been taken seriously if you hadn't gone this route.
Now you're stuck with it. :itsok:

[Unless of course you want to continue to believe that she claimed a special minority status because she wanted to be invited to parties??? :D

Actually the phrase "she appears to be Caucasian" is gold enough. That might be my next sigline...

She got preferential hiring at Harvard because of it. That was the whole issue.

Nope. That is manufactured bullshit, but you believe it because it rhymes with your biases. That's the genius of propaganda.
Yeah that's wrong.
Elizabeth Warren Acknowledges Listing Herself As Native American To Harvard Penn

No, your claim was wrong. Let's roll it again, even though it's sitting just two quotes above:

She got preferential hiring at Harvard because of it. That was the whole issue.

-- which is still horseshit. Saying it over and over doesn't make the smell go away.

Let's look at your own link here:

>> Elizabeth Warren said late Wednesday that she had listed herself as Native American at Harvard University and the University of Pennsylvania.

"At some point after I was hired by them, I … provided that information to the University of Pennsylvania and Harvard," she said in a statement to the Boston Globe, acknowledging the designation for the first time. "My Native American heritage is part of who I am, I’m proud of it and I have been open about it." <<​

Diga me hombre -- how do you get preferentially hired on the basis of something you didn't even mention until after you were hired? Do you just not get linear time?

What is it with you partisan hacks that you read right past this shit and find yourselves painted into the proverbial corner?

Your own link dood.

Then there's this, from a sublink within that link, and which has been noted before here:

>>The Warren campaign today pointed to a previous statement from Stephen Burbank, a professor and former dean at Penn Law School who helped recruit her to the faculty there.

“Her appointment was based on the excellence of her scholarship and teaching. I do not know whether members of the faculty were even aware of her ancestry, but I am confident that it played no role whatsoever in her appointment,” Burbank said in a statement last week.

... Meanwhile, the Globe has also obtained a portion of Warren’s 1973 application to Rutgers, where she attended law school. That document specifically asks: “Are you interested in applying for admission under the Program for Minority Group Students?” Warren answered “no.”

In addition, a newly unearthed University of Texas personnel document shows that Warren listed herself as “white” when she taught at the law school there from 1981 to 1991. <<

Again -- your own link.

Now you go right ahead and continue yammering the same old shit after it's been debunked. It's working out SO well.
Last edited:
Conservatives cannot face the economic issues that Warren brings to the table

Best they have is Indian taunts

Man, you people are so stupid. No wonder why our country is in the shape it's in today. Thanks dumbasses, for continuing to vote in liars and losers based upon nothing more than your partisanship.


I know whatcha mean, I hate when assertions are backed up by nothing, don't you?

This is the backup irony meter. The first one blew up at the word "liars".

The point is, nobody who is supposedly "intelligent" would have gone about trying to seek special recognition (which is exactly what she was trying to do . . . obviously) as a native American when:

1) These are tall tales told by an old family member. Lol. Anyone who was serious would have done some background work first. You don't just claim special status because of a family tale.

Nobody "claimed special status" except your strawman. And we did this source thing last night, to which you had no answer, so I guess we're just doomed to do it over and over until it sinks in -- when your grammy told you family stories, did you immediately pop up, jump in the car and drive to the National Archives to find documentation?

I didn't either. Doesn't make either one of us "liars'.

[2) She appears to be Caucasian. You cannot tell me that she suffered any kind of discrimination because she is a "native American." THAT is the purpose for things like that, not to be abused and taken advantage of by people such as Elizabeth Warren.

Again, your strawman. Nobody claimed to have "suffered discrimination" in the first place; you made it up and then went "oh, look what I found". Your logic runs like a 1978 Yugo. More to the point, it's blatantly dishonest.

[3) The woman may have been taken seriously if she hadn't been dishonest . . . or ridiculous, whichever one it may be.

Actually your posts might have been taken seriously if you hadn't gone this route.
Now you're stuck with it. :itsok:

[Unless of course you want to continue to believe that she claimed a special minority status because she wanted to be invited to parties??? :D

Actually the phrase "she appears to be Caucasian" is gold enough. That might be my next sigline...


I posted you a link. Didn't you look at it? Want me to post it again? She does look Caucasian. She has white skin, blonde hair and blue eyes. Duh. Lol. Therefore, the chances of her facing any kind of discrimination due to her ethnicity is bogus.

She is ridiculous. There is just no getting around that, is there? Lol. :D
By the way, if you don't like banks don't use one and if you don't like corporations don't buy anything they make or any of their services.
I use a credit union for local accounts but credit card companies are hard to get away from. I also need gasoline, automobiles, tools, utilities, food and a host of other things. I could live in a tent in the woods but prefer not to.

If you finance the corporations and banks by doing business with them then don't bitch about them because they are providing you a service you need or want.

Without them we all would be pretty much living a Medieval existence.
False dichotomy.

The financial services sector is using an abusive, suborning, fraudulent business model. These criminal banks should have been dismantled and better business models should have been allowed into the marketplace.

Don't be such a suckup to corruption.
By the way, if you don't like banks don't use one and if you don't like corporations don't buy anything they make or any of their services.
I use a credit union for local accounts but credit card companies are hard to get away from. I also need gasoline, automobiles, tools, utilities, food and a host of other things. I could live in a tent in the woods but prefer not to.

If you finance the corporations and banks by doing business with them then don't bitch about them because they are providing you a service you need or want.

Without them we all would be pretty much living a Medieval existence.
False dichotomy.

The financial services sector is using an abusive, suborning, fraudulent business model. These criminal banks should have been dismantled and better business models should have been allowed into the marketplace.

Don't be such a suckup to corruption.
Bunch of unsubstantiated bullshit noted.
False dichotomy.

The financial services sector is using an abusive, suborning, fraudulent business model. These criminal banks should have been dismantled and better business models should have been allowed into the marketplace.

Don't be such a suckup to corruption.

Then vote with your feet and stop using banking services. Show me your convictions.

I use a bank because they provide me with services I desire.

If you don't like government protection of the banks like in bailouts then also do like me and don't vote for anybody that would bail them out if they got in trouble, like Obama or Bush.
By the way, if you don't like banks don't use one and if you don't like corporations don't buy anything they make or any of their services.
I use a credit union for local accounts but credit card companies are hard to get away from. I also need gasoline, automobiles, tools, utilities, food and a host of other things. I could live in a tent in the woods but prefer not to.

If you finance the corporations and banks by doing business with them then don't bitch about them because they are providing you a service you need or want.

Without them we all would be pretty much living a Medieval existence.
False dichotomy.

The financial services sector is using an abusive, suborning, fraudulent business model. These criminal banks should have been dismantled and better business models should have been allowed into the marketplace.

Don't be such a suckup to corruption.
Bunch of unsubstantiated bullshit noted.
I take it you don't read normal news, and just stick to your hack propaganda sources.
Seems we can

Let's see....Kennedy? assassinated. Johnson? run out of office by RFK. RFK? assassinated. Clinton? impeached. Soetoro? about to be impeached....yep, seems you sure can. :deal:
So, you rejoice in the assassinations of public figures? Yepp, yer a nutter.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
How ironic is the topic title? "Seriously?" Her opponents can't launch a serious argument against her.


That's because she has no record to talk about. Just another inexperienced possible candidate running on social issues. Foreign affairs???? :lol: She hasn't even been overseas.


More than a year and a half into her Senate term, the Massachusetts senator is one of just four current US senators who have not taken an official overseas trip.

Warren rarely talks about foreign policy and has built her political resume almost exclusively on domestic issues, specifically concerns for the financial well-being of the American middle class.

A Warren aide said the freshman senator is-------http://Elizabeth Warren has a skimpy resume on foreign policy but plans Israel trip after mid-terms - Nation - The Boston Globe
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As usual, the rubes have no substantive material with which to attack their opponent. Due to their intellectual bandwidth being limited to that of a bumper sticker, they can only regurgitate pictures and funny names for their target.

That tactic worked so well to defeat Barack HUSSEIN Soeteoreoreo Obamao, the Kenyan Muslim soshulist.

Oh, wait...

Well, you gotta admit, he will never get elected president again. In fact, his political career is probably over.

Elizabeth Warren for President.

Warren is not running. Clinton/Sanchez or Clinton/Castro will win with 57%. Bookmark it. :D

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Daniel Sparks and Tom Montag: Goldman Sachs. Constructed the fraudulent Timberwolf billion dollar toxic mortgage security and sold it to investors (you), then profited by betting against it. Deliberately stuffed the security with mortgages they knew were toxic so they could bet on its failure while also profiting from its sale it to investors.

Goldman Sued Again

Brian H. Stoker: Citigroup. Constructed the fraudulent Class V Funding III CDO-squared which ripped off investors (you) for over $700 million.

He stole $700 million and paid a fine of $285 million. Is this a disincentive to steal?!?!


Fabrice Tourre: Goldman Sachs. John Paulson: Paulson & Co. Inc . Constructed the fraudulent Abacus 2007-ac1 CDO for which Goldman Sachs was fined but no one went to prison. Tourre allowed hedge fund manager John Paulson to select the toxic mortgages to be placed in the CDO so Goldman Sachs and Paulson could bet against it.


Angelo Mozilo: Countrywide CEO. Committed the exact same kind of crime as the Enron CEO and financial officers did, and yet he walks free. Mozillo kept telling investors that Countrywide was "consistently producing quality mortgages" while his internal memos show that he was well aware his company was creating the most toxic mortgages on the planet. The SEC originally demanded a jury trial for Mozillo, but he ultimately walked away with a fine and no admission of wrongdoing.


Richard Harriton: Bear Stearns. Along with 13 executives and brokers, defrauded investors of $75 million through stock manipulation.

Bear Stearns paid the SEC a fine of $38.5 million, half of the amount they stole from their investors!

Bear Stearns in $38M settlement - Aug. 5, 1999

Roland Arnall: Ameriquest. Inventor of the "stated asset" (NINJA) loan.

Paid a $325 million settlement with 49 state AGs in early 2006 for misrepresenting and failing to disclose loan terms, charging excessive loan origination fees and inflating appraisals to qualify borrowers for loans.

March 2006, installed as US ambassador to the Netherlands!

How a Gang of Predatory Lenders and Wall Street Bankers Fleeced America -- and Spawned a Global Crisis | John Mauldin | Safehaven.com

Roland Arnall - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Check out that last one. Remember Nannygate? Someone hired a nanny ten years previously who was an illegal immigrant and couldn't get their presidential appointment confirmed by Congress.

But this sleazebag from Ameriquest gets nominated and confirmed as a US Ambassador right after being caught as one of the biggest criminals on Wall Street!

If that does not tell you that our federal government is aiding and abetting these fuckers, nothing will.

You can't make this shit up.

This guy had his brokers forge borrowers' signatures on subprime loans.

Don't believe me? Read this: How a Gang of Predatory Lenders and Wall Street Bankers Fleeced America -- and Spawned a Global Crisis | John Mauldin | Safehaven.com

Read every word of that.

Every one of these bastards is walking free.

If a criminal came into your house and took your stuff, and then he was caught by the police and paid a small fine and got to keep your stuff, would you not be pissed off as hell?

That is what is going on.

Add the LIBOR scandal. Or the ISDAfix being fixed. Or metals pricing being manipulated by Goldman Sachs.

There's enough going on on Wall Street to keep the GOP very, very busy with hearings for years to come.

And yet they are dead silent. Too busy manufacturing bullshit about Benghazi to do something about the the very DNA of our capitalist system being destroyed from within.

How ironic is the topic title? "Seriously?" Her opponents can't launch a serious argument against her.


Apparently it is a given the Dem nominee will be a woman.

I honestly can't see Dems getting excited over Hillary, but, I could see Warren catching on.

There are serious arguments to make against both, and for each.
Warren is too far left to be accepted by America as a whole. She will serve as a foil, though, to make Hillary run more to the left during the primaries.

Hillary is still number one.

"WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES THE TRUTH MAKE" The Last thing Bubba's wife said as a viable candidate for President of the US.

Warren is Plan B in case Hillary falls on her face or goes dead broke again.

Warren is a certifiable NUT and an inveterate liar. Oh... I apologize, that was racially insensitive. Allow me to rephrase: "Squaw got heap big trouble in brain. No good for big chief."
Only, that quote is incorrect. You just lied.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Society and government are two separate things. Why is government entitled to anything because of benefits that society provides?
OK, we've parsed this one before but I'll repeat it.
According to the Lib Doctrine: no one got wealthy on their own. Society made them wealthy. Therefore their money isnt really theirs. It belongs to society. They just happened to be i the right place at the right time. Like winning the lottery.
So government really has a duty to take as much of that wealth as voters want and redistribute it to the people, whose money it is anyway.
Seriously, they actually believe this.
The combination of the hard work and talents of the rich person with the infrastructure and interactions of society created that wealth. Are you going to tell me that a guy alone on an island could ever become rich?

Your argument is typical of the right wing mind. Boil any issue down to a overly simplistic, black-and-white dichotomy and then run with it.
True. But the entrepreneur is the catalyst for wealth to happen. Everybody has access to roads and schools etc. Not everyone creates businesses employing people.
Entrepreneurs earning high incomes probably need to be exempt from taxes so we can encourage more of them creating jobs and growing the economy.
I generally admire entrepreneurs. My major beef is with the corporate creatures who infiltrate and infest mature organizations and I guess I'll have to include Wall Street scum and banksters.
Because you hate successful people.
We get it.
Of course I don't, I'm one of them. You don't seem to realize (or at least won't admit) that not every money making scheme is on the up-and-up. Makes me wonder how you've made your living.
As usual, the rubes have no substantive material with which to attack their opponent. Due to their intellectual bandwidth being limited to that of a bumper sticker, they can only regurgitate pictures and funny names for their target.

That tactic worked so well to defeat Barack HUSSEIN Soeteoreoreo Obamao, the Kenyan Muslim soshulist.

Oh, wait...

Spot on. BullPutzUSMC fails again.

Hey B-key....who'd know more about failure than you? :itsok:

Who is B-key?
Sorry your thread is going so badly for you. But I'm sure you can find more cartoons to post.
Vagisil will help him with those cartoons, surely. ..

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
How ironic is the topic title? "Seriously?" Her opponents can't launch a serious argument against her.


Apparently it is a given the Dem nominee will be a woman.

I honestly can't see Dems getting excited over Hillary, but, I could see Warren catching on.

There are serious arguments to make against both, and for each.
Warren is too far left to be accepted by America as a whole. She will serve as a foil, though, to make Hillary run more to the left during the primaries.

Hillary is still number one. Warren is Plan B in case Hillary falls on her face or goes dead broke again.
Warren is going to push Hillary off the left side of the cliff.

She already has her blathering about "leaving the White House broke" and how "corporations don't create jobs".

Hillary is no Bill, she is not all that damned smart, and can't take heat, especially friendly fire from the Left.
You must not have heard Hillary speak very often. She is an extremely adept politician.

The "dead broke" and "corporations don't create jobs" were micro-parsed out of a mountain of public speaking engagements. There are hack pundits out there who spend all day sifting the bejeesus out of everything that comes out of their opponents' mouths just so they can exaggerate and blow a turn of phrase way out of proportion for their rube subscribers and parrots.

I guarantee you those who giggle and guffaw over "squaw" Warren and "what difference does it make" are about as clueless about Warren and Clinton as it gets. They don't know shit about them or their capabilities. That same shortcoming is what led to Obama's success.

Obama has the unprecedented good fortune of being opposed by people even more incompetent and stupid than he is, and I have not yet seen that trend reversed. This topic is proof positive it hasn't.

"micro parsed"? :lol: Ask Vince Foster's widow how micro parsed that psychotic pig is.
Interesting. You accuse someone of murder?

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Daniel Sparks and Tom Montag: Goldman Sachs. Constructed the fraudulent Timberwolf billion dollar toxic mortgage security and sold it to investors (you), then profited by betting against it. Deliberately stuffed the security with mortgages they knew were toxic so they could bet on its failure while also profiting from its sale it to investors.

Goldman Sued Again

Brian H. Stoker: Citigroup. Constructed the fraudulent Class V Funding III CDO-squared which ripped off investors (you) for over $700 million.

He stole $700 million and paid a fine of $285 million. Is this a disincentive to steal?!?!


Fabrice Tourre: Goldman Sachs. John Paulson: Paulson & Co. Inc . Constructed the fraudulent Abacus 2007-ac1 CDO for which Goldman Sachs was fined but no one went to prison. Tourre allowed hedge fund manager John Paulson to select the toxic mortgages to be placed in the CDO so Goldman Sachs and Paulson could bet against it.


Angelo Mozilo: Countrywide CEO. Committed the exact same kind of crime as the Enron CEO and financial officers did, and yet he walks free. Mozillo kept telling investors that Countrywide was "consistently producing quality mortgages" while his internal memos show that he was well aware his company was creating the most toxic mortgages on the planet. The SEC originally demanded a jury trial for Mozillo, but he ultimately walked away with a fine and no admission of wrongdoing.


Richard Harriton: Bear Stearns. Along with 13 executives and brokers, defrauded investors of $75 million through stock manipulation.

Bear Stearns paid the SEC a fine of $38.5 million, half of the amount they stole from their investors!

Bear Stearns in $38M settlement - Aug. 5, 1999

Roland Arnall: Ameriquest. Inventor of the "stated asset" (NINJA) loan.

Paid a $325 million settlement with 49 state AGs in early 2006 for misrepresenting and failing to disclose loan terms, charging excessive loan origination fees and inflating appraisals to qualify borrowers for loans.

March 2006, installed as US ambassador to the Netherlands!

How a Gang of Predatory Lenders and Wall Street Bankers Fleeced America -- and Spawned a Global Crisis | John Mauldin | Safehaven.com

Roland Arnall - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Check out that last one. Remember Nannygate? Someone hired a nanny ten years previously who was an illegal immigrant and couldn't get their presidential appointment confirmed by Congress.

But this sleazebag from Ameriquest gets nominated and confirmed as a US Ambassador right after being caught as one of the biggest criminals on Wall Street!

If that does not tell you that our federal government is aiding and abetting these fuckers, nothing will.

You can't make this shit up.

This guy had his brokers forge borrowers' signatures on subprime loans.

Don't believe me? Read this: How a Gang of Predatory Lenders and Wall Street Bankers Fleeced America -- and Spawned a Global Crisis | John Mauldin | Safehaven.com

Read every word of that.

Every one of these bastards is walking free.

If a criminal came into your house and took your stuff, and then he was caught by the police and paid a small fine and got to keep your stuff, would you not be pissed off as hell?

That is what is going on.

Add the LIBOR scandal. Or the ISDAfix being fixed. Or metals pricing being manipulated by Goldman Sachs.

There's enough going on on Wall Street to keep the GOP very, very busy with hearings for years to come.

And yet they are dead silent. Too busy manufacturing bullshit about Benghazi to do something about the the very DNA of our capitalist system being destroyed from within.

I admire your tenacity in trying to educate these people but...

"It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it!" - Upton Sinclair
Apparently it is a given the Dem nominee will be a woman.

I honestly can't see Dems getting excited over Hillary, but, I could see Warren catching on.

There are serious arguments to make against both, and for each.
Warren is too far left to be accepted by America as a whole. She will serve as a foil, though, to make Hillary run more to the left during the primaries.

Hillary is still number one. Warren is Plan B in case Hillary falls on her face or goes dead broke again.
Warren is going to push Hillary off the left side of the cliff.

She already has her blathering about "leaving the White House broke" and how "corporations don't create jobs".

Hillary is no Bill, she is not all that damned smart, and can't take heat, especially friendly fire from the Left.
You must not have heard Hillary speak very often. She is an extremely adept politician.

The "dead broke" and "corporations don't create jobs" were micro-parsed out of a mountain of public speaking engagements. There are hack pundits out there who spend all day sifting the bejeesus out of everything that comes out of their opponents' mouths just so they can exaggerate and blow a turn of phrase way out of proportion for their rube subscribers and parrots.

I guarantee you those who giggle and guffaw over "squaw" Warren and "what difference does it make" are about as clueless about Warren and Clinton as it gets. They don't know shit about them or their capabilities. That same shortcoming is what led to Obama's success.

Obama has the unprecedented good fortune of being opposed by people even more incompetent and stupid than he is, and I have not yet seen that trend reversed. This topic is proof positive it hasn't.

"micro parsed"? :lol: Ask Vince Foster's widow how micro parsed that psychotic pig is.

Hell, the Clinton's kill their FRIENDS.

She will "empathize" with our enemies.
Court case number?

Uhuh. ...

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