Elizabeth Warren? Seriously?

Wouldn't you agree that rich people benefit most from the society that everyone has created?

Society and government are two separate things. Why is government entitled to anything because of benefits that society provides?
OK, we've parsed this one before but I'll repeat it.
According to the Lib Doctrine: no one got wealthy on their own. Society made them wealthy. Therefore their money isnt really theirs. It belongs to society. They just happened to be i the right place at the right time. Like winning the lottery.
So government really has a duty to take as much of that wealth as voters want and redistribute it to the people, whose money it is anyway.
Seriously, they actually believe this.

I know all that, but I wanted some lame-assed liberal to respond with some pathetic attempt to justify government looting the earnings of the productive members of society so I could tear him apart.

Our richest taxpayers have the lowest effective tax rate in history
That is why they fear Elizabeth Warren. She stirs up the masses

They pay the vast bulk of taxes. Furthermore, your desire to loot them couldn't be more obvious. Why else would you attempt to villify them with every other sentence?

They control an overwhelming percent of the wealth and income. How is requiring them to pay at rates they paid before supply side policies looting them?

Isn't requiring a family who struggles to pay for food, shelter and healthcare (47%) more taxes looting them?
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OK, we've parsed this one before but I'll repeat it.
According to the Lib Doctrine: no one got wealthy on their own. Society made them wealthy. Therefore their money isnt really theirs. It belongs to society. They just happened to be i the right place at the right time. Like winning the lottery.
So government really has a duty to take as much of that wealth as voters want and redistribute it to the people, whose money it is anyway.
Seriously, they actually believe this.

I know all that, but I wanted some lame-assed liberal to respond with some pathetic attempt to justify government looting the earnings of the productive members of society so I could tear him apart.

Our richest taxpayers have the lowest effective tax rate in history
That is why they fear Elizabeth Warren. She stirs up the masses
What's the tax rate for the bottom 40% of earners?
Oh, yeah.
What should it be on the portion of the population that has 4 tenths of a percent of our nations wealth?

The same rate as everyone else pays. Whatever happened to the liberal idea that everyone should "have some skin in the game?"

Why do you desire to loot money from that part of the population that only has 2 tenths of percent of our national wealth?

Why not go after those with 34.6% of the wealth?

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Liz Warren will make a great candidate and if the best Republicans can do is post squaw pictures she should win easily

^I mean, look at that OP............It looks like a 12 year old made it. I'll try to quote without pictures.

"She is so stupid! She is a big dumby stupid face that doesn't know a thing! She is clearly a liar and stupid! She can't even post factual pictures about candidates on forum posts in attempts to slam someone just because they are big stupid dumb people."

Did that sum up every GOP argument this last few years, or just this post? The GOP deserves better.

The most significant argument I've heard is that her grandma says they have Indian ancestors and the Right is saying, "She's bat shit crazy! She can't prove that!"............

Not too brainy. Who cares if she has Indian ancestors..I'll bet a lot more of us do than we think. Doesn't matter in politics.

I care if she claims something she isn't...you may not that's your business...the GOP? could care less I'll make my own judgement...

Again -- and this is still where we started -- how do you know she "isn't"?
You can try to snowball this question all you like but it ain't going away.

"How do we know she isn't" is a question of exactly the same kind as "how do we know bigfoot doesn't exist. We don't have to prove she isn't Cherokee. She claimed she is, so it's incumbent on her to prove it when she's running for National Office. Otherwise she's a fraud.

Of course, Dims like you have proven time and time again that you have no problem electing frauds.

Wrongo, Finger boy.

"She lied" is a direct claim. That's where the burden of proof is -- to prove there's a lie. "How do you know she isn't" is therefore the exact question losers like you have to grapple with. If you can't answer that, the assertion fails.


Okay, so then she's just an idiot. :lol:
Liz Warren will make a great candidate and if the best Republicans can do is post squaw pictures she should win easily

^I mean, look at that OP............It looks like a 12 year old made it. I'll try to quote without pictures.

"She is so stupid! She is a big dumby stupid face that doesn't know a thing! She is clearly a liar and stupid! She can't even post factual pictures about candidates on forum posts in attempts to slam someone just because they are big stupid dumb people."

Did that sum up every GOP argument this last few years, or just this post? The GOP deserves better.

The most significant argument I've heard is that her grandma says they have Indian ancestors and the Right is saying, "She's bat shit crazy! She can't prove that!"............

Not too brainy. Who cares if she has Indian ancestors..I'll bet a lot more of us do than we think. Doesn't matter in politics.

I care if she claims something she isn't...you may not that's your business...the GOP? could care less I'll make my own judgement...

Again -- and this is still where we started -- how do you know she "isn't"?
You can try to snowball this question all you like but it ain't going away.

Because she can't prove it..There are standards for her proving her claim...she can't meet any of them...

"Standards" huh? What standards are these? "Can't prove it" is irrelevant; the burden of proof is on you people who claim she's "lying". To establish that you have to prove the negative.

I'm Black Irish. Do I have that on a piece of paper? No I don't; it's family folklore. Does that make me a "liar" then?

I'm still waiting for this "document" -- gonna ignore that too?

What would the Right do without conspiracy theories? They're very worried about Warren, as they should be.

Lol...Moderate Senate Democrats are the ones that wouldn't Confirm her for the Consumer Agency post she wanted...
POTUS is a better job.

lol....I must be getting tired I'm finding all posts as comedic relief...except mine of course..lol...time will tell..later

No, no, it's not just you. :lol: Isn't it hilarious? I laugh every day when I come here.
You, Frank, were the only poster to even attempt an answer (yesterday), which as I pointed out the same day, utterly fails as it does nothing but pose questions without answering any.

So if we count this post that's 0-for-7.

She has no Cherokee ancestors.


And your proof is.......... oh that's right, it never showed up.

We've show you repeatedly her ancestors actually murdered Cherokees

I didn't really look at that so I don't know if you did (and considering your track record of veracity so far I have serious doubts) but even if true, how does that support your mythology? Is it impossible for one Cherokee to murder another? Is it impossible for both oppressor and oppressed castes to be members of the same family over time? Do tell.

What do you have besides her cheekbones?

This record, from 2½ years ago...
The fact that she's from freaking Oklahoma...
>> "I'm not exaggerating at all when I say the majority of white people in Oklahoma -- a real majority -- will say, I'm Cherokee.' It's an interesting state in that way," Tallbear said. "To me, this whole story says a lot more about being an Oklahoman than anything else." -- The Myth of Native American Blood <<
Couple of Pinnocchios awarded Scott Brown here for trying to float this thing...
The video of Scott Brown trying to back away from the whole thing (top of first link)...
And the complete dearth of evidence to the contrary.

What do you have? Oh yes, cheekbones.

To the contrary of what? The article states that Warren claimed minority status in some documents with no evidence to back that up...the reason they gave Brown a couple of Pinocchios was because he went to far in accusing her of using an undocumented claim to get a position...he could not prove that specific claim because it appears she was qualified...

and so Warren is an Oklahoman not a Cherokee

"To the contrary" means it's these wags' burden of proof to show that she "lied" -- which requires them to prove that she has no Cherokee/Delaware blood -- which they can't do. Not that she said there is and they don't believe it.

That they can't prove that negative is not the point of interest here -- we all know they can't . What's interesting is that they'lll never admit to being unable to prove that, or that they've been running on fumes the whole time. Another day or two they'll be right back to it as if all of this never happened.

I just find that kind of partisan-hack denialism psychologically fascinating.

Nope...it's something she has claimed time and again, a claim she cannot document, when she made the claim on the Directory of Law Professors she should have met the Cherokee or Deleware tribe requirements, she doesn't, in reality she embellished or lied....and if you read your own link you will come to understand that Tallbear is explaining why a claim of Native American has to be backed by documentation....
DNA could prove it one way or the other.

She must be hiding something.
Come on, this woman is ridiculous. :lol: If she's not a liar, then she's an idiot. Either way, it's not looking good.

So you have no answer, because there isn't any, because it's a myth. Just admit it.

Link - post #436. So . . . is she dishonest? Or just a dummy? :D

^ LOL!

Based on reactions like this, I
But . . . she's 1/32 percent Cherokee, you know! She's suffered tremendously. The poor dear. :(

So is that the message Fox News is painting for you?

You do understand Indians are the very least bitter about their oppression compared to other major oppressed classes.......

Indian oppression is basically gone, as you have acknowledged. Yet you think she stated this to get leverage.....

News flash! She isn't really even 1/32 Cherokee. None of grammy's stories could be confirmed. :(

Actually it was already linked earlier. But you go on and continue to bravely run away since you can't back anything up.

Nobody has to prove anything. She claimed that she was a native American in order to get some perks. Come to find out, she's just another lying POS who will lie and say anything for her own benefit.
So you have no answer, because there isn't any, because it's a myth. Just admit it.

Link - post #436. So . . . is she dishonest? Or just a dummy? :D

^ LOL!

Based on reactions like this, I
But . . . she's 1/32 percent Cherokee, you know! She's suffered tremendously. The poor dear. :(

So is that the message Fox News is painting for you?

You do understand Indians are the very least bitter about their oppression compared to other major oppressed classes.......

Indian oppression is basically gone, as you have acknowledged. Yet you think she stated this to get leverage.....

News flash! She isn't really even 1/32 Cherokee. None of grammy's stories could be confirmed. :(

Actually it was already linked earlier. But you go on and continue to bravely run away since you can't back anything up.

Nobody has to prove anything. She claimed that she was a native American in order to get some perks. Come to find out, she's just another lying POS who will lie and say anything for her own benefit.

Liz Warren never received any "perks" from relaying that she was part native American
Link - post #436. So . . . is she dishonest? Or just a dummy? :D

^ LOL!

Based on reactions like this, I
But . . . she's 1/32 percent Cherokee, you know! She's suffered tremendously. The poor dear. :(

So is that the message Fox News is painting for you?

You do understand Indians are the very least bitter about their oppression compared to other major oppressed classes.......

Indian oppression is basically gone, as you have acknowledged. Yet you think she stated this to get leverage.....

News flash! She isn't really even 1/32 Cherokee. None of grammy's stories could be confirmed. :(

Actually it was already linked earlier. But you go on and continue to bravely run away since you can't back anything up.

Nobody has to prove anything. She claimed that she was a native American in order to get some perks. Come to find out, she's just another lying POS who will lie and say anything for her own benefit.

Liz Warren never received any "perks" from relaying that she was part native American

I know. She did it to get invited to parties, right? :lol: Even THEN she couldn't get invited to parties. What a loser.
Conservatives cannot face the economic issues that Warren brings to the table

Best they have is Indian taunts
Conservatives cannot face the economic issues that Warren brings to the table

Best they have is Indian taunts

Man, you people are so stupid. No wonder why our country is in the shape it's in today. Thanks dumbasses, for continuing to vote in liars and losers based upon nothing more than your partisanship.

Actually, it is conservatives who are stupid for believing they can derail the Warren economic message with Woo! Woo! indian chants
Conservatives cannot face the economic issues that Warren brings to the table

Best they have is Indian taunts

Man, you people are so stupid. No wonder why our country is in the shape it's in today. Thanks dumbasses, for continuing to vote in liars and losers based upon nothing more than your partisanship.

Actually, it is conservatives who are stupid for believing they can derail the Warren economic message with Woo! Woo! indian chants

Calm down and smoke um peace pipe. :D
Conservatives cannot face the economic issues that Warren brings to the table

Best they have is Indian taunts

Man, you people are so stupid. No wonder why our country is in the shape it's in today. Thanks dumbasses, for continuing to vote in liars and losers based upon nothing more than your partisanship.

Actually, it is conservatives who are stupid for believing they can derail the Warren economic message with Woo! Woo! indian chants


Conservatives cannot face the economic issues that Warren brings to the table

Best they have is Indian taunts

Man, you people are so stupid. No wonder why our country is in the shape it's in today. Thanks dumbasses, for continuing to vote in liars and losers based upon nothing more than your partisanship.

Actually, it is conservatives who are stupid for believing they can derail the Warren economic message with Woo! Woo! indian chants



That is a funny photoshop

It does so much to ingratiate Republicans with the native american community.

Look at it this way......Republican Native American stereotyping is a much worse transgression than Warrens claims of her family heritage
Why do you desire to loot money from that part of the population that only has 2 tenths of percent of our national wealth?

Why not go after those with 34.6% of the wealth?

LOL. You want to confiscate other people's money and say someone else is looting. Wealth isn't "distributed", it's earned. You clearly don't understand the concept of earning.
Conservatives cannot face the economic issues that Warren brings to the table

Best they have is Indian taunts

Man, you people are so stupid. No wonder why our country is in the shape it's in today. Thanks dumbasses, for continuing to vote in liars and losers based upon nothing more than your partisanship.

Actually, it is conservatives who are stupid for believing they can derail the Warren economic message with Woo! Woo! indian chants



That is a funny photoshop

It does so much to ingratiate Republicans with the native american community.

Look at it this way......Republican Native American stereotyping is a much worse transgression than Warrens claims of her family heritage

They are jokes. :lol: Ever been to a comedy show or anything? Besides, public officials are OPEN for criticism and ridicule. Nobody cares if you're butt hurt.
Why do you desire to loot money from that part of the population that only has 2 tenths of percent of our national wealth?

Why not go after those with 34.6% of the wealth?

LOL. You want to confiscate other people's money and say someone else is looting. Wealth isn't "distributed", it's earned. You clearly don't understand the concept of earning.

No.....You tax where the money is

From that chart, you can see it obviously isn't with the lower 40%
Why do you desire to loot money from that part of the population that only has 2 tenths of percent of our national wealth?

Why not go after those with 34.6% of the wealth?

LOL. You want to confiscate other people's money and say someone else is looting. Wealth isn't "distributed", it's earned. You clearly don't understand the concept of earning.

I know, I'd say he has that backwards, although I must admit those big banks are bastards too.

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