Elizabeth Warren? Seriously?

And now you're posting about what Harvard Law School did (after she was already hired)...


... even though your own post contradicts what you've been flmoating (in bold).

Are you completely ignorant of how rhetorical argument works?

Oh, so now you're going to blame Harvard. :lol:


Do you know how to even read? See if you can figure out the difference between:

"Harvard Law School had promoted Warren as a Native American faculty member" (which is verbatim what you posted)
-- and:
"Warren promoted herself as a Native American faculty member" (which I just made up, the same way you made it up)

Further, your own post notes (TWICE) that Warren herself didn't bring it up.

Partisan hacknoid.

She filled out her paperwork and stated that she was a native American. When confronted with that fact, she denied it at first, acting like she didn't know what they were talking about. Then, when she was confronted by the fact that it was HER who filled out her paperwork to reflect native American status, she was like . . . . "oh yeah, the parties. . . . " ROFL.

Where is this "paperwork" that your own post puts the lie to? Paperwork about what?


She filled out her forms for Harvard claiming that she was a native American. Harvard did not fill out her paperwork. They released information based upon the paperwork she filled out. So yes, according to Harvard law school, she promoted herself as a native American. ??? This is certainly not difficult to understand, so I don't know why you are confused.

She initially denied knowing anything about it when confronted, and then when evidence was presented to her, she admitted that she had done this based upon "family stories" she had been told as a child. Lol. Get it?


We can sit here all day and claim "she filled out forms" and "Pee Wee Herman killed JFK" and "Obama is Hitler's extraterrestrial baby" -- doesn't make any of them actually exist in reality.

What I'm saying, in little easy-to-folllow words is this: You can't just make shit up.

Your own post (546) directly contradicts everything you're making up here. Were you lying then, or are you lying now? Or both?

SHE said she filled out FORMS for Harvard claiming native American status.

No, she said the opposite. Three times.

Of course my source for that might be shaky since it's YOUR OWN POST.
Oh, so now you're going to blame Harvard. :lol:


Do you know how to even read? See if you can figure out the difference between:

"Harvard Law School had promoted Warren as a Native American faculty member" (which is verbatim what you posted)
-- and:
"Warren promoted herself as a Native American faculty member" (which I just made up, the same way you made it up)

Further, your own post notes (TWICE) that Warren herself didn't bring it up.

Partisan hacknoid.

She filled out her paperwork and stated that she was a native American. When confronted with that fact, she denied it at first, acting like she didn't know what they were talking about. Then, when she was confronted by the fact that it was HER who filled out her paperwork to reflect native American status, she was like . . . . "oh yeah, the parties. . . . " ROFL.

Where is this "paperwork" that your own post puts the lie to? Paperwork about what?


She filled out her forms for Harvard claiming that she was a native American. Harvard did not fill out her paperwork. They released information based upon the paperwork she filled out. So yes, according to Harvard law school, she promoted herself as a native American. ??? This is certainly not difficult to understand, so I don't know why you are confused.

She initially denied knowing anything about it when confronted, and then when evidence was presented to her, she admitted that she had done this based upon "family stories" she had been told as a child. Lol. Get it?


We can sit here all day and claim "she filled out forms" and "Pee Wee Herman killed JFK" and "Obama is Hitler's extraterrestrial baby" -- doesn't make any of them actually exist in reality.

What I'm saying, in little easy-to-folllow words is this: You can't just make shit up.

Your own post (546) directly contradicts everything you're making up here. Were you lying then, or are you lying now? Or both?

SHE said she filled out FORMS for Harvard claiming native American status.

No, she said the opposite. Three times.

Of course my source for that might be shaky since it's YOUR OWN POST.

AND there's more! :)

U. Penn and Harvard Made Federal Filings Based On Warren's Represenations
Warren, did not meet the two part test[23] under Harvard and EEOC definitions of Native American, a definition which likely was on the page[24] when she checked the box. That definition requires both actual Native American ancestry and cultural identification through tribal affiliation or comunity recognition.

Warren did not meet either part of the test, and even if she believed her alleged family lore, Warren should have known that she could not show cultural identification. Warren has refused to release[25] her personnel records which would contain the forms she signed.

Warren admitted that she did not meet the legal qualifications to be considered a racial minority[26]

Q. But you would not call yourself a racial minority?

A. The legal qualifications, no.

Harvard and U. Penn also refuse to release[27] these employment records.

As reported by The Boston Globe,[28] Warren’s self-identification as Native American may have caused U. Penn. [29] and Harvard Law Schools to make false federal filings[30] with regard to faculty diversity. Neither organization will release the records.

- See more at: Elizabeth Warren Native American Cherokee Controversy Elizabeth Warren Wiki
By the way, if you don't like banks don't use one and if you don't like corporations don't buy anything they make or any of their services.
I use a credit union for local accounts but credit card companies are hard to get away from. I also need gasoline, automobiles, tools, utilities, food and a host of other things. I could live in a tent in the woods but prefer not to.

If you finance the corporations and banks by doing business with them then don't bitch about them because they are providing you a service you need or want.

Without them we all would be pretty much living a Medieval existence.
False dichotomy.

The financial services sector is using an abusive, suborning, fraudulent business model. These criminal banks should have been dismantled and better business models should have been allowed into the marketplace.

Don't be such a suckup to corruption.
Bunch of unsubstantiated bullshit noted.
I take it you don't read normal news, and just stick to your hack propaganda sources.
Yeah thats not proof either.
You made the assertion, you prove it.

Horseshit. You've been called on this before too.

This has been linked about three hundred times including right on this very page:
>> The Pinocchio Test

Brown said that Warren “checked the box claiming she was Native American” when she applied to Harvard and Penn, suggesting the Democratic candidate somehow gained an unfair advantage because of an iffy ethnic background. But there is no proof that she ever marked a form to tell the schools about her heritage, nor is there any public evidence that the universities knew about her lineage before hiring her.

The senator’s debate comments also suggest Warren actively applied for positions with Harvard and Penn, but the evidence suggests the schools recruited her because of her groundbreaking research and writings on bankruptcy. Harvard, in fact, did not give up on her after she first turned down a tenured position with the university.

Some might assume that Warren listed herself as a minority in the law school directories to attract offers from top schools, which would be a pro-active measure. The explanation that she was reaching out to other Native Americans — when she was merely listed as a “minority” — certainly appears suspicious, but there is no conclusive evidence that she used her status in the listing to land a job.

But Warren appears to have been well-qualified for the teaching positions and excelled once she was hired. <<​

What does it say about you that you need to resort to not only outright lies but lies that have already been debunked over and over?

Oh wait -- you're "expecting different results" this time, right? :rofl:

Last edited:
I use a credit union for local accounts but credit card companies are hard to get away from. I also need gasoline, automobiles, tools, utilities, food and a host of other things. I could live in a tent in the woods but prefer not to.

If you finance the corporations and banks by doing business with them then don't bitch about them because they are providing you a service you need or want.

Without them we all would be pretty much living a Medieval existence.
False dichotomy.

The financial services sector is using an abusive, suborning, fraudulent business model. These criminal banks should have been dismantled and better business models should have been allowed into the marketplace.

Don't be such a suckup to corruption.
Bunch of unsubstantiated bullshit noted.
I take it you don't read normal news, and just stick to your hack propaganda sources.
Yeah thats not proof either.
You made the assertion, you prove it.
I provided plenty of proof of a culture of corruption. A shit ton more than you have provided for your claim.

Now back up your claim Warren got the job at Harvard because she claimed to be a Native American. Stop dodging and weaving.

We've been waiting for quite a few pages now.

Go ahead.
If you finance the corporations and banks by doing business with them then don't bitch about them because they are providing you a service you need or want.

Without them we all would be pretty much living a Medieval existence.
False dichotomy.

The financial services sector is using an abusive, suborning, fraudulent business model. These criminal banks should have been dismantled and better business models should have been allowed into the marketplace.

Don't be such a suckup to corruption.
Bunch of unsubstantiated bullshit noted.
I take it you don't read normal news, and just stick to your hack propaganda sources.
Yeah thats not proof either.
You made the assertion, you prove it.
I provided plenty of proof of a culture of corruption. A shit ton more than you have provided for your claim.

Now back up your claim Warren got the job at Harvard because she claimed to be a Native American. Stop dodging and weaving.

We've been waiting for quite a few pages now.

Go ahead.
Obviously there is more to it than merely her claim. But only an idiot, like you, thinks it didnt help.
As for your links, that hardly represents a culture of corruption in an industry as huge as banking. You'll have to try harder.
It is obvious the rubes drank the piss about how Warren got her job at Harvard. When you are willfully stupid, you don't feel it is necessary to see evidence for something you want to believe. You see it, you believe it, you parrot it. Providing evidence for the claim just doesn't enter in that equation.

That's how psychics succeed. The rube wants to believe a hag can see into the future and that makes her job a piece of cake.

The rubes want to believe the manufactured bullshit that is put on their plates and that makes the job of the propagandists a piece of cake.
False dichotomy.

The financial services sector is using an abusive, suborning, fraudulent business model. These criminal banks should have been dismantled and better business models should have been allowed into the marketplace.

Don't be such a suckup to corruption.
Bunch of unsubstantiated bullshit noted.
I take it you don't read normal news, and just stick to your hack propaganda sources.
Yeah thats not proof either.
You made the assertion, you prove it.
I provided plenty of proof of a culture of corruption. A shit ton more than you have provided for your claim.

Now back up your claim Warren got the job at Harvard because she claimed to be a Native American. Stop dodging and weaving.

We've been waiting for quite a few pages now.

Go ahead.
Obviously there is more to it than merely her claim. But only an idiot, like you, thinks it didnt help.
As for your links, that hardly represents a culture of corruption in an industry as huge as banking. You'll have to try harder.
Please provide evidence Warren got her job at Harvard because she claimed she was a Native America.

This is an extremely simply request and yet you cannot do it.

Go ahead.
You saw it, you believe it, you parrot it. That's what you do, Rabbi.
Any day now. Just drop a link and quote from it and show us Warren got hired because she claimed to be a Native American.

Go ahead.

You saw it, you believed it, you parrot it.

That's what you do.

And now you have been caught at it.
Any day now. Just drop a link and quote from it and show us Warren got hired because she claimed to be a Native American.

Go ahead.

You saw it, you believed it, you parrot it.

That's what you do.

And now you have been caught at it.
I have been caught at nothing. You have been caught moving goalposts.
See my sig line.
Any day now. Just drop a link and quote from it and show us Warren got hired because she claimed to be a Native American.

Go ahead.

You saw it, you believed it, you parrot it.

That's what you do.

And now you have been caught at it.

And yet, he'll just turn around and do it again. They all seem to.
Although the more courageous ones who do see they've been caught in a lie take the more adult route -- they run away and pretend it never happened and go on to a different thread.

Anything to preserve the sanctity of Duh Bubble.
Any day now. Just drop a link and quote from it and show us Warren got hired because she claimed to be a Native American.

Go ahead.

You saw it, you believed it, you parrot it.

That's what you do.

And now you have been caught at it.
I have been caught at nothing. You have been caught moving goalposts.
See my sig line.

No sig line in the world can pull you out of the hole you're in.
Where's the evidence?
Where is it?

Any day now. Just drop a link and quote from it and show us Warren got hired because she claimed to be a Native American.

Go ahead.

You saw it, you believed it, you parrot it.

That's what you do.

And now you have been caught at it.

And yet, he'll just turn around and do it again. They all seem to.
Although the more courageous ones who do see they've been caught in a lie take the more adult route -- they run away and pretend it never happened and go on to a different thread.

Anything to preserve the sanctity of Duh Bubble.
A lefty outraged by "lies". LOL. Priceless.

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