Elizabeth Warren? Seriously?


Yeah I'll have a blanket generalization on whole grain ad hominem with a side of argumentum ad populum, extra speculation.

Any day now. Just drop a link and quote from it and show us Warren got hired because she claimed to be a Native American.

Go ahead.

You saw it, you believed it, you parrot it.

That's what you do.

And now you have been caught at it.

And yet, he'll just turn around and do it again. They all seem to.
Although the more courageous ones who do see they've been caught in a lie take the more adult route -- they run away and pretend it never happened and go on to a different thread.

Anything to preserve the sanctity of Duh Bubble.
A lefty outraged by "lies". LOL. Priceless.

Any day now. Just drop a link and quote from it and show us Warren got hired because she claimed to be a Native American.

Go ahead.

You saw it, you believed it, you parrot it.

That's what you do.

And now you have been caught at it.

And yet, he'll just turn around and do it again. They all seem to.

Yes. They line up for a refill of their piss cups, even after it has been shown to them they are drinking piss.

It's an amazing phenomenon. The desire to believe completely clogs a rube's logic filters.
Sorry, I got here late, but I saw that ass hat O'Reilly last night reach new heights in irrational assessments, when he had a segment on Elizabeth Warren.

What I don't get...is why he needs to cover it. Fox News viewers aren't going to vote for a Democrat, so I'm puzzled.

Fox News does, and doesn't, cover stories based solely on getting ratings, and helping GOP candidates.

At any rate...Hillary is polling around 50% amongst Democrats for the 2016 nomination, and nobody, Warren included, is over 10%.

Must be a slow news cycle, but Kirsten Powers really puit O'Reilly in his place, but O'Reilly never really notices when that happens
Sorry, I got here late, but I saw that ass hat O'Reilly last night reach new heights in irrational assessments, when he had a segment on Elizabeth Warren.

What I don't get...is why he needs to cover it. Fox News viewers aren't going to vote for a Democrat, so I'm puzzled.

Good news. It means they know she's a threat. Fox Noise is coming out front to try to keebosh Warren and brainwash their viewers now.
Sorry, I got here late, but I saw that ass hat O'Reilly last night reach new heights in irrational assessments, when he had a segment on Elizabeth Warren.

What I don't get...is why he needs to cover it. Fox News viewers aren't going to vote for a Democrat, so I'm puzzled.

Good news. It means they know she's a threat. Fox Noise is coming out front to try to keebosh Warren and brainwash their viewers now.
Why do you support the squaw?
What I don't get...is why he needs to cover it. Fox News viewers aren't going to vote for a Democrat, so I'm puzzled.

The reason Fox News has to tell you why you should not vote for Democrats is to cover up the fact the GOP has no solutions on the table. If you are intellectually bankrupt, and are only interested in power, you have to divert attention away from yourself and vilify your opponent.

Fox News viewers have to be kept in line or they might start thinking for themselves.

There are good reasons not to vote Democratic, but you won't hear rational reasons from most Fox News viewers. Instead, you get cracks about Warren being a "squaw", and bogus claims that she got her job at Harvard by claiming to be a Native American.

That kind of idiocy comes straight from the piss pipe at Fox News and the other hack media outlets.
Wow. While I was writing my post and talking about rubes and the "squaw", Blowme was posting and using "squaw" in his post!

You see? What a well trained and obedient mindless rube!
Sorry, I got here late, but I saw that ass hat O'Reilly last night reach new heights in irrational assessments, when he had a segment on Elizabeth Warren.

What I don't get...is why he needs to cover it. Fox News viewers aren't going to vote for a Democrat, so I'm puzzled.

Good news. It means they know she's a threat. Fox Noise is coming out front to try to keebosh Warren and brainwash their viewers now.
What I don't get...is why he needs to cover it. Fox News viewers aren't going to vote for a Democrat, so I'm puzzled.

The reason Fox News has to tell you why you should not vote for Democrats is to cover up the fact the GOP has no solutions on the table. If you are intellectually bankrupt, and are only interested in power, you have to divert attention away from yourself and vilify your opponent.

Fox News viewers have to be kept in line or they might start thinking for themselves.

There are good reasons not to vote Democratic, but you won't hear rational reasons from most Fox News viewers. Instead, you get cracks about Warren being a "squaw", and bogus claims that she got her job at Harvard by claiming to be a Native American.

That kind of idiocy comes straight from the piss pipe at Fox News and the other hack media outlets.
Just what America needs, another lying Harvard academic.
She appears to be Caucasian.
Wow. While I was writing my post and talking about rubes and the "squaw", Blowme was posting and using "squaw" in his post!

You see? What a well trained and obedient mindless rube!

His user name speaks volumes.

Right Heywood?

Why did you quote me here? Who is Heywood.

Also, you don't have my permission to use my quote, so I'm going to ask you politely to please remove it as your signature. Thank you in advance. :)
So this is the caliber of Warren's opposition, is it?

She could run for Empress of the World and not even have to campaign.
For sure. That's what you lefties really want.... An academic royal nanny to powder your butts and change your diapers
So this is the caliber of Warren's opposition, is it?

She could run for Empress of the World and not even have to campaign.

Sorry that Elizabeth is a dishonest weasel. :wink_2: You are taking your anger and frustration out on the wrong people. It is Liz you should be upset with. She knew full well what she was doing, claiming native American status. Lol.
So this is the caliber of Warren's opposition, is it?

She could run for Empress of the World and not even have to campaign.

Sorry that Elizabeth is a dishonest weasel. :wink_2: You are taking your anger and frustration out on the wrong people. It is Liz you should be upset with. She knew full well what she was doing, claiming native American status. Lol.
Lefties are cultic personality pawns. They know who they're supposed to support, but they don't know why.
Sorry, I got here late, but I saw that ass hat O'Reilly last night reach new heights in irrational assessments, when he had a segment on Elizabeth Warren.

What I don't get...is why he needs to cover it. Fox News viewers aren't going to vote for a Democrat, so I'm puzzled.

Good news. It means they know she's a threat. Fox Noise is coming out front to try to keebosh Warren and brainwash their viewers now.

Brainwash? Excuse me, are you insinuating that Americans shouldn't have discussions about their potential candidates and that information about them shouldn't be discussed? Did you not discuss things about candidates yourself, oh maybe Sarah Palin, etc.? Funny how upset you on the left seem to get when discussing a legitimate issue regarding a candidate.

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