Elizabeth Warren? Seriously?

What's the tax rate for the bottom 40% of earners?
Oh, yeah.
What should it be on the portion of the population that has 4 tenths of a percent of our nations wealth?

The same rate as everyone else pays. Whatever happened to the liberal idea that everyone should "have some skin in the game?"

Why do you desire to loot money from that part of the population that only has 2 tenths of percent of our national wealth?

Why not go after those with 34.6% of the wealth?

You prove your stupidity by not recognizing the difference between wealth and income.
But anywya, what do you think is a fair rate of taxation for the bottom 40% of wage earners?

I absolutely understand the difference between wealth and income. We can't touch existing wealth and don't really want to

But the question remains ....why do we continue economic programs whose only purpose is to ensure future wealth goes to the one percent?

That is why we need to increase the upper tax rate to the mid 40s, equalize capital gains and eliminate the vast number of tax exemptions
Dodging the question?
What should the income tax rate be for the bottom 40% of income earners?
Sorry, I got here late, but I saw that ass hat O'Reilly last night reach new heights in irrational assessments, when he had a segment on Elizabeth Warren.

What I don't get...is why he needs to cover it. Fox News viewers aren't going to vote for a Democrat, so I'm puzzled.

Good news. It means they know she's a threat. Fox Noise is coming out front to try to keebosh Warren and brainwash their viewers now.

Brainwash? Excuse me, are you insinuating that Americans shouldn't have discussions about their potential candidates and that information about them shouldn't be discussed? Did you not discuss things about candidates yourself, oh maybe Sarah Palin, etc.? Funny how upset you on the left seem to get when discussing a legitimate issue regarding a candidate.

You haven't brought a "legitimate issue" to this thread yet. Oh thanks for the sigline.
Now why are you so obsessed with race anyway?
Why do you support Elizabeth Warren?

I haven't posted a damn thing about Elizabeth Warren politically. Neither her nor anywhere else. Go ahead and look it up. Not a one.

See, I don't need to. What I've done is called out bullshit biography myths that have no basis. I've called for those bases and got zippo, bupkis, nada, zero, fuck-all.

Now what am I gonna do with all these crickets?
Thanks for proving my point.
Sorry, I got here late, but I saw that ass hat O'Reilly last night reach new heights in irrational assessments, when he had a segment on Elizabeth Warren.

What I don't get...is why he needs to cover it. Fox News viewers aren't going to vote for a Democrat, so I'm puzzled.

Good news. It means they know she's a threat. Fox Noise is coming out front to try to keebosh Warren and brainwash their viewers now.

Brainwash? Excuse me, are you insinuating that Americans shouldn't have discussions about their potential candidates and that information about them shouldn't be discussed? Did you not discuss things about candidates yourself, oh maybe Sarah Palin, etc.? Funny how upset you on the left seem to get when discussing a legitimate issue regarding a candidate.

You haven't brought a "legitimate issue" to this thread yet. Oh thanks for the sigline.
Now why are you so obsessed with race anyway?

How am I obsessed with race? By noting that Liz doesn't look like and most likely is NOT a native American? :lol:

Oh, and how very mature of you. Lol. Now, I'm going to ask again nicely for you to remove my quote as your sig line. If not, you are going to have to be the first person I report, because I'm pretty sure you can't do that without permission by the person you are quoting. :)

Hey, if you don't want your words to live in infamy, don't put 'em out there. But it's kinda fascinating, psychologically, that at the same time you're wiling to lie about what somebody else didn't say.... innit?

Yes, by all these posts obsessing about Native American blood, that's what I call obsessed with race. And then to top it off with "she looks like one" can only recall this.... (0:28)

Good news. It means they know she's a threat. Fox Noise is coming out front to try to keebosh Warren and brainwash their viewers now.

Brainwash? Excuse me, are you insinuating that Americans shouldn't have discussions about their potential candidates and that information about them shouldn't be discussed? Did you not discuss things about candidates yourself, oh maybe Sarah Palin, etc.? Funny how upset you on the left seem to get when discussing a legitimate issue regarding a candidate.

You haven't brought a "legitimate issue" to this thread yet. Oh thanks for the sigline.
Now why are you so obsessed with race anyway?
Why do you support Elizabeth Warren?

I haven't posted a damn thing about Elizabeth Warren politically. Neither her nor anywhere else. Go ahead and look it up. Not a one.

See, I don't need to. What I've done is called out bullshit biography myths that have no basis. I've called for those bases and got zippo, bupkis, nada, zero, fuck-all.

Now what am I gonna do with all these crickets?
Thanks for proving my point.

You didn't make a "point", Hayseed, you asked a question. I showed you that the question is invalid. So thanks for proving mine.
Sorry, I got here late, but I saw that ass hat O'Reilly last night reach new heights in irrational assessments, when he had a segment on Elizabeth Warren.

What I don't get...is why he needs to cover it. Fox News viewers aren't going to vote for a Democrat, so I'm puzzled.

Good news. It means they know she's a threat. Fox Noise is coming out front to try to keebosh Warren and brainwash their viewers now.

Brainwash? Excuse me, are you insinuating that Americans shouldn't have discussions about their potential candidates and that information about them shouldn't be discussed? Did you not discuss things about candidates yourself, oh maybe Sarah Palin, etc.? Funny how upset you on the left seem to get when discussing a legitimate issue regarding a candidate.

You haven't brought a "legitimate issue" to this thread yet. Oh thanks for the sigline.
Now why are you so obsessed with race anyway?

How am I obsessed with race? By noting that Liz doesn't look like and most likely is NOT a native American? :lol:

Oh, and how very mature of you. Lol. Now, I'm going to ask again nicely for you to remove my quote as your sig line. If not, you are going to have to be the first person I report, because I'm pretty sure you can't do that without permission by the person you are quoting. :)

Hey, if you don't want your words to live in infamy, don't put 'em out there. But it's kinda fascinating, psychologically, that at the same time you're wiling to lie about what somebody else didn't say.... innit?

Yes, by all these posts obsessing about Native American blood, that's what I call obsessed with race. And then to top it off with "she looks like one" can only recall this.... (0:28)

I'm not lying about anything. It's all there in the link in post #436. I've even quoted excerpts for you several times. Who is lying? Seems as if you are because you are obviously a weirdo partisan hack.

Now, I think that you should be civil and please remove that quote from your signature line as I requested. I don't want people using my quotes as their signature lines. It's as simple as that. It is just too bad if you don't like my opinions or my links. I haven't treated you badly, so I'm asking you to stop.
Brainwash? Excuse me, are you insinuating that Americans shouldn't have discussions about their potential candidates and that information about them shouldn't be discussed? Did you not discuss things about candidates yourself, oh maybe Sarah Palin, etc.? Funny how upset you on the left seem to get when discussing a legitimate issue regarding a candidate.

You haven't brought a "legitimate issue" to this thread yet. Oh thanks for the sigline.
Now why are you so obsessed with race anyway?
Why do you support Elizabeth Warren?

I haven't posted a damn thing about Elizabeth Warren politically. Neither her nor anywhere else. Go ahead and look it up. Not a one.

See, I don't need to. What I've done is called out bullshit biography myths that have no basis. I've called for those bases and got zippo, bupkis, nada, zero, fuck-all.

Now what am I gonna do with all these crickets?
Thanks for proving my point.

You didn't make a "point", Hayseed, you asked a question. I showed you that the question is invalid. So thanks for proving mine.
You don't know why you support her, ignorant cocksucker. That's the point I made and you're "invalid" nonsense proves it.
Sorry, I got here late, but I saw that ass hat O'Reilly last night reach new heights in irrational assessments, when he had a segment on Elizabeth Warren.

What I don't get...is why he needs to cover it. Fox News viewers aren't going to vote for a Democrat, so I'm puzzled.

Good news. It means they know she's a threat. Fox Noise is coming out front to try to keebosh Warren and brainwash their viewers now.

Brainwash? Excuse me, are you insinuating that Americans shouldn't have discussions about their potential candidates and that information about them shouldn't be discussed? Did you not discuss things about candidates yourself, oh maybe Sarah Palin, etc.? Funny how upset you on the left seem to get when discussing a legitimate issue regarding a candidate.

You haven't brought a "legitimate issue" to this thread yet. Oh thanks for the sigline.
Now why are you so obsessed with race anyway?

How am I obsessed with race? By noting that Liz doesn't look like and most likely is NOT a native American? :lol:

Oh, and how very mature of you. Lol. Now, I'm going to ask again nicely for you to remove my quote as your sig line. If not, you are going to have to be the first person I report, because I'm pretty sure you can't do that without permission by the person you are quoting. :)

Hey, if you don't want your words to live in infamy, don't put 'em out there. But it's kinda fascinating, psychologically, that at the same time you're wiling to lie about what somebody else didn't say.... innit?

Yes, by all these posts obsessing about Native American blood, that's what I call obsessed with race. And then to top it off with "she looks like one" can only recall this.... (0:28)

She does. She looks like a Caucasian and not like a native American. She has WHITE skin, you tard.
What should it be on the portion of the population that has 4 tenths of a percent of our nations wealth?

The same rate as everyone else pays. Whatever happened to the liberal idea that everyone should "have some skin in the game?"

Why do you desire to loot money from that part of the population that only has 2 tenths of percent of our national wealth?

Why not go after those with 34.6% of the wealth?

You prove your stupidity by not recognizing the difference between wealth and income.
But anywya, what do you think is a fair rate of taxation for the bottom 40% of wage earners?

I absolutely understand the difference between wealth and income. We can't touch existing wealth and don't really want to

But the question remains ....why do we continue economic programs whose only purpose is to ensure future wealth goes to the one percent?

That is why we need to increase the upper tax rate to the mid 40s, equalize capital gains and eliminate the vast number of tax exemptions
Dodging the question?
What should the income tax rate be for the bottom 40% of income earners?

I am fully satisfied with 0% until the above chart starts to shift. That is the rate that George Bush set
News flash! She isn't really even 1/32 Cherokee. None of grammy's stories could be confirmed. :(

Actually it was already linked earlier. But you go on and continue to bravely run away since you can't back anything up.

Nobody has to prove anything. She claimed that she was a native American in order to get some perks. Come to find out, she's just another lying POS who will lie and say anything for her own benefit.

Liz Warren never received any "perks" from relaying that she was part native American

She got preferential hiring at Harvard because of it. That was the whole issue.

That is what Rush Limbaugh said, not what Harvard said

Right. Harvard is going to tell peoplke "yeah we hired Warren because she claimed to be an Indian and we needed more minority faculty to look better." Right
Sorry, I got here late, but I saw that ass hat O'Reilly last night reach new heights in irrational assessments, when he had a segment on Elizabeth Warren.

What I don't get...is why he needs to cover it. Fox News viewers aren't going to vote for a Democrat, so I'm puzzled.

Good news. It means they know she's a threat. Fox Noise is coming out front to try to keebosh Warren and brainwash their viewers now.

Brainwash? Excuse me, are you insinuating that Americans shouldn't have discussions about their potential candidates and that information about them shouldn't be discussed? Did you not discuss things about candidates yourself, oh maybe Sarah Palin, etc.? Funny how upset you on the left seem to get when discussing a legitimate issue regarding a candidate.

You haven't brought a "legitimate issue" to this thread yet. Oh thanks for the sigline.
Now why are you so obsessed with race anyway?

How am I obsessed with race? By noting that Liz doesn't look like and most likely is NOT a native American? :lol:

Oh, and how very mature of you. Lol. Now, I'm going to ask again nicely for you to remove my quote as your sig line. If not, you are going to have to be the first person I report, because I'm pretty sure you can't do that without permission by the person you are quoting. :)

Hey, if you don't want your words to live in infamy, don't put 'em out there. But it's kinda fascinating, psychologically, that at the same time you're wiling to lie about what somebody else didn't say.... innit?

Yes, by all these posts obsessing about Native American blood, that's what I call obsessed with race. And then to top it off with "she looks like one" can only recall this.... (0:28)

How about this, let's put it in terms you can understand. If there was an APB out on her, how would the police describe her? As a native American woman or as a Caucasian woman. Pick one. Lol.
3248?? Why that's... that's....
That's almost Stan Musial territory!

Man you are old! :lol: Stan the Man....almost as good a ballplayer as Kaline....more hits, not as good an OFer......the number is hits on my thread...I do it to impress the mods of my worth here so if I go off the rails they give me a break. :smoke:
The same rate as everyone else pays. Whatever happened to the liberal idea that everyone should "have some skin in the game?"

Why do you desire to loot money from that part of the population that only has 2 tenths of percent of our national wealth?

Why not go after those with 34.6% of the wealth?

You prove your stupidity by not recognizing the difference between wealth and income.
But anywya, what do you think is a fair rate of taxation for the bottom 40% of wage earners?

I absolutely understand the difference between wealth and income. We can't touch existing wealth and don't really want to

But the question remains ....why do we continue economic programs whose only purpose is to ensure future wealth goes to the one percent?

That is why we need to increase the upper tax rate to the mid 40s, equalize capital gains and eliminate the vast number of tax exemptions
Dodging the question?
What should the income tax rate be for the bottom 40% of income earners?

I am fully satisfied with 0% until the above chart starts to shift. That is the rate that George Bush set
So you're fine with people mooching off the system. You realize 0% would actually be a tax increase, right? Because currently those people pay a negative rate.
You haven't brought a "legitimate issue" to this thread yet. Oh thanks for the sigline.
Now why are you so obsessed with race anyway?
Why do you support Elizabeth Warren?

I haven't posted a damn thing about Elizabeth Warren politically. Neither her nor anywhere else. Go ahead and look it up. Not a one.

See, I don't need to. What I've done is called out bullshit biography myths that have no basis. I've called for those bases and got zippo, bupkis, nada, zero, fuck-all.

Now what am I gonna do with all these crickets?
Thanks for proving my point.

You didn't make a "point", Hayseed, you asked a question. I showed you that the question is invalid. So thanks for proving mine.
You don't know why you support her, ignorant cocksucker. That's the point I made and you're "invalid" nonsense proves it.

What part of "I have yet to post a single thing about her politically because in this swamp of bullshit I don't need to" sails blissfully o'er your pointy little head here, Hayseed?

Don't believe me? Fine -- quote me.
Good news. It means they know she's a threat. Fox Noise is coming out front to try to keebosh Warren and brainwash their viewers now.

Brainwash? Excuse me, are you insinuating that Americans shouldn't have discussions about their potential candidates and that information about them shouldn't be discussed? Did you not discuss things about candidates yourself, oh maybe Sarah Palin, etc.? Funny how upset you on the left seem to get when discussing a legitimate issue regarding a candidate.

You haven't brought a "legitimate issue" to this thread yet. Oh thanks for the sigline.
Now why are you so obsessed with race anyway?

How am I obsessed with race? By noting that Liz doesn't look like and most likely is NOT a native American? :lol:

Oh, and how very mature of you. Lol. Now, I'm going to ask again nicely for you to remove my quote as your sig line. If not, you are going to have to be the first person I report, because I'm pretty sure you can't do that without permission by the person you are quoting. :)

Hey, if you don't want your words to live in infamy, don't put 'em out there. But it's kinda fascinating, psychologically, that at the same time you're wiling to lie about what somebody else didn't say.... innit?

Yes, by all these posts obsessing about Native American blood, that's what I call obsessed with race. And then to top it off with "she looks like one" can only recall this.... (0:28)

She does. She looks like a Caucasian and not like a native American. She has WHITE skin, you tard.

See what I mean about race-obsessed?
Brainwash? Excuse me, are you insinuating that Americans shouldn't have discussions about their potential candidates and that information about them shouldn't be discussed? Did you not discuss things about candidates yourself, oh maybe Sarah Palin, etc.? Funny how upset you on the left seem to get when discussing a legitimate issue regarding a candidate.

You haven't brought a "legitimate issue" to this thread yet. Oh thanks for the sigline.
Now why are you so obsessed with race anyway?

How am I obsessed with race? By noting that Liz doesn't look like and most likely is NOT a native American? :lol:

Oh, and how very mature of you. Lol. Now, I'm going to ask again nicely for you to remove my quote as your sig line. If not, you are going to have to be the first person I report, because I'm pretty sure you can't do that without permission by the person you are quoting. :)

Hey, if you don't want your words to live in infamy, don't put 'em out there. But it's kinda fascinating, psychologically, that at the same time you're wiling to lie about what somebody else didn't say.... innit?

Yes, by all these posts obsessing about Native American blood, that's what I call obsessed with race. And then to top it off with "she looks like one" can only recall this.... (0:28)

She does. She looks like a Caucasian and not like a native American. She has WHITE skin, you tard.

See what I mean about race-obsessed?

No, I don't. Answer the question. Would you describe Elizabeth Warren as a native American woman or a woman of color, or as a Caucasian woman? :D
Brainwash? Excuse me, are you insinuating that Americans shouldn't have discussions about their potential candidates and that information about them shouldn't be discussed? Did you not discuss things about candidates yourself, oh maybe Sarah Palin, etc.? Funny how upset you on the left seem to get when discussing a legitimate issue regarding a candidate.

You haven't brought a "legitimate issue" to this thread yet. Oh thanks for the sigline.
Now why are you so obsessed with race anyway?

How am I obsessed with race? By noting that Liz doesn't look like and most likely is NOT a native American? :lol:

Oh, and how very mature of you. Lol. Now, I'm going to ask again nicely for you to remove my quote as your sig line. If not, you are going to have to be the first person I report, because I'm pretty sure you can't do that without permission by the person you are quoting. :)

Hey, if you don't want your words to live in infamy, don't put 'em out there. But it's kinda fascinating, psychologically, that at the same time you're wiling to lie about what somebody else didn't say.... innit?

Yes, by all these posts obsessing about Native American blood, that's what I call obsessed with race. And then to top it off with "she looks like one" can only recall this.... (0:28)

She does. She looks like a Caucasian and not like a native American. She has WHITE skin, you tard.

See what I mean about race-obsessed?

Remember when I said that I liked you when it was out of politics, well I've changed my mind. I don't like you at all. As a matter of fact, I think you are a big fat ugly jerk. So how do you like that, fag? :D
3248?? Why that's... that's....
That's almost Stan Musial territory!

Man you are old! :lol: Stan the Man....almost as good a ballplayer as Kaline....more hits, not as good an OFer......the number is hits on my thread...I do it to impress the mods of my worth here so if I go off the rails they give me a break. :smoke:

That works?? (/writes note to self) But actually you're not making the hits. For that you can thank the denialists who get their asses corrected and then come right back with the same mythology.

Yeah I'm old enough to have seen both those guys play. Stan had about 3600 hits IIRC.
That's an inside joke.

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