Elizabeth Warren wants to abolish Columbus Day

Dump Columbus Day and make voting day a holiday .

Excellent idea!
End income tax withholding, all taxes due by check on April 15th.
Election day holiday.....April 16th.

I'm on board.
Nah, that's dumb. Just make election day a holiday.

Yes, April 16th. Or we could switch tax day to the Monday before election day in November.
Think of all the cool stuff you can buy without that pesky withholding shrinking your check!
Columbus was probably black too
Naw. He was a white Jew.

What a maroon. He was Catholic.
No he wasnt a maroon, he was a marrano. I would be too since Spain was torturing and killing Jews back then.

Columbus was a Catholic Italian.

But I don't expect you to have any knowledge of factual history.
...but lived in spain and did not even speak Italian. And now scholars are all but certain he was a murrano.

Revisionist history. Columbus was an Italian. Spanish Catholics were at war with Muslim invaders. You're a loon if you think the Spanish Monarchs would hire a Moor disguised as an Italian. He spoke a northern dialect, Genoese Ligurian.
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Revisionist history.
Who part? If you are going to rip off claims, you should at least try to articulate them. Columbus did not speak Italian. And his actions were often consistent with Jewish tradition. This is why scholars now tend to think he was a murrano.

But luckily, we have an expert like you here to tell us which parts of that are "revisionist". So, go ahead...we're listening...
Revisionist history.
Who part? If you are going to rip off claims, you should at least try to articulate them. Columbus did not speak Italian. And his actions were often consistent with Jewish tradition. This is why scholars now tend to think he was a murrano.

But luckily, we have an expert like you here to tell us which parts of that are "revisionist". So, go ahead...we're listening...

In Columbus' era, there were multiple dialects in Italy. He was from Genoa, where the dominant language was Genoese Ligurian.

Ligurian (Romance language) - Infogalactic: the planetary knowledge core

Columbus was Catholic and hired by Catholic Monarchs to find a westward route to Asia. He made his case to them via passages from the Bible. When he landed in the Caribbean, he tried to convert the natives to Christianity. The Catholic monarchs who hired him were engaged in the Reconquista to take back Spain from the Moors. If you think they would have hired one, you're not thinking properly.
Think of all the cool stuff you can buy without that pesky withholding shrinking your check!
Yeah, and if I run out of money, I can stop paying my electric bill, too! You are truly a font of bad advice.
Yeah, and if I run out of money, I can stop paying my electric bill, too!

You can't buy electricity with your paycheck?
Is that because you're a moron?
If you think they would have hired one, you're not thinking properly.
But that's the thing...the successful murrano were not known. That's the entire point of being a murrano. So this statement by you is nonsensical. If the Italians or Spaniards had known, they would have put him to death.

The linguistics experts who have analyzed his letters have concluded his primary language was Castilian Spanish...the language the Jews of Spain spoke. It was their Spanish "Yiddish". There are several other quirks which point to him being a murrano as well.

But that's why this sort of thing is so fun...it's like a mystery...
It is a waste of time to try and change holidays without cause. How about getting some real work
Actually, there's a pretty good cause.
No, there is not. nothing has changed other than politicians now want to virtue signal like idiots.

And I don't care what the man was - we do not celebrate fallible people but specific accomplishments that those people made. Everyone was a shithead 500 years ago. The men of means mostly monsters by today's standards. Most living today will be considered immoral monsters 100 years from now. If it were not true then we would be stagnant and that is a horrific idea.
If you think they would have hired one, you're not thinking properly.
But that's the thing...the successful murrano were not known. That's the entire point of being a murrano. So this statement by you is nonsensical. If the Italians or Spaniards had known, they would have put him to death.

The linguistics experts who have analyzed his letters have concluded his primary language was Castilian Spanish...the language the Jews of Spain spoke. It was their Spanish "Yiddish". There are several other quirks which point to him being a murrano as well.

But that's why this sort of thing is so fun...it's like a mystery...

More revisionist nonsense. Columbus learned Castilian (as well as Latin and Portuguese), and wrote to the CATHOLIC MONARCHS Ferdinand and Isabella in that language.

And from his journal (a Moor would not be converting natives to Christianity):

From the entry in his journal of 12 October 1492, in which he wrote of them: "Many of the men I have seen have scars on their bodies, and when I made signs to them to find out how this happened, they indicated that people from other nearby islands come to San Salvador to capture them; they defend themselves the best they can. I believe that people from the mainland come here to take them as slaves. They ought to make good and skilled servants, for they repeat very quickly whatever we say to them. I think they can very easily be made Christians, for they seem to have no religion. If it pleases our Lord, I will take six of them to Your Highnesses when I depart, in order that they may learn our language."
Columbus learned Castilian (as well as Latin and Portuguese), and wrote to the CATHOLIC MONARCHS Ferdinand and Isabella in that language.
He wrote to everyone in that language. That's the point. Linguistics experts consider it his primary language.

a Moor would not be converting natives to Christianity.
Yes he would, as he knows who pays the bills and lets him live.
Columbus learned Castilian (as well as Latin and Portuguese), and wrote to the CATHOLIC MONARCHS Ferdinand and Isabella in that language.
He wrote to everyone in that language. That's the point. Linguistics experts consider it his primary language.

a Moor would not be converting natives to Christianity.
Yes he would, as he knows who pays the bills and lets him live.

You're a loon, but you do get 10 points for consistency.

In RealityLand, Christopher Columbus was an Italian Catholic from Genoa.
No, there is not.
Hmm,yes, there is. And, as it turns out, some people are rational and curious and change their minds on stuff.
Well, you continue to demand there is. It is amazing that you are willing to drag your party off a cliff with things so inaine as attacking holidays rather than representing the people and making policy that matters. This is why most in the center are so lost lost - they have insane Trump on one side and insane policy ideas like this one on the left.

There is no sane direction to go to anymore.
Columbus learned Castilian (as well as Latin and Portuguese), and wrote to the CATHOLIC MONARCHS Ferdinand and Isabella in that language.
He wrote to everyone in that language. That's the point. Linguistics experts consider it his primary language.

a Moor would not be converting natives to Christianity.
Yes he would, as he knows who pays the bills and lets him live.

You're a loon, but you do get 10 points for consistency.

In RealityLand, Christopher Columbus was an Italian Catholic from Genoa.
Who did not speak Italian, whom linguistic experts consider to have Castilian Spanish as his primary language, and who observed quite a few Jewish traditions in his behaviors.

Your opinions of me don't really speak to this. So settle down.

Furthermore, it's rather odd that he never once, in all his letters, mentioned being from Genoa. When he wrote to Italians he knew, he only wrote in Castilian Spanish or Latin. When he returned from his expedition, the Italian ambassadors in Spain excitedly wrote to their patrons, never once mentioning that he was Italian.

Kind of odd...

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