Elizabeth Warren wants to abolish Columbus Day

Its amazing that the retarded killer columbus even has a holiday. He had no fucking clue where he was and he slaughtered many NA's. What are people celebrating exactly? He wasnt even the first white person here let alone the first to discover the americas.

Columbus brought slaves here too, amiright?!
Thats what white people claim when I tell them that the people that piloted the ships were Black men.

I call shenanigans. I don't believe you.
Its amazing that the retarded killer columbus even has a holiday. He had no fucking clue where he was and he slaughtered many NA's. What are people celebrating exactly? He wasnt even the first white person here let alone the first to discover the americas.

Columbus brought slaves here too, amiright?!
Thats what white people claim when I tell them that the people that piloted the ships were Black men.
Columbus was probably black too
And gay.
Its amazing that the retarded killer columbus even has a holiday. He had no fucking clue where he was and he slaughtered many NA's. What are people celebrating exactly? He wasnt even the first white person here let alone the first to discover the americas.

Columbus brought slaves here too, amiright?!
Thats what white people claim when I tell them that the people that piloted the ships were Black men.
Columbus was probably black too

He was Italian, ya goof.

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Its amazing that the retarded killer columbus even has a holiday. He had no fucking clue where he was and he slaughtered many NA's. What are people celebrating exactly? He wasnt even the first white person here let alone the first to discover the americas.

Columbus brought slaves here too, amiright?!
Thats what white people claim when I tell them that the people that piloted the ships were Black men.
Columbus was probably black too

He was Italian, ya goof.

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Black Italian gay dude back in 1492. Not many of them. Truly extraordinary.
Its amazing that the retarded killer columbus even has a holiday. He had no fucking clue where he was and he slaughtered many NA's. What are people celebrating exactly? He wasnt even the first white person here let alone the first to discover the americas.

Columbus brought slaves here too, amiright?!
Thats what white people claim when I tell them that the people that piloted the ships were Black men.

I call shenanigans. I don't believe you.
Thats really none of my business to be honest.
Its amazing that the retarded killer columbus even has a holiday. He had no fucking clue where he was and he slaughtered many NA's. What are people celebrating exactly? He wasnt even the first white person here let alone the first to discover the americas.

Columbus brought slaves here too, amiright?!
Thats what white people claim when I tell them that the people that piloted the ships were Black men.
Columbus was probably black too
Naw. He was a white Jew.
Its amazing that the retarded killer columbus even has a holiday. He had no fucking clue where he was and he slaughtered many NA's. What are people celebrating exactly? He wasnt even the first white person here let alone the first to discover the americas.

Columbus brought slaves here too, amiright?!
Thats what white people claim when I tell them that the people that piloted the ships were Black men.
Columbus was probably black too

He was Italian, ya goof.

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He didnt speak Italian.
Its amazing that the retarded killer columbus even has a holiday. He had no fucking clue where he was and he slaughtered many NA's. What are people celebrating exactly? He wasnt even the first white person here let alone the first to discover the americas.

Columbus brought slaves here too, amiright?!
Thats what white people claim when I tell them that the people that piloted the ships were Black men.
Columbus was probably black too
Naw. He was a white Jew.

What a maroon. He was Catholic.
Instead of abolishing COLUMBS DAY.....can we just abolish 'FAKE Woo Woos'? :p
Its amazing that the retarded killer columbus even has a holiday. He had no fucking clue where he was and he slaughtered many NA's. What are people celebrating exactly? He wasnt even the first white person here let alone the first to discover the americas.

Columbus brought slaves here too, amiright?!
Thats what white people claim when I tell them that the people that piloted the ships were Black men.
Columbus was probably black too
Naw. He was a white Jew.

What a maroon. He was Catholic.
No he wasnt a maroon, he was a marrano. I would be too since Spain was torturing and killing Jews back then.
I bet she thinks Tonto Day would be a nice replacement...or kemosabe day...or Apache day....:14:
How about Pocahontas day.... replacing April fools.
Believing Elizabeth Warren is an Indian

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So I guess you and her have a couple of things in common.

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I share neither of the two with her… Pocahontas is the one that lied.

Pocahontas is a fucking fraud and a piece of shit… End of story
I pick at my co-workers all the time about Columbus Day and it being a 'US Holiday'.

I sometimes humorously feign 'anger' (Liberal social justice outrage :p) and ask them why we have an official US Holiday celebrating a European explorer sailing for another European country setting out to try to find the West Indies, getting lost, failing to do so, landing instead in the Bahamas, enslaving half the natives they come across, killing off the other half (disease, etc...), and then they give him credit for finding AMERICA (not the Bahamas)....especially when the Viking, Leif Ericson, was the 1st one to find America years earlier....despite the fact that it was never lost because my people had been living here for a loooooooong time already.

Well, if you really want to get down to brass tacks, instead of living in a Teepee having to move periodically to find new game to support your tribe, now you can own casinos and live in 6000 Sq ft mansions while the White man is fighting to pay his bills thanks to Democrats driving wages down with illegals. You can walk up to some kids in a McDonald's or the national mall in Washington beating your drum and cause a disturbance without being arrested because nobody wants to be labeled a friggen racist.

It's readily apparent from your post Mud, that you have never been to a reservation where there isn't a casino. Go and check out some of the reservations in Montana, or Idaho. They people who live there are living in poverty, not 6000 sq ft mansions like you claim they are.
I pick at my co-workers all the time about Columbus Day and it being a 'US Holiday'.

I sometimes humorously feign 'anger' (Liberal social justice outrage :p) and ask them why we have an official US Holiday celebrating a European explorer sailing for another European country setting out to try to find the West Indies, getting lost, failing to do so, landing instead in the Bahamas, enslaving half the natives they come across, killing off the other half (disease, etc...), and then they give him credit for finding AMERICA (not the Bahamas)....especially when the Viking, Leif Ericson, was the 1st one to find America years earlier....despite the fact that it was never lost because my people had been living here for a loooooooong time already.

Well, if you really want to get down to brass tacks, instead of living in a Teepee having to move periodically to find new game to support your tribe, now you can own casinos and live in 6000 Sq ft mansions while the White man is fighting to pay his bills thanks to Democrats driving wages down with illegals. You can walk up to some kids in a McDonald's or the national mall in Washington beating your drum and cause a disturbance without being arrested because nobody wants to be labeled a friggen racist.

It's readily apparent from your post Mud, that you have never been to a reservation where there isn't a casino. Go and check out some of the reservations in Montana, or Idaho. They people who live there are living in poverty, not 6000 sq ft mansions like you claim they are.
That shows how little you know.
My Aunt Liz married a full-blooded Lakota Indian who lived on the Blackfoot Reservation in Arlee Montana....my Uncle Frank.
We went up there just about every weekend to see them.
My half-brothers and sister's father was also a Native American.
So I've lived on or around the reservation most of my early years.
The last time I went home Broadway was filled with casinos and every single owner was Native American.
In Alaska Natives are the only ones who can own a gaming license.
Columbus brought slaves here too, amiright?!
Thats what white people claim when I tell them that the people that piloted the ships were Black men.
Columbus was probably black too
Naw. He was a white Jew.

What a maroon. He was Catholic.
No he wasnt a maroon, he was a marrano. I would be too since Spain was torturing and killing Jews back then.

Columbus was a Catholic Italian.

But I don't expect you to have any knowledge of factual history.
It is the admission that the concept of multiculturalism is a lie.
I think that, at least for some on the Left, it's a perfectly sincere effort to bring everyone in.

The problem is that, as with so many other issues, the whole thing has been disfigured and bastardized and perverted and distorted, specifically for use as a political bludgeon.

This is what happens when zealots jump into the fray.

Got any examples to support your hope that some on the left are sincere?
None that you would accept. Plenty from my own life, but there's no way for me to know when I see it in public or from public figures.

One of my many flaws is that I can't really recognize when a winger from either side is being sincere or not.

It is telling that you can't think of one example when a majory lefty stood up to this type of crap. For the record, I tried too.
This is one of the reasons I no longer bother. That's not what I said, and so you just made something up that fits your worldview.

This is why I don't believe, out of hand, anything you folks say. On either end.

And I see it so often, from both ends, that I made a graphical representation of it a long time ago:....

I asked for some examples, and you could not give any. I couldn't think of any either. My response was accordingly.
I think that, at least for some on the Left, it's a perfectly sincere effort to bring everyone in.

The problem is that, as with so many other issues, the whole thing has been disfigured and bastardized and perverted and distorted, specifically for use as a political bludgeon.

This is what happens when zealots jump into the fray.

Got any examples to support your hope that some on the left are sincere?
None that you would accept. Plenty from my own life, but there's no way for me to know when I see it in public or from public figures.

One of my many flaws is that I can't really recognize when a winger from either side is being sincere or not.

It is telling that you can't think of one example when a majory lefty stood up to this type of crap. For the record, I tried too.
This is one of the reasons I no longer bother. That's not what I said, and so you just made something up that fits your worldview.

This is why I don't believe, out of hand, anything you folks say. On either end.

And I see it so often, from both ends, that I made a graphical representation of it a long time ago:....

I asked for some examples, and you could not give any. I couldn't think of any either. My response was accordingly.
Wrong, again. I knew that no examples I could provide would be good enough for you, so I didn't bother and explained why.

There really is a pretty significant difference there.
Thats what white people claim when I tell them that the people that piloted the ships were Black men.
Columbus was probably black too
Naw. He was a white Jew.

What a maroon. He was Catholic.
No he wasnt a maroon, he was a marrano. I would be too since Spain was torturing and killing Jews back then.

Columbus was a Catholic Italian.

But I don't expect you to have any knowledge of factual history.
...but lived in spain and did not even speak Italian. And now scholars are all but certain he was a murrano.

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