Elizabeth Warren wants to abolish Columbus Day

The Human Trafficking Suspect Senator Elizabeth Warren is pandering to the racist Democrat Voters again.
Warren is proposing abolishing Columbus Day and replacing it with "Indigenous People's Day."
I’m OK with an “Indigenous People’s Day”.
We could use a holiday in March or April.
Holidays are good for our economy.
But Warren is just pandering to the growing anti-Anglo racist bigot wing of the Democratic Party with her proposal to abolish Columbus Day.

Guess Which Holiday Elizabeth Warren Supports Renaming?

View attachment 244287
Human trafficking suspect? WTF are you talking about? An oh yes! Columbus was a murderous rouge and there are far to many places and things named after him.
I'd like to most holidays abolished with the exception Thanksgiving,Christmas, Memorial Day, July 4th and Labor Day. If all you old coots can remember we never had these Monday holidays that were passed to satisfy another day off work for government employee's.
Bingo, civilian federal employees do not earn their money
I bet she thinks Tonto Day would be a nice replacement...or kemosabe day...or Apache day....:14:
How about Pocahontas day.... replacing April fools.
Believing Elizabeth Warren is an Indian


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Columbus Day?

Why is it even a holiday?

The guy was a scumbag who enslaved almost every native he found.

And he never even landed in present day America.

I am no fan of Warren's, but why the fuck is there a holiday for the guy?
Someone had to bring my ancestors out of the fucking Stone Age, he along with many others did just that.
The Human Trafficking Suspect Senator Elizabeth Warren is pandering to the racist Democrat Voters again.
Warren is proposing abolishing Columbus Day and replacing it with "Indigenous People's Day."
I’m OK with an “Indigenous People’s Day”.
We could use a holiday in March or April.
Holidays are good for our economy.
But Warren is just pandering to the growing anti-Anglo racist bigot wing of the Democratic Party with her proposal to abolish Columbus Day.

Guess Which Holiday Elizabeth Warren Supports Renaming?

View attachment 244287
An excellent idea...Columbus didn't discover America anyways.
While true, he did not. But he did put a great thing in motion...
It was a great start to getting people out of fucked up socialist Europe
The Human Trafficking Suspect Senator Elizabeth Warren is pandering to the racist Democrat Voters again.
Warren is proposing abolishing Columbus Day and replacing it with "Indigenous People's Day."
I’m OK with an “Indigenous People’s Day”.
We could use a holiday in March or April.
Holidays are good for our economy.
But Warren is just pandering to the growing anti-Anglo racist bigot wing of the Democratic Party with her proposal to abolish Columbus Day.

Guess Which Holiday Elizabeth Warren Supports Renaming?

View attachment 244287
/——/ The local appliance store is ordering signs for the Indigenous People’s Day Sale.
1/1064 % off all refrigerators and stoves.
There is no holiday named Indigenous People's Day since the whites only like to do what they want and never notice who they had to kill and rob from to make a nation.
When will you realize political correctness always makes people like you sound like pussy whipped bitchs
change the names, the rest is the same.

bitch at the bullshit method the other side employes, then when you're up, you do them too. why? cause they did it. so you let someone make you do something you claim is bullshit and want people to take you seriously?

yep. quite comical.
Zealotry has a long destructive history in our country. Abolitionists helped caused a destructive war that killed nearly a million Americans and destroyed half the nation. Zealots caused prohibition of alcohol, leading to organized crime and making Americans who sought a drink criminals. The AGW crowd are zealots. Some have demanded that deniers be silenced. I think Mother’s Against Drunk Drivers became zealots. Now one drink might get you arrested.

Seems to me zealotry is used by our government and ruling class to keep Americans divided and controlled, so that they can continue to gain wealth and power.
people don't realize when they're going too far quite often, no. in time you can usually learn and grow out of it. then i just need to remember everyone i'm talking to has not yet grown out of it. :)
An old friend has a wife who is a long time leftist zealot. My friend is apolitical and seldom votes. His wife regularly scream incoherently about everything leftism hates. He told me recently it won’t retire, because he can’t be home with that.
The tendency is just to keep pushing the envelope on intellectual honesty out further and further, inch by inch, degree by degree. That's human nature.

We've reached a point at which we've seemingly burst through the envelope, and only know how to communicate in hyperbole & myopia, based on our tribe's view.

That bodes very poorly for communication, and truly broken communication can only lead in one direction.
yep.what i keep saying. let one side get away with something wrong, the other side will do it +1.

we're now at something like +13,389,388 and growing. this "they did it first" is just 8 year old child bullshit.
Yeah. The only thing that stops this, or slows it down, is for each tribe to start holding their own accountable.

I don't see that happening. In fact, the behavior is still being celebrated.
I think we can now safely count on Liz and most (if not all) of the Democrats to run with the SJW routine in 2020 and beyond.

Any who don't will come under serious criticism.

It is what it is.

It is the admission that the concept of multiculturalism is a lie.
Hardly so sonce French, German, Russian and English live in this nation yet do not declare war against each other..Hence a multicultural society.
Thanks to European socialism kicking them out of there
I think we can now safely count on Liz and most (if not all) of the Democrats to run with the SJW routine in 2020 and beyond.

Any who don't will come under serious criticism.

It is what it is.

It is the admission that the concept of multiculturalism is a lie.
Hardly so sonce French, German, Russian and English live in this nation yet do not declare war against each other..Hence a multicultural society.
Thanks to European socialism kicking them out of there
When did monarchies become socialist?
The Human Trafficking Suspect Senator Elizabeth Warren is pandering to the racist Democrat Voters again.
Warren is proposing abolishing Columbus Day and replacing it with "Indigenous People's Day."
I’m OK with an “Indigenous People’s Day”.
We could use a holiday in March or April.
Holidays are good for our economy.
But Warren is just pandering to the growing anti-Anglo racist bigot wing of the Democratic Party with her proposal to abolish Columbus Day.

Guess Which Holiday Elizabeth Warren Supports Renaming?

View attachment 244287
/——/ The local appliance store is ordering signs for the Indigenous People’s Day Sale.
1/1064 % off all refrigerators and stoves.
There is no holiday named Indigenous People's Day since the whites only like to do what they want and never notice who they had to kill and rob from to make a nation.
/——/ Injuns fought and slaughtered each other to steal their women and land.
Not the civilised tribes which did not because of a mutual agreement. The ones Jackson moved for no real reason since they were doing no harm to white folks as is the case in Oklahoma when their land was taken from them after being given to them by the white so called christian govt.
You do realize American Indians back then never did realize land as a possession?
It was the deep state that fucked over American Indians, And my ancestors let them because they were ignorant and overly trusting.
Obviously political correctness does not teach history very well, made obvious by your education.
Dump Columbus Day and make voting day a holiday .

Election days are on different days in different states, except I guess if you are only talking about biennial congress elections.

Sort of stupid to replace an annual holiday with one held less often.

The thing is also, in a lot of jurisdictions, local elections are pointless. Many cities are one-party states where the people really don't have a choice.
I think we can now safely count on Liz and most (if not all) of the Democrats to run with the SJW routine in 2020 and beyond.

Any who don't will come under serious criticism.

It is what it is.
There was no justice for slavery or destruction of the natives. Just sayin.
The original slaveowners on this continent were American Indians, my ancestors. So go back to school and learn some history and shut the fuck up you moron
I think we can now safely count on Liz and most (if not all) of the Democrats to run with the SJW routine in 2020 and beyond.

Any who don't will come under serious criticism.

It is what it is.

It is the admission that the concept of multiculturalism is a lie.
Hardly so sonce French, German, Russian and English live in this nation yet do not declare war against each other..Hence a multicultural society.
Thanks to European socialism kicking them out of there
When did monarchies become socialist?

Some monarchs have found Socialism to be a great way to control their subjects.
I think we can now safely count on Liz and most (if not all) of the Democrats to run with the SJW routine in 2020 and beyond.

Any who don't will come under serious criticism.

It is what it is.

It is the admission that the concept of multiculturalism is a lie.
Hardly so sonce French, German, Russian and English live in this nation yet do not declare war against each other..Hence a multicultural society.
Thanks to European socialism kicking them out of there
When did monarchies become socialist?
Socialism always fails and turns into a dictatorship eventually
I think we can now safely count on Liz and most (if not all) of the Democrats to run with the SJW routine in 2020 and beyond.

Any who don't will come under serious criticism.

It is what it is.

It is the admission that the concept of multiculturalism is a lie.
Hardly so sonce French, German, Russian and English live in this nation yet do not declare war against each other..Hence a multicultural society.
Thanks to European socialism kicking them out of there
When did monarchies become socialist?
Socialism always fails and turns into a dictatorship eventually
Just like Britain eh?
It is sort of funny how you all pretend this is some new idea to that Warren came up with...this has been a topic of discussion for at least two decades...
Political correctness has always been fucked up, and progressives have always been fucked in the head

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