Elizabeth Warren wants to abolish Columbus Day

It is sort of funny how you all pretend this is some new idea to that Warren came up with...this has been a topic of discussion for at least two decades...
Yeah. I spend more effort in observing and analyzing behaviors & motivations than I do in believing what wingers actually say.

That's why I see so similarities between the two tribes. Their behaviors can be comically similar.
change the names, the rest is the same.

bitch at the bullshit method the other side employes, then when you're up, you do them too. why? cause they did it. so you let someone make you do something you claim is bullshit and want people to take you seriously?

yep. quite comical.
Zealotry has a long destructive history in our country. Abolitionists helped caused a destructive war that killed nearly a million Americans and destroyed half the nation. Zealots caused prohibition of alcohol, leading to organized crime and making Americans who sought a drink criminals. The AGW crowd are zealots. Some have demanded that deniers be silenced. I think Mother’s Against Drunk Drivers became zealots. Now one drink might get you arrested.

Seems to me zealotry is used by our government and ruling class to keep Americans divided and controlled, so that they can continue to gain wealth and power.
people don't realize when they're going too far quite often, no. in time you can usually learn and grow out of it. then i just need to remember everyone i'm talking to has not yet grown out of it. :)
An old friend has a wife who is a long time leftist zealot. My friend is apolitical and seldom votes. His wife regularly scream incoherently about everything leftism hates. He told me recently it won’t retire, because he can’t be home with that.

what a shitty marriage you friend has.
Zealotry does have consequences.
Yeah. I spend more effort in observing and analyzing behaviors & motivations than I do in believing what wingers actually say.

That's why I see so similarities between the two tribes. Their behaviors can be comically similar.
change the names, the rest is the same.

bitch at the bullshit method the other side employes, then when you're up, you do them too. why? cause they did it. so you let someone make you do something you claim is bullshit and want people to take you seriously?

yep. quite comical.
Zealotry has a long destructive history in our country. Abolitionists helped caused a destructive war that killed nearly a million Americans and destroyed half the nation. Zealots caused prohibition of alcohol, leading to organized crime and making Americans who sought a drink criminals. The AGW crowd are zealots. Some have demanded that deniers be silenced. I think Mother’s Against Drunk Drivers became zealots. Now one drink might get you arrested.

Seems to me zealotry is used by our government and ruling class to keep Americans divided and controlled, so that they can continue to gain wealth and power.
people don't realize when they're going too far quite often, no. in time you can usually learn and grow out of it. then i just need to remember everyone i'm talking to has not yet grown out of it. :)
An old friend has a wife who is a long time leftist zealot. My friend is apolitical and seldom votes. His wife regularly scream incoherently about everything leftism hates. He told me recently it won’t retire, because he can’t be home with that.
The tendency is just to keep pushing the envelope on intellectual honesty out further and further, inch by inch, degree by degree. That's human nature.

We've reached a point at which we've seemingly burst through the envelope, and only know how to communicate in hyperbole & myopia, based on our tribe's view.

That bodes very poorly for communication, and truly broken communication can only lead in one direction.
yep.what i keep saying. let one side get away with something wrong, the other side will do it +1.

we're now at something like +13,389,388 and growing. this "they did it first" is just 8 year old child bullshit.
The Human Trafficking Suspect Senator Elizabeth Warren is pandering to the racist Democrat Voters again.
Warren is proposing abolishing Columbus Day and replacing it with "Indigenous People's Day."
I’m OK with an “Indigenous People’s Day”.
We could use a holiday in March or April.
Holidays are good for our economy.
But Warren is just pandering to the growing anti-Anglo racist bigot wing of the Democratic Party with her proposal to abolish Columbus Day.

Guess Which Holiday Elizabeth Warren Supports Renaming?

View attachment 244287
These attacks on liz are pathetic. The right is really ramping up its lie machine on this one. She's not that bad at all.

Dont forget that trump has a riddled past of illegal activity and they just looked the other way. Vetting went right out the window for that unstable non-genius. But liz thought she was a native cause her grandma told her so. What a crime!!!!

change the names, the rest is the same.

bitch at the bullshit method the other side employes, then when you're up, you do them too. why? cause they did it. so you let someone make you do something you claim is bullshit and want people to take you seriously?

yep. quite comical.
Zealotry has a long destructive history in our country. Abolitionists helped caused a destructive war that killed nearly a million Americans and destroyed half the nation. Zealots caused prohibition of alcohol, leading to organized crime and making Americans who sought a drink criminals. The AGW crowd are zealots. Some have demanded that deniers be silenced. I think Mother’s Against Drunk Drivers became zealots. Now one drink might get you arrested.

Seems to me zealotry is used by our government and ruling class to keep Americans divided and controlled, so that they can continue to gain wealth and power.
people don't realize when they're going too far quite often, no. in time you can usually learn and grow out of it. then i just need to remember everyone i'm talking to has not yet grown out of it. :)
An old friend has a wife who is a long time leftist zealot. My friend is apolitical and seldom votes. His wife regularly scream incoherently about everything leftism hates. He told me recently it won’t retire, because he can’t be home with that.

what a shitty marriage you friend has.
Zealotry does have consequences.

A wise man would move on, being married to someone you do not want to spend time with is stupid.
Zealotry has a long destructive history in our country. Abolitionists helped caused a destructive war that killed nearly a million Americans and destroyed half the nation. Zealots caused prohibition of alcohol, leading to organized crime and making Americans who sought a drink criminals. The AGW crowd are zealots. Some have demanded that deniers be silenced. I think Mother’s Against Drunk Drivers became zealots. Now one drink might get you arrested.

Seems to me zealotry is used by our government and ruling class to keep Americans divided and controlled, so that they can continue to gain wealth and power.
people don't realize when they're going too far quite often, no. in time you can usually learn and grow out of it. then i just need to remember everyone i'm talking to has not yet grown out of it. :)
An old friend has a wife who is a long time leftist zealot. My friend is apolitical and seldom votes. His wife regularly scream incoherently about everything leftism hates. He told me recently it won’t retire, because he can’t be home with that.

what a shitty marriage you friend has.
Zealotry does have consequences.

A wise man would move on, being married to someone you do not want to spend time with is stupid.
i just never got married and stayed drunk for 18 years.
These attacks on liz are pathetic. The right is really ramping up its lie machine on this one. She's not that bad at all.

Dont forget that trump has a riddled past of illegal activity and they just looked the other way. Vetting went right out the window for that unstable non-genius. But liz thought she was a native cause her grandma told her so. What a crime!!!!


This has to be the most delusional post I have read here. They had to go back over TWENTY YEARS to find a statement Trump made about grabbing p*ssy! Not an ACTION, but only a statement. Words. What specifically is Trump's illegal past? He has been one of the most scrutinized politicians ever.

Warren brought all this ON HERSELF. If she hadn't lied about her heritage to gain a hiring advantage, and recognition throughout her career, this wouldn't be an issue. She is dishonest, period.
These attacks on liz are pathetic. The right is really ramping up its lie machine on this one. She's not that bad at all.

Dont forget that trump has a riddled past of illegal activity and they just looked the other way. Vetting went right out the window for that unstable non-genius. But liz thought she was a native cause her grandma told her so. What a crime!!!!


This has to be the most delusional post I have read here. They had to go back over TWENTY YEARS to find a statement Trump made about grabbing p*ssy! Not an ACTION, but only a statement. Words. What specifically is Trump's illegal past? He has been one of the most scrutinized politicians ever.

Warren brought all this ON HERSELF. If she hadn't lied about her heritage to gain a hiring advantage, and recognition throughout her career, this wouldn't be an issue. She is dishonest, period.
oh i'm sure he grabbed his fair share or more.

let any man with a free hand cast the first stone.
The Human Trafficking Suspect Senator Elizabeth Warren is pandering to the racist Democrat Voters again.
Warren is proposing abolishing Columbus Day and replacing it with "Indigenous People's Day."
I’m OK with an “Indigenous People’s Day”.
We could use a holiday in March or April.
Holidays are good for our economy.
But Warren is just pandering to the growing anti-Anglo racist bigot wing of the Democratic Party with her proposal to abolish Columbus Day.

Guess Which Holiday Elizabeth Warren Supports Renaming?

View attachment 244287
She is toast now.

Let's watch her flop around, going through the motions of someone with an actual chance at becoming POTUS, while we know she is wasting her time.

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These attacks on liz are pathetic. The right is really ramping up its lie machine on this one. She's not that bad at all.

Dont forget that trump has a riddled past of illegal activity and they just looked the other way. Vetting went right out the window for that unstable non-genius. But liz thought she was a native cause her grandma told her so. What a crime!!!!


This has to be the most delusional post I have read here. They had to go back over TWENTY YEARS to find a statement Trump made about grabbing p*ssy! Not an ACTION, but only a statement. Words. What specifically is Trump's illegal past? He has been one of the most scrutinized politicians ever.

Warren brought all this ON HERSELF. If she hadn't lied about her heritage to gain a hiring advantage, and recognition throughout her career, this wouldn't be an issue. She is dishonest, period.
Dude you need to go be an honest and informed citizen for once and search the internet for laws trump org and businesses have broken. I'm not going to do it for you. He usually does not get convicted...instead he will settle and squash the story sometimes even just shutting down the business unit to escape further fallout. It's on you to be informed. Are you for real????? My god. Your head is so far in the sand.

Your thoughts on liz are the worst case scenario caricature assembled by the stooges of her political enemies. Probably just headlines with a question mark at the end, amirite?

Her story is plausible and is one that cant easily be refuted without speculation and written evidence of intent. She was told from childhood she had native heritage. It's far from some serious crime you guys are trying to manufactured and distract from trumps actual crimes and unstable behavior.
It is sort of funny how you all pretend this is some new idea to that Warren came up with...this has been a topic of discussion for at least two decades...
blood in the water, nothing really matters at this point except the feeding frenzy.
These attacks on liz are pathetic. The right is really ramping up its lie machine on this one. She's not that bad at all.

Dont forget that trump has a riddled past of illegal activity and they just looked the other way. Vetting went right out the window for that unstable non-genius. But liz thought she was a native cause her grandma told her so. What a crime!!!!


This has to be the most delusional post I have read here. They had to go back over TWENTY YEARS to find a statement Trump made about grabbing p*ssy! Not an ACTION, but only a statement. Words. What specifically is Trump's illegal past? He has been one of the most scrutinized politicians ever.

Warren brought all this ON HERSELF. If she hadn't lied about her heritage to gain a hiring advantage, and recognition throughout her career, this wouldn't be an issue. She is dishonest, period.
I totally missed the "she's dishonest" line. Are you fucking kidding me? If you are a trump supporter you're done talking for the day. Done. Let's just assume that she knowing lied on a handful of applications decades ago and it helped her. Is that it? Compared to thousands of trump lies, that's nothing. It would be a negative mark on her for sure and could lead to consequences but they are apples and oranges. I wouldnt expect a presidency of dishonesty from liz like we have gotten from trump. When trump talks he lies and exaggerates. For people that dont matter, exaggeration is inconsequential. This is the president though. He's hurting people with his exaggerations.
Its amazing that the retarded killer columbus even has a holiday. He had no fucking clue where he was and he slaughtered many NA's. What are people celebrating exactly? He wasnt even the first white person here let alone the first to discover the americas.
First of all, native American is the white mans term.
And yes he was far from the first.
But as an American Indian I have to be thankful of him and others, he was part of bringing my ancestors out of the Stone Age… If it was up to my ancestors we would still be playing around with sticks dirt and worshiping dirt.

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