Elon Musk: Biden allows illegals into the USA to have more democrat voters

This thread is about Biden and what interests him.

Musk's theory that what drives Biden's border policy is some sort of long term vote propping for Democrats doesn't make sense given the immedeate problems situation at the border is causing for his election this year.

Whats not to get?
You are free to believe what you want, and I am free to believe what I want.

Now stop trying to change my mind, please.

Well, I've been saying this ever since the border got demolished in 2021.

But it's always good to have someone like Musk say this. He says some other interesting things also.. as always :)

(all emphasis mine)

from site


"This explains why there are so few deportations, as every deportation is a lost vote."

"As happened this week, you can literally assault police officers in broad daylight in New York, be released with no bail, give everyone the finger and still not be deported!! Outrageous."
Elon Musk, MAGA’s favorite African-American! :dev3:
I don't believe Musk is African

Just bc you live in Africa doesn't make you African

I think America's favorite African is Ben Carson

I don't think that is so in most states? Where can we get more info?
Federally funded programs that the states use have that requirement. Like Obamacare, EBIT and others.

It is typical Liberal dishonesty. They say only citizens are eligible but then they have stipulations that the person applying doesn't have to disclose their citizenship status. It is a scam by the Democrats.

Then you have the crap where you can't turn down a little Illegal shitheads for public schools, that usually includes free Federally funded breakfast and lunch.

We are fucking ourselves by allowing this crap to go on. Like Elon said, just to get Democrat voters so this country will be a Socialist Shithole. The destruction of America.
No Mr Potatohead

They ain't "migrants"

They ain't "immigrants"

They ain't anything but Illegal welfare queens you are importing to do the job that real Americans find so digusting. Voting for the Democrat filth.
Biden will be long dead by then. Duh. '

Use your damn head, his interest is his immedeate Presidency and a place in history, not padding some hypothetical future Democrats
This isnt Bidens policy, its the policy of the young people who make all of his policy decisions. They see that Joe is not dropping out of the election and he is going to lose, so they may as well flood as many in as they can now because, future dems will know this is a political disaster.
Uh-huh, and how do you suppose that will happen (mass citizenship)..and what if they are conservative and lean Republican by nature?
Just more smoke blowing.
Immigrants currently lean democrat by 15%. Our nation is being destroyed just so dems can pull in a small percentage of votes at a future date. Its fucking disgusting and transparent.
Federally funded programs that the states use have that requirement. Like Obamacare, EBIT and others.

It is typical Liberal dishonesty. They say only citizens are eligible but then they have stipulations that the person applying doesn't have to disclose their citizenship status. It is a scam by the Democrats.

Then you have the crap where you can't turn down a little Illegal shitheads for public schools, that usually includes free Federally funded breakfast and lunch.

We are fucking ourselves by allowing this crap to go on. Like Elon said, just to get Democrat voters so this country will be a Socialist Shithole. The destruction of America.
preaching to the choir.

And what galls me (at the moment) is that the Rs are even considering some damn bill in the Senate, which I myself have not been able to read (yet). I couldn't copy the damn thing.. Maybe that's by design also? Who knows... but I've been able to copy other stuff to my flasdrive. Why not the bill? I don't think they want Americans to read it... don't want taxpayers to get ticked off all over again?

If someone reading this can actually get the damn thing copied, please let us all have the chance to read it.

Thanks you
Just think of all the Illegals that are laughing their ass off at us weak and stupid Americans. Letting millions of them flood into our country to get welfare, education and health care that we are paying for.

A sucker born every minute, huh?
No Mr Potatohead

They ain't "migrants"

They ain't "immigrants"

They ain't anything but Illegal welfare queens you are importing to do the job that real Americans find so digusting. Voting for the Democrat filth.
i think it's largely bogus that illegals will do work Americans will not. There are always Americans who will do just about any kind of honest work... seems like a big lie to me
Yep, it requires straight conspiracy theories to make heads and tails of this nonsense.
Is there a single god damn thing you see in Biden that suggests he is hard at work in the Oval Office? :cuckoo:
Just think of all the Illegals that are laughing their ass off at us weak and stupid Americans. Letting millions of them flood into our country to get welfare, education and health care that we are paying for.

A sucker born every minute, huh?
Most Americans are not in favor of this stupid BS

it is just the useless ones in Congress and other elites who want or at least tolerate this travesty

After all, Congress persons have armed guards. They are safe. We are not but they don't care... except that maybe if enough Americans are victims of the illegals.. they won't be able to work and pay taxes (to keep the behemoth in DC operating)?
Most Americans are not in favor of this stupid BS

it is just the useless ones in Congress and other elites who want or at least tolerate this travesty

After all, Congress persons have armed guards. They are safe. We are not but they don't care... except that maybe if enough Americans are victims of the illegals.. they won't be able to work and pay taxes (to keep the behemoth in DC operating)?
We let the bastards get away with it.

The Democrats stole the 2020 election and immediately opened the border to these little shitheads and we did nothing.

Our chance to do something was on 1/6 when the stolen election was illegally certified. Instead all we did was take a few selfies in Pelosi office.

Now we are paying the price with millions of Illegal welfare queens, massive inflation, high cost of energy, higher interest rates, astronomical debt, a weakened military and a foreign policy of fighting other peoples wars and embarrass ourselves like we did with the Afghanistan withdrawal.

Obviously the saying is true. Good times produce weak men that then produce bad times. Potatohead is as weak and stupid as they come.
He has been on vacation for 43% of his fucking presidency! Furthermore, someone putting words on a piece of paper that says "public schedule", means nothing. They lie constantly over there.

Would it kill you to look these things up before posting your bullshit?

Bush -1,020 vacation days over 8 years
Obama - 328 days in 8 years
Trump - 381 vacation days in 4 years (over twice more than Obama, yet you didn't give any shit)
Biden - 424 in 3 years, with packed schedule untill end of this year.


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