Elon Musk buys Twitter!!

This is why I love this forum.



If you people had any actual morals or convictions it would be scary

Who said anything about censoring libs?
Not that it wouldnt be fun to give em a taste of their own medicine but I'm all for free speech.
It should be interesting to see how the libs on twitter react to having both sides of the story told.
I predict temper tantrums galore.
Who said anything about censoring libs?
Not that it wouldnt be fun to give em a taste of their own medicine but I'm all for free speech.
It should be interesting to see how the libs on twitter react to having both sides of the story told.
I predict temper tantrums galore.
They want freak speech but not free speech
Appears Trump won't be coming back as he has his Truth Network which he is going to be workig from, though he is happy Musk bought it and hopes he will return Free Speech.

We will see if Musk acts as he speaks, nothing less than the principles of the Western World which so may have sacrificed for lies in the balance. We have Canadas Creepy Covert Security Apparatus, and there is a real threat Americas apparatus will silence and destroy citizens as they do in Canada.

This starts with career interference as they engage with me and spreads to peoples relations and online presence. Are American police agencies already demading the silence of citizens online as they do in Canada? Will Musk flip these powerful agencies and their sponsors the bird?

If Musk doesn't rise to the occassion and citizens, especially Libertarians and Conservatives remain Shadowbanned and the like, tha Trumps Truth Media could legitimately grab 30-40% of the U.S market and beyond.
Trump should and probably will return to Twitter

but not right away

I am guessing it begins with his account being unblocked and reinstated. I believe Trump when he says he will remain on Truth and in a perfect world, both can coincide, prosper and expand U.S interests and principles.

As a self described libertarian myself, Musk has been a source of inspiration for me and out childhoods are similar in some respects (though our bank accounts quite different, hah). He is more American than many born in America and this may be his greatest gift to his adopted home.

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