Elon Musk buys Twitter!!

This is huge news!! Welcome back Donald Trump!!

No available links right now, its breaking news. What a win for free speech!!


Hereon to be referred to as Mr.Musk.Got that.The Man of the Year.
F ... Time Magazine.In the minds and hearts of True Americans he represents
what Jeff Bezos Hasn't.Or Couldn't. To be a Man of Fair play and Americana.
A Man of The Citizen.Not the People.The drat Democrats screwed that up
as close to brim and hellfire as humanely possible.
Real Americans.Tax-paying Citizens.Citizens who Believe in Free and fair
Elections.Voter ID a must.Vote in person when all possible.
No more edicts like... No Complaints concerning the 2020 Election
will be tolerated.F Off you unamerican control freak Liars.
It's a new day in Paradise.I hope Mr.Musk hooks up with Mr.Trump as
soon as Poss-ee-bow.At Mar-a-lago.Maybe stays en entire weekend.
Exchange Great Ideas for America's Greatness.May indulge in Great
cakes { Mr.Trump has a sweet tooth }. But all things in Moderation.
Maybe Mr.Musk could have delievered one them Huge Telescopes
like the one used by Claude Rains as Sir John Talbot in :
- The Wolf Man - { 1941 }.
So Mr.Trump, can keep a sharp eye out for traitors in our midst.
$44 billion for a service that generates no revenue? Twitter shareholders sure struck gold!
It may generate no revenue but it virtually controls world media. Musk said:
“Free speech is the bedrock of a functioning democracy, and Twitter is the digital town square where matters vital to the future of humanity are debated,” said Mr. Musk. “I also want to make Twitter better than ever by enhancing the product with new features, making the algorithms open source to increase trust, defeating the spam bots, and authenticating all humans. Twitter has tremendous potential – I look forward to working with the company and the community of users to unlock it.”

Seems that Musk's vision for Twitter goes well beyond monetary gain but then, that is the way Musk operates. He has a vision and a plan and proceeds to fulfill them, breaking new ground (electric vehicles, space travel, etc.) and the revenue just follows.
Weird.....CNN and MS-LSD is sure quiet about it all.

Literally the top story on CNN.com


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