Elon Musk buys Twitter!!

He said he would not come back even if Musk bought it. I laughed out loud, now we will find out if he was lying or not

I think it really depends on how much Mr. Musk wants to pay him for his tweeting services.

President Trump isn't going to do it for nothing.
Ringtone is having himself a little extra tantrum time today. 😂

I provided a link to good news. I added the only comment I felt like making. I wonder if ringtone feels any need to be topical?
Perhaps you'll address that other topic with more than bald claims.
Musk is an interesting operator ...

Elon Musk and SpaceX thwarted a Russian electromagnetic attack on Ukraine​

SpaceX — a company founded and owned by Elon Musk with the express intention of colonizing Mars — successfully stopped a Russian electromagnetic attack in Ukraine.

In March, Musk’s company worked at a breakneck pace to shut down Russian efforts to disconnect Ukrainians from the internet by jamming the country’s access to its Starlink satellite constellation.

Starlink is operated by SpaceX and provides internet coverage to 32 countries. The constellation consists of more than 2,000 mass-produced small satellites that reside in low orbit and communicate with designated transceivers on the Earth’s surface.

At the outset of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, when it became clear that the Russian government was going to target the Ukrainian people’s ability to communicate, Ukrainian officials pleaded with Musk to intervene and provide them with relief.
Dave Tremper, director of electronic warfare for the Office of the Secretary of Defense, lauded SpaceX’s ability to turn on a dime and swiftly stymie Russia’s efforts to jam the Starlink satellite’s ability to provide broadband.

Defense News reported that Tremper said, “The next day [after reports about the Russian jamming effort hit the media], Starlink had slung a line of code and fixed it, and suddenly that [Russian jamming attack] was not effective anymore. From [the] EW technologist’s perspective, that is fantastic … and how they did that was eye-watering to me.”

Tremper noted that it would have taken the American government considerably longer to counteract the Russian electromagnetic attack than it did Musk’s company.

Tremper said, “We need to be able to have that agility. We need to be able to change our electromagnetic posture to be able to change, very dynamically, what we’re trying to do without losing capability along the way.”

Noting that electromagnetic warfare requires very finely tuned machinery and highly skilled operators, Tremper said the Russian invasion of Ukraine indicated how important it was to make sure that American personnel were properly trained in electromagnetic warfare operations.
See also;

SpaceX shut down a Russian electromagnetic warfare attack in Ukraine last month — and the Pentagon is taking notes​

At the end of the day, without propaganda preying on superficial, dependent & ignorant people the left wouldn't exist.

Musk is the only zillionaire I like, he strikes me as having mostly good intentions.

So it actually happened!?!?!?!
I just may sign back up just to read all the liberals going full on retarded!!!
And of course so I can read how they react to conservatives posting.
I think it really depends on how much Mr. Musk wants to pay him for his tweeting services.

President Trump isn't going to do it for nothing.

??? Trump tweeted all the time before and didn't pay, and Twitter allows him to reach millions of Americans without the effing liberal media.

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