Elon Musk buys Twitter!!

Soon. . .

Donald Trump. . .


Watch for a Very Disturbing attemp by Biden or Congress to try and vacate this”for our own good and safety” much like the Covid hoax.
I have proof but Imma wait until May 2nd to tell you.
Um ... Imma or Irma.Cuz Jack Lemmon learned the
difference in ... - Irma la Douce - { 1963 } a charming zany Billy Wilder
collaboration with Jack Lemmon.Beautifully shot in color.Nice sets.
Especially nice character acting by Lou Jacobi as Moustache.The Barkeep.
Lemmon plays an inept and somewhat clueless French Cop on the beat.
Shirley MacLaine { still with us } plays a hooker who is looking to unhook
her pimp.Lemmon at his near best.Most Lemmon movies feature Lemmon
at his near best.All Billy Wilder movies are near best in category.
He's the master.Never be another like him.
To defer is not to ask for help, rather it is acquiescing to another's familiarity or expertise on matters, in this case obesity and whining. Sorry for the complex words which given your public schooling might be difficult to grasp
It's { to defer } is the most abused usage of Democrats.Meaning they found a
way of NOT answering a simple direct question.Like what AG Loretta Lynch
used repeatedly when questioned by Congress.
Now Psaki { former Obama deputy press secretary } then Deputy Communications
Director { rough translation .... a Deflector, }.
I may use it now

never wanted to b4

wonder if musk will do something re the privacy issues?

It’s too bad you sheep have no idea whatsoever how detrimental this was to our free speech rights and most of all the gawd dam election you shit stains can’t mess with …That is if he is up and up for us all.
These pricks can’t mess with the algorythem as these did before bahahhaa.
My God, you are a moron! Does your keeper know you are on the internet?
What I don't get is this whole outpouring of faith from conservatives in Elon Musk. The dude is a billionaire evil scientist type—not much different really than any other evil billionaire. What else I don't get is how my fellow American conservatives are content to wait for some billionaire fucker to give them back their constitutional rights, rather than take them back themselves. What is this country coming to?
Conservatives tried to go it on their own, with parler, but the left wasn't content to let them have their own space, so they got them deplatformed and shut down. Now with trumps truth social, there are lefties trying to get signed up to that platform with, what I think,.is the intent to cause trouble and fights in order to ruin that platform also.

See, the left said "if you don't like it, start your own", so they tried, but the left said NOPE and cheered as they got kicked out of Google and Apple stores. So, I guess the next route is to just buy an existing platform.

I'm just wondering if we'll come to the point where google and apple decide to stop carrying twitter. Will lefty mega rich get together and develope a new "twitter"?
He said he would not come back even if Musk bought it. I laughed out loud, now we will find out if he was lying or not
"I am not going on Twitter, I am going to stay on TRUTH," Trump told Fox News. "I hope Elon buys Twitter because he’ll make improvements to it and he is a good man, but I am going to be staying on TRUTH."

You always post half the truth at best and lie most of the time.
He said he would not come back even if Musk bought it. I laughed out loud, now we will find out if he was lying or not
I think he will. He has to if he decides to run again. Truth social just isn't big enough to reach the audience twitter does.
He's said he's not returning to Twitter.
We'll see though. I for one would love to see him return.
The exploding heads would be worth it,he should wait until the 4th of July for the bright lights of exploding heads.
When did trump say he wasnt returning?
I am guessing it begins with his account being unblocked and reinstated. I believe Trump when he says he will remain on Truth and in a perfect world, both can coincide, prosper and expand U.S interests and principles.

As a self described libertarian myself, Musk has been a source of inspiration for me and out childhoods are similar in some respects (though our bank accounts quite different, hah). He is more American than many born in America and this may be his greatest gift to his adopted home.
The think is that the baby tyrants at Twitter have been abusing more people than just trump

so no matter what trump does musk will be good for free speech

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