Elon Musk: "China's future economy may be two to three times the size of the US"...Breitbart: Elon Musk’s History of Cozying Up to Red China

It gets difficult discussing things because the definitions change so often. I do not disagree that what we practice is not capitalism but yet that is what so many call it.
Of course.
But I refuse to call it capitalism. Because it isn't.
China's rocket fueled economic rise is not due to capitalism.
If the U.S. government decided to use tax revenues to buy up companies and create regulations to drive out competition, imprison their competition even, no one would call it capitalism. And that is exactly how China rose to where they are.
And selfish pricks like Cuban and all the other $billionairs and central banks, top investment firms, and even U.S. elected officials, not only looking the other way, but joining in with China so they can also get rich at the price of destroying American businesses.
That is what's been happening in numerous industries. And we all suck on it.
Of course.
But I refuse to call it capitalism. Because it isn't.
China's rocket fueled economic rise is not due to capitalism.
If the U.S. government decided to use tax revenues to buy up companies and create regulations to drive out competition, imprison their competition even, no one would call it capitalism. And that is exactly how China rose to where they are.
And selfish pricks like Cuban and all the other $billionairs and central banks, top investment firms, and even U.S. elected officials, not only looking the other way, but joining in with China so they can also get rich at the price of destroying American businesses.
That is what's been happening in numerous industries. And we all suck on it.

You can argue what China is doing is not capitalism but what Cuban is doing is.
You can argue what China is doing is not capitalism but what Cuban is doing is.
I disagree.
He is sucking off the teat of a foreign government to make money off of their illegal practices himself.
The important thing, however, is not to argue the semantics like we are actually.
But to agree that what China is doing to our country, along with people like Cuban and our own fucking elected officials is wrong.
And we all sit back in ignorance, distracted by our shiny objects and pointless arguments - all the while everything we know is disappearing.
I disagree.
He is sucking off the teat of a foreign government to make money off of their illegal practices himself.

Capitalism has no such rules against that. You are looking for some sort of ethical capitalism. There really is no such thing. There may be people who are more ethical than others dealing in capitalism but capitalism has no such rules. It's why regulations are created.

The important thing, however, is not to argue the semantics like we are actually.
But to agree that what China is doing to our country, along with people like Cuban and our own fucking elected officials is wrong.
And we all sit back in ignorance, distracted by our shiny objects and pointless arguments - all the while everything we know is disappearing.

It's been that way for decades now. I've argued for things like an 80% tax on profits Cuban makes in China but there are no takers and there never will be.

Capitalism will consume itself if allowed to take it's natural course.
Capitalism has no such rules against that. You are looking for some sort of ethical capitalism. There really is no such thing. There may be people who are more ethical than others dealing in capitalism but capitalism has no such rules. It's why regulations are created.

It's been that way for decades now. I've argued for things like an 80% tax on profits Cuban makes in China but there are no takers and there never will be.

Capitalism will consume itself if allowed to take it's natural course.
Okay, then like I say, how about we agree on principle, but not on semantics.
I say it isn't capitalism, you say it is... not important.
What is important is the common sense to know it is wrong, whatever you want to call it.
The average American may know that China is "taking over everything"... but they don't know the details of our OWN elected officials helping China do it, and investing their own money in the process to get rich off of selling their own damn country to the enemy.
What our elected officials are doing is nothing less than treason. And they have been facilitating China's rise at the expense of U.S. businesses for going on 30 years now.
Okay, then like I say, how about we agree on principle, but not on semantics.
I say it isn't capitalism, you say it is... not important.
What is important is the common sense to know it is wrong, whatever you want to call it.
The average American may know that China is "taking over everything"... but they don't know the details of our OWN elected officials helping China do it, and investing their own money in the process to get rich off of selling their own damn country to the enemy.
What our elected officials are doing is nothing less than treason. And they have been facilitating China's rise at the expense of U.S. businesses for going on 30 years now.

People know. They want the cheap television. Politicians want the campaign contributions. It is not going to end well.
Musk is a commie now?

Musk's features suggest a Eurasian genomic connection. Who was the great-great grandfather?
People know. They want the cheap television. Politicians want the campaign contributions. It is not going to end well.
No, capitalism itself is intimate to the schizophrenic process. China is doubly schizoid: commies at the top, controlling secondary schzophrenia of the capitalist prisoners below.
In other words, the precise capitalist schizophrenia that constantly sets, then repels, (its own limits [italics]).
Every $Billionaire/$100 millionaire investor/entrepreneur cozies up to China. All of them. Not one gives a shit about America. Not one.

The difficult thing to figure out is someone like Mark Cuban, a liberal hero, how is he a liberal hero? The man has made $100s millions by investing and outsourcing products to Asia. He is an enemy of the United States. And so are all the rest. It just shows you how well corporate media and politicians keep us divided and distracted while the real enemy remains hidden.
Lol musk is not cozying to China he is warning us to try and prevent them surpassing us. We need to get our shit together. We stand by and do nothing as they gobble up rare earth. We buy cheap shit from them and prop them up. Cheap is preferred over quantity. Better change our ways.

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