Elon Musk has had enough of the progressive left and may pull all businesses out of California

He's a genius. You on the other hand? Well, just a shittingbull

He built a banking website that made money. That's about the only smart thing he's done himself. Everything else in his businesses has been done by other people.

And now he's saying a lot of really dumb things.

And he's been really stupid with Tesla. Instead of just making a decent car, he's wasted many millions/billions on self-driving crap, and loaded it up with useless bells and whistles, so that almost nobody can afford one. Did anybody ever say "gee, I hope my electric car has a backend that bounces up and down"?
I will say this about going to Mars out of respect to Elon Musk. If the intention is to use it as a launch platform to explore outside our solar system, then fine. But COLONIZIING it? that's just crazy.
He's a genius. You on the other hand? Well, just a shittingbull

He built a banking website that made money. That's about the only smart thing he's done himself. Everything else in his businesses has been done by other people.

And now he's saying a lot of really dumb things.

And he's been really stupid with Tesla. Instead of just making a decent car, he's wasted many millions/billions on self-driving crap, and loaded it up with useless bells and whistles, so that almost nobody can afford one. Did anybody ever say "gee, I hope my electric car has a backend that bounces up and down"?
Obviously yes they did because the waiting list just to be eligible to pre order says so.
He makes and sales a luxury item and the leftist can't see the demand because they can't see past their own bubble
I don't know why anybody would headquarter a business in California these days.

I bet he got a pantload of incentives to base there. Local cities and counties are aware the Governor and legislature are leftist nitwits and do their own thing when they can. Musk probably wanted to be close to the Pacific since he does a lot of business with China. He won't leave Kali...he's too heavily invested there although he told Rogan he's selling all his houses because he can't live in all of them and people are jumping over his walls "to talk to him"....hahahahaha
We don't want that nutsack in Texas. I understand the premise, he's practically working in N. Korea now.... but he needs to look at NV, AZ, somewhere a little closer.

As we have told you lefties over and over, if you punish the rich they will leave.
I missed the part where he’s suddenly a MAGAt
Dunno what his personal politics are. And don't honestly care.

And he's been really stupid with Tesla. Instead of just making a decent car, he's wasted many millions/billions on self-driving crap, and loaded it up with useless bells and whistles, so that almost nobody can afford one. Did anybody ever say "gee, I hope my electric car has a backend that bounces up and down"?

Hey shitstain....it doesn't bounce. If you'd ever driven a muscle car with a lot of torque (I know you're frightened already) you'd know when it comes out of the hole, the rear end dives when the tires get traction. When you raise the rear air-suspension slightly, all that energy isn't lost and the wheels gain instant traction..but then you'd have to know how an electric-traction motor works and I doubt you know how a derailleur on a bicycle works.

And he's been really stupid with Tesla. Instead of just making a decent car, he's wasted many millions/billions on self-driving crap, and loaded it up with useless bells and whistles, so that almost nobody can afford one. Did anybody ever say "gee, I hope my electric car has a backend that bounces up and down"?

Hey shitstain....it doesn't bounce. If you'd ever driven a muscle car with a lot of torque (I know you're frightened already) you'd know when it comes out of the hole, the rear end dives when the tires get traction. When you raise the rear air-suspension slightly, all that energy isn't lost and the wheels gain instant traction..but then you'd have to know how an electric-traction motor works and I doubt you know how a derailleur on a bicycle works.

Such a perfect response I have nothing to add. Bravo.
So what. Musk is a fruitcake.

You say so what but those Jobs that Texas or Nevada get will be a loss to California...

So maybe you should think about that...
He has most of his stuff made in China, has he stated he would pull out of China when they were locked down? No..Because slave labor is so much cheaper.

And I do not own a Tesla either... Musk batteries are made with materials mined from Africa that does more damage than good, but still it is Musk choice to leave California...

I believe he hate Gavin Newsome...

Still Texas is not China and Musk will still have to obey State and Federal Laws but will not have to pay that high Minimum wage like in California but then again I doubt the Janitor make minimum wage at his U.S. operations...

As we have told you lefties over and over, if you punish the rich they will leave.

He was on again with Joe Rogan (fool) and said some interesting things. His new Tesla roadster will 0-60 in 1.9 seconds and he said "that's the base model". It will also go into a "crouch" like a panther with the rear end rising up a couple inches to come off a dead start. Oh, and his Neurallink implants may be ready in less than a year to give brain-injured folks their sense of sight, smell, and use of their limbs again. But all he really thinks about is getting to Mars.
Mars? For that you need a space force, no?

As we have told you lefties over and over, if you punish the rich they will leave.

He was on again with Joe Rogan (fool) and said some interesting things. His new Tesla roadster will 0-60 in 1.9 seconds and he said "that's the base model". It will also go into a "crouch" like a panther with the rear end dropping down a could inches to come off a dead start. Oh, and his Neurallink implants may be ready to give brain-injured folks their sense of sight, smell, and use of their limbs again. But all he really thinks about is getting to Mars.
I back his Mars efforts. If I was younger, I'd be on one of his Mars rides when it comes out.

You don't want to go to Mars.
It is so expensive, it has to be a one way trip.
There is nothing there but radiation, due to the lack of a magnetosphere, because the planet core is no longer molten.

As we have told you lefties over and over, if you punish the rich they will leave.
He is in more debt than he has in liquidity which is why he says he is selling everything he owns..
His net worth is 40 billion

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