Elon Musk mocks Biden for ignoring his company's historic space flight

This narcissistic moron just got handed massive Federal subsidies for himself and his rich California customers by the Biden criminal syndicate, and he still snivels for more attention. Typical Democrat putz.
Sleepy Joe just can't pay attention

Yeah, Biden should have tried to take credit for it.

July 11, 2021
Donald Trump said on Sunday that it was him creating the Space Force that sparked the space race between billionaires Richard Branson, Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk.

'I made it possible for them to do this,' Trump told Fox News as he took credit for the revival of space programs and the private sector investment in forward movement.

'I actually said to my people: Let the private sector do it,' he told Sunday Morning Futures host Maria Bartiromo in a phone-in interview.

Musk and Trump are publicity hounds.
Yeah, Biden should have tried to take credit for it.

July 11, 2021
Donald Trump said on Sunday that it was him creating the Space Force that sparked the space race between billionaires Richard Branson, Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk.

'I made it possible for them to do this,' Trump told Fox News as he took credit for the revival of space programs and the private sector investment in forward movement.

'I actually said to my people: Let the private sector do it,' he told Sunday Morning Futures host Maria Bartiromo in a phone-in interview.

Musk and Trump are publicity hounds.
The point is that the Progs can not slow this down with their insane rules and huge government answers. We live off of competitions. The private side may be our saving grace into the space frontier. NASA has spent over 100 billion dollars on the space Station easily. It pays 4 billion a year just to keep it running. We are like the Unite Nations with the International name for it but most of the money comes from us. They did their part to get us to this point. Something that was started as an off shoot of the Cold War and now moving in a direction to compete for economically with other space faring nations.
You can't expect a guy like Biden, who does little to nothing right, to be excited about the successful space flight or all the money raised for St. Jude children. He doesn't comprehend success.
Well after Obama gutted NASA who would YOU credit?
That was the orange retard, moron.

February 10, 2020
In the Trump administration's federal budget request for 2021, proposes the cancellation of two NASA telescopes, two Earth science satellites and STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) engagement efforts.
The budget proposal calls for a number of significant programs has been cut or scrapped entirely. The budget request calls for millions of dollars in cuts to the following programs and technologies:

The complete termination of the Wide Field Infrared Survey Telescope (WFIRST), an astrophysics mission that has faced previous cuts and been threatened with cancellation. According to the agency, the mission is being canceled because of delays and growing costs with the agency's James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) — a project that continues to face difficulties, delays and climbing budget needs.

"The Administration is not ready to proceed with another multi-billion-dollar space telescope until Webb has been successfully launched and deployed,"

February 4, 2010
The Obama administration’s proposed budget will radically change the agenda for NASA, while increasing the agency’s budget.
Obama’s proposed budget demonstrates that the administration is prepared to provide more cash for the space agency — about $6 billion annually.

If Mr. Obama’s proposed budget is implemented, NASA a few years from now would be fundamentally different from NASA today. The space agency would no longer operate its own spacecraft, but essentially buy tickets for its astronauts on commercially launched rockets. It would end its program to return to the moon and would pursue future missions to deep space by drawing more cooperation and financing from other nations.?

Seems Obama had a vision 10 years ago, Trump took credit for, usual for the bloviating, orange retard.

NASA's three big-ticket projects—the James Webb Space Telescope, the Orion capsule, and the Space Launch System deep space rocket—are all fully funded under Obama's budget. A full $620 million would go toward Webb in 2016, with a launch date set for 2018. The Orion capsule would see $1.1 billion in 2016, and SLS $1.36 billion, paving the way for NASA's future deep space exploration efforts.

Commercial spaceflight efforts will be allotted $1.24 billion under the proposal. This includes NASA funding to Boeing and SpaceX, the companies it wants to ferry astronauts to the International Space Station on privately built vehicles starting in 2017. The ISS itself will get $3.1 billion.

An additional $411 million will go toward Mars exploration, including the Curiosity and Opportunity rovers, the Mars MAVEN orbiter, as well as the planned Mars 2020 rover. New Frontiers, the program that includes the current New Horizons mission to Pluto and the Juno mission to Jupiter, will get $259 million, much of it going toward the OSIRIS-REx asteroid sample retrieval.
The point is that the Progs can not slow this down with their insane rules and huge government answers. We live off of competitions. The private side may be our saving grace into the space frontier. NASA has spent over 100 billion dollars on the space Station easily. It pays 4 billion a year just to keep it running. We are like the Unite Nations with the International name for it but most of the money comes from us. They did their part to get us to this point. Something that was started as an off shoot of the Cold War and now moving in a direction to compete for economically with other space faring nations.
Saving grace for the space frontier?
They're selling tickets for edge of atmosphere tourism.

Every one is getting to write everything off on their taxes, so the taxpayer is paying for THEIR adventures.

'NASA has spent over 100 billion dollars on the space Station easily. It pays 4 billion a year just to keep it running. We are like the Unite Nations with the International name for it but most of the money comes from us'.

I agree with that.
Before Trump refinanced NASA Obama Gutted it, we couldnt even send our people into space we had to pay the Russians.
LOL Smokin disagreed again, proving just HOW ignorant he is. He thinks that under Obama we did not pay the Russians to send our astronauts into space.
LOL Smokin disagreed again, proving just HOW ignorant he is. He thinks that under Obama we did not pay the Russians to send our astronauts into space.
No, you fucking moron, I disagreed with your lie, Obama gutted NASA, that was the orange space cadet wannbe.
Saving grace for the space frontier?
They're selling tickets for edge of atmosphere tourism.

Every one is getting to write everything off on their taxes, so the taxpayer is paying for THEIR adventures.

'NASA has spent over 100 billion dollars on the space Station easily. It pays 4 billion a year just to keep it running. We are like the Unite Nations with the International name for it but most of the money comes from us'.

I agree with that.
When it comes to taxes and taxation how much is enough? Africa lives at before Roman times ways with your way of thinking. Massive amounts of people not living well. Any cities modern looking to a reduced degree just copies of what was Western and Asian. People do not stay in areas if paid off by their employment to pay back the spouting you do. Detroit and other cities died because of it. Live by your words.
No, you fucking moron, I disagreed with your lie, Obama gutted NASA, that was the orange space cadet wannbe.
Wrong under Obama we didnt even have the ability to send people into space. We fucking paid the Russians to do it. Obama had 8 years and he never worked to get us back into the space delivery game. He shut down large segments of NASA and mothballed it.
When it comes to taxes and taxation how much is enough? Africa lives at before Roman times ways with your way of thinking. Massive amounts of people not living well. Any cities modern looking to a reduced degree just copies of what was Western and Asian. People do not stay in areas if paid off by their employment to pay back the spouting you do. Detroit and other cities died because of it. Live by your words.
Taxes are determined on the need, by the people in power.
Want/need more stuff, more taxes.
OR just have enough products and services to sell, to pay for it.

'Africa lives at before Roman times ways with your way of thinking. Massive amounts of people not living well'.
I know, the people in power are corrupt, like Haiti, Afghanistan and Iraq.
Wrong under Obama we didnt even have the ability to send people into space. We fucking paid the Russians to do it. Obama had 8 years and he never worked to get us back into the space delivery game. He shut down large segments of NASA and mothballed it.
Your lying.
There is no way you made to a gunnery Sargent being that stupid.

We didn't have the ability because we didn't have the craft to do it, you moron.
Taxes are determined on the need, by the people in power.
Want/need more stuff, more taxes.
OR just have enough products and services to sell, to pay for it.

'Africa lives at before Roman times ways with your way of thinking. Massive amounts of people not living well'.
I know, the people in power are corrupt, like Haiti, Afghanistan and Iraq.
Our nation has given hundreds of billions of dollars to nations and more with results not as satisfying as it should be. We even forgave hundreds of billions of dollars of loans over the decades. How do these nations remain this way with his? We are going to give several times more with the green eco global climate change crap to these nations and they will blow the money and the American taxpayer will be screwed over again.
Our nation has given hundreds of billions of dollars to nations and more with results not as satisfying as it should be. We even forgave hundreds of billions of dollars of loans over the decades. How do these nations remain this way with his? We are going to give several times more with the green eco global climate change crap to these nations and they will blow the money and the American taxpayer will be screwed over again.
I'm not disagreeing.

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