Elton John: I’m Not Going to US Again Because They Have Anti-Grooming Laws


No, no, let it hit you in the arse.
Elton John did not age well. At all.
And I am not referring to his physical attributes.
I am referring to him becoming a tyrannical asshole.
He has become intolerant of even the slightest annoyance, telling many fans to fuck off and widely known in the industry as a complete nightmare to work with. A bully, prima donna on steroids who screams if everything isn't perfect.

Good Riddance. What a disappointing waste of oxygen he turned out to be.
Elton John did not age well. At all.
And I am not referring to his physical attributes.
I am referring to him becoming a tyrannical asshole.
He has become intolerant of even the slightest annoyance, telling many fans to fuck off and widely known in the industry as a complete nightmare to work with. A bully, prima donna on steroids who screams if everything isn't perfect.

Good Riddance. What a disappointing waste of oxygen he turned out to be.
To be fair, he has always been an asshole.
Some gay folks are expressing resentment at being included with the perverts that advance the grooming for the trans movement. I don't blame them.

As a straight white male, gay is one thing, the trans thing is very much another.
I'll take "Things I don't Give Two Shits About" for $200, Alex...

Until I can read the quote, the exact quote, in which he said this, I'll continue not liking Elton John because he continues to be overrated. I'm certainly not going to take for gospel the headline from the Epoch Times, and I sure as shit am not giving those twits my email address just so I can read an article that is full of shit and probably does not support the headline.
Some gay folks are expressing resentment at being included with the perverts that advance the grooming for the trans movement. I don't blame them.

As a straight white male, gay is one thing, the trans thing is very much another.

If you can find a place to read it without paying (I read most of it in the weekly email I get since I refuse to pay...) Andrew Sullivan's The Weekly Dish for June 23rd was very good. The title: Gay Rights And The Limits Of Liberalism, How the far left broke the gay settlement. And reignited homophobia.
That's fine. Elton john isn't even a person to me anymore and hasn't been for a long time.

He used to be a musician, a singer, and a entertainer. But for a while now he stopped being those things and stopped being a person. For a long while now his entire persona has just been that of a gay man. His entire identity is just being a personified gay man and nothing else. It's all he talks about and pushes. He has nothing of any value or insight or even genuine to contribute. He is so busy being gay and pushing the gay agenda he forgot how to just be a real person.

So if laws against grooming kids makes fags not want to be in America than personally I think that's fantastic. If not being able to push gay stuff on little kids upsets you then you're someone I don't want near me or even in America at all.

It makes it easier to identify who the bad guys are because normal decent people won't get mad because they cant talk about sex with kids.
Laws are already working then!
Keep in mind the Left are upset they can’t groom kids, show porn to kids, twerk naked in front of kids or sexually mutilate kids.

Tells you everything you need to know about the Left.
I find this kind of interesting because of all the lefty groomers in the US, Elton John is painting the entire country as a bunch of MAGA's. It actually doesn't even make sense, even from his point of view, having intolerance of an entire country because of a few red states. And, as much of a star as he is, he's always playing in the big blue cities anyway so he's actually kind of calling the people in big blue cities MAGA's. So, he's actually showing intolerance of the very people he agrees with.

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