Elton John: I’m Not Going to US Again Because They Have Anti-Grooming Laws

Laws are already working then!
Keep in mind the Left are upset they can’t groom kids, show porn to kids, twerk naked in front of kids or sexually mutilate kids.

Tells you everything you need to know about the Left.
I believe Elton was unhappy with the spate of anti-LGQT laws that have recently been passed but that doesn't mean he supports 'grooming' (whatever that is?). Funny that the right wants to give parents the right to ban books but won't let parents decide what is the best medical care for their kid.
I believe Elton was unhappy with the spate of anti-LGQT laws that have recently been passed but that doesn't mean he supports 'grooming' (whatever that is?). Funny that the right wants to give parents the right to ban books but won't let parents decide what is the best medical care for their kid.
So not wanting you children sexualized and exposed to adult content makes you "anti-LGBTQ" now, huh?

Really does tell us what you fucking degenerates are all about.
I find this kind of interesting because of all the lefty groomers in the US, Elton John is painting the entire country as a bunch of MAGA's. It actually doesn't even make sense, even from his point of view, having intolerance of an entire country because of a few red states. And, as much of a star as he is, he's always playing in the big blue cities anyway so he's actually kind of calling the people in big blue cities MAGA's. So, he's actually showing intolerance of the very people he agrees with.
That’s some twisted logic that doesn’t pan out in reality. He is simply making a statement to draw anttention to a cause he cares about…. and it seems to be working. I mean we are talking about it right now, right?
So not wanting you children sexualized and exposed to adult content makes you "anti-LGBTQ" now, huh?

Really does tell us what you fucking degenerates are all about.
Elton has been singing for over an hour so far. I know the words to every one of his songs and im not even a fan.
What have you ever done you shit kicking arsehole ?
So not wanting you children sexualized and exposed to adult content makes you "anti-LGBTQ" now, huh?

Really does tell us what you fucking degenerates are all about.
Having the government dictate to parents how they can raise their child seems to be exactly the opposite of what conservatives stand for. I seem to recall a very different reaction from conservatives when schools didn't want to include Creationism in the curriculum. Then it was government over-reach and big brotherism.

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