Emails from Tulsi ...

Do you ever tire of stupidity?

Yes, I got tired of libertarian stupidity a long time ago.

I'd love to fence off one of the square states and send all you people there.... and just wait for you to resort to cannibalism.
Hey Joe, this thread is not about libertarians DUMMY. I know you aren’t capable of intelligent discourse and I know I exposed you for the corporatist D you are.
No, the North Vietnamese were not our enemy.
Ho Chi Minh had beaten the French to give the whole country freedom, he was an extremely popular hero.
We should never have opposed him.
Jane Fonda was correct to go to North Vietnam to end the war more quickly, and bring our POWs home.
She is a hero.
She did not do it for money or anything, and it hurt her career.
But she was right.

We also should not have attacked Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Egypt, Iran, Panama, Grenada, Syria, etc.
Our military is out of control.
Only anti war candidates should be considered any more.
These wars are bankrupting us, as well as being immoral.

Guy, I'm pretty much on the record as being against military adventurism..

But what Fonda did was still wrong.

Ho Chi Minh was a US ally against the Japanese.
The mistake was the US bringing the French back to Vietnam.
It was the US that did that, by force.
We were always on the wrong side with Vietnam.
Jane Fonda did not give military secrets to North Vietnam, she made newsreels showing that they were normal human beings.
She got people to realize how bad it was to bomb them.
That is the perfect way to end the war, by simply turning US voters against it, by revealing the truth.
What is there that could be wrong with that?

And the good she did also saved US lives and money as well, since we never could have won, and we were just wasting lives and money.
Assad is extremely popular in Syria.
Most Syrians are glad Assad is in power, even if they don't like him, because he is better than ALL the alternatives.
The Mideast requires brutality sometimes.
It is expected.
It is not Assad's fault.
He did not start any of the violence.

Well, yeah, he kind of did... and if he was popular, he wouldn't need the Russians and Iranians to fight his war for him.

Assad is not using Russian or Iranian troops or tanks, just a few planes.
They are actually doing very little.
And the reason they are necessary is because of vast US resources of missiles, anti tank weapons, etc., we are flooding the rebels with.
The Russians and Iranians are only slightly offsetting what the US is doing.
And what the US is doing is totally and completely wrong.
Not only is it really, really stupid to want Sunni ISIS or al Qaeda to take Damascus, but all those US weapons we gave them are going to be used against the US eventually.
Anybody who thinks Tulsi is anything but a leftist shitheel ain't looked into her statements.....better double-check her is what I'm saying. I do enjoy her giving Kameltoe the stink eye, but that's it.
Ho Chi Minh was a US ally against the Japanese.
The mistake was the US bringing the French back to Vietnam.
It was the US that did that, by force.
We were always on the wrong side with Vietnam.
Jane Fonda did not give military secrets to North Vietnam, she made newsreels showing that they were normal human beings.
She got people to realize how bad it was to bomb them.
That is the perfect way to end the war, by simply turning US voters against it, by revealing the truth.
What is there that could be wrong with that?

And the good she did also saved US lives and money as well, since we never could have won, and we were just wasting lives and money.

Total horseshit...I was there, were you? BTW, we had that war won after Tet but LBJ didn't have the guts to finish it.
Well if he wasn’t that popular the Hussein wouldn’t had needed to support the “opposition”, who were just radical Muslim terrorists.

Funny how the left was in favor of overthrowing a government that never attacked us, or even any of its own neighbors.

Funny how now just being a “brutal regime” to its own people is now justification for war.

I think that getting involved in the Syrian and Libyan civil wars was one of the dumber things Obama did.

But at the end of the day, their own people rose up against them... they didn't need us to tell them to do that.

I don't think their own people rose up at all.
I think it was mostly unemployed refugees that the US bribed into rebellion.
Benghazi is well known for being a hot bed of Iraqi, Palestinian, and Egyptian political extremist refugees.
Same with Syria.
The massive amount of expensive new weapons and Toyota trucks, tells me it was not just a popular uprising.
Anybody who thinks Tulsi is anything but a leftist shitheel ain't looked into her statements.....better double-check her is what I'm saying. I do enjoy her giving Kameltoe the stink eye, but that's it.

Tulsi did her time in the US military, and knows her stuff.
She is likely right and will keep doing well for all of us instead of just Hawaii.
Well if he wasn’t that popular the Hussein wouldn’t had needed to support the “opposition”, who were just radical Muslim terrorists.

Funny how the left was in favor of overthrowing a government that never attacked us, or even any of its own neighbors.

Funny how now just being a “brutal regime” to its own people is now justification for war.

I think that getting involved in the Syrian and Libyan civil wars was one of the dumber things Obama did.

But at the end of the day, their own people rose up against them... they didn't need us to tell them to do that.

But they did need our help. They were emboldened by the Hussein to take up arms.
Tulsi did her time in the US military, and knows her stuff.
She is likely right and will keep doing well for all of us instead of just Hawaii.

Knows what stuff? Like universal healthcare? I'd also like to see her DD214.....folks who brag on their exploits in the Armed Forces are usually not what they claim to be.
Ho Chi Minh was a US ally against the Japanese.
The mistake was the US bringing the French back to Vietnam.
It was the US that did that, by force.
We were always on the wrong side with Vietnam.
Jane Fonda did not give military secrets to North Vietnam, she made newsreels showing that they were normal human beings.
She got people to realize how bad it was to bomb them.
That is the perfect way to end the war, by simply turning US voters against it, by revealing the truth.
What is there that could be wrong with that?

And the good she did also saved US lives and money as well, since we never could have won, and we were just wasting lives and money.

Total horseshit...I was there, were you? BTW, we had that war won after Tet but LBJ didn't have the guts to finish it.

Being there meant you had absolutely NO source of information except the lies the military was feeding you.
For example, do you realize the Tet Offensive was ONLY South Vietnamese irregulars?
That was not at all close to winning the war by killing a lot of South Vietnamese irregulars.
The point anyone should have gotten from the Tet Offensive, what not that it was easy to kill irregulars, but that the Ky, Thieu, and Diem regimes were extremely UNPOPULAR!
You should not have been there.
No US forces should have been there.
Ho Chi Minh was extremely popular.
Well if he wasn’t that popular the Hussein wouldn’t had needed to support the “opposition”, who were just radical Muslim terrorists.

Funny how the left was in favor of overthrowing a government that never attacked us, or even any of its own neighbors.

Funny how now just being a “brutal regime” to its own people is now justification for war.

I think that getting involved in the Syrian and Libyan civil wars was one of the dumber things Obama did.

But at the end of the day, their own people rose up against them... they didn't need us to tell them to do that.

But they did need our help. They were emboldened by the Hussein to take up arms.

Syria, Libya, Iraq, etc. were much better off wthout our "help", and they now also are worse for the US as well.
Saddam, Qaddafi, Assad, etc., prevent extremists like ISIS, al Qaeda, etc.
Tulsi did her time in the US military, and knows her stuff.
She is likely right and will keep doing well for all of us instead of just Hawaii.

Knows what stuff? Like universal healthcare? I'd also like to see her DD214.....folks who brag on their exploits in the Armed Forces are usually not what they claim to be.

Universal health care is the only way to cut the costs in half, like the rest of the world.
If we do not go single payer, our goods won't sell because they will be too expensive due to private insurance overhead.

Tulsi was medical unit I believe.
Anybody who thinks Tulsi is anything but a leftist shitheel ain't looked into her statements.....better double-check her is what I'm saying. I do enjoy her giving Kameltoe the stink eye, but that's it.

Tulsi did her time in the US military, and knows her stuff.
She is likely right and will keep doing well for all of us instead of just Hawaii.
It is clear whom ever the MSM promotes is a candidate the vast majority of Americans will dislike, if they are paying attention.

It is clear whom ever the MSM criticizes is a candidate the vast majority of Americans will like, if they are paying attention.

How dare she be anti-war!

Right? I feel like I'm in the twilight zone when self-proclaimed "liberals" are warmongers, and reject a near perfect candidate, simply because some people on the right and independents like her. That just goes to show how utterly stupid they are, or so extremely blindly partisan to the point of absurdity.

People, the only way to win is to back a candidate that attracts independents and crossovers from the other side. If you are too stupid to realize that, then you deserve to lose. (Not that I think the election is legit in the first place, it's all a farce, but just sayin..)
Well she qualifies for the September debates...Go Tulsi!!!

Aloha William —

My team just told me that our campaign has blown past the 130,000 unique donor threshold to qualify for the September debates and with your help, we can build on this momentum and pass 150,000 donors this weekend!

Thank you, and congratulations. I’m so proud of where this underdog, people-powered campaign has been, and more importantly, where we’re headed.

In just 24 hours we have:

  • Had our biggest fundraising day of the campaign
  • Crossed the 130,000 unique donor threshold, with more than 1000 donors from over 30 states
  • For the second time, become the most googled candidate of my debate
I would not have been on that debate stage without your support. Thank you.

I love our country, and I love the American people. That’s why I’m in it to win it. When I first ran for Congress against a former popular mayor, I was 45 points behind and all the political pundits had written me off. I ended up winning by a 20 point margin of victory.

When I stood on the debate stage in Detroit on Wednesday night, talking about the many challenges facing our country — the self-serving politicians and well monied corporate lobbyists, the lies we are told by the military industrial complex to justify their costly regime change wars, our broken immigration system, our sick care system — I never forgot that I was on that stage because of you, and for you.
Okay, I just have to ask.

Is emails from Tulis something akin to Letters from Juliet?

The more the left whines about Tulsi, the more I like her.

She shanked Harris hard, I fucking loved it!

The only ones who like Damascus Gabby are the right wing.
Yeah we can’t have a president who is anti-war. I mean whatever would the billionaires and big corporations do without constant war?

Biden and most of the others, are fucking warmongers. No place for Tulsi or Bernie in the War Party.

Tulsi: A Living Reminder of Iraq’s Liars and Apologists

Polling well below Biden in the race is the congresswoman from Hawaii, Tulsi Gabbard. She alone on the Democratic stage has made criticism of American militarism central to her candidacy. A veteran of the Iraq war and a highly decorated major in the Hawaii Army National Guard, Gabbard offers an intelligent and humane perspective on foreign affairs. She’s called the regime change philosophy “disastrous,” advocated for negotiation with hostile foreign powers, and backed a reduction in drone strikes. She pledges if she becomes president to end American involvement in Afghanistan.

When Chris Matthews asked Gabbard about Biden’s support for the Iraq war, she said, “It was the wrong vote. People like myself, who enlisted after 9/11 because of the terrorist attacks, were lied to. We were betrayed.”

Her moral clarity is rare in the political fog of the presidential circus. She cautions against accepting the “guise of humanitarian justification for war,” and notes that rarely does the American government bomb and invade a country to actually advance freedom or protect human rights.

Gabbard’s positions are vastly superior to that of the other young veteran in the race, Pete Buttigieg. The mayor of South Bend recently told New York that one of his favorite novels is The Quiet American, saying that its author, Graham Greene, “points out the dangers of well-intentioned interventions.”
Tulsi: A Living Reminder of Iraq’s Liars and Apologists
Well she qualifies for the September debates...Go Tulsi!!!

Aloha William —

My team just told me that our campaign has blown past the 130,000 unique donor threshold to qualify for the September debates and with your help, we can build on this momentum and pass 150,000 donors this weekend!

Thank you, and congratulations. I’m so proud of where this underdog, people-powered campaign has been, and more importantly, where we’re headed.

In just 24 hours we have:

  • Had our biggest fundraising day of the campaign
  • Crossed the 130,000 unique donor threshold, with more than 1000 donors from over 30 states
  • For the second time, become the most googled candidate of my debate
I would not have been on that debate stage without your support. Thank you.

I love our country, and I love the American people. That’s why I’m in it to win it. When I first ran for Congress against a former popular mayor, I was 45 points behind and all the political pundits had written me off. I ended up winning by a 20 point margin of victory.

When I stood on the debate stage in Detroit on Wednesday night, talking about the many challenges facing our country — the self-serving politicians and well monied corporate lobbyists, the lies we are told by the military industrial complex to justify their costly regime change wars, our broken immigration system, our sick care system — I never forgot that I was on that stage because of you, and for you.


"Yes! My gal is in!" - Uncle Vlad, hero and savior of the American Republic

Trump needs to spy on all the democrat candidates now, right?

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