Emails reveal the RNC has known for months that trump is lying about "massive voter fraud."

SO....when the repub party ties itself to a serial liar, such as trump, they are playing with fire. They will suffer in the coming years from ignoring truth and allowing a blatant liar to drag along by the nose.
MSNBC is a propaganda arm of the DNC and cannot be considered a legitimate news source.

SO....when the repub party ties itself to a serial liar, such as trump, they are playing with fire. They will suffer in the coming years from ignoring truth and allowing a blatant liar to drag along by the nose.

It was the most honest election in all of human history

A new press release posted by Garland Favorito of VoterGA unveils “stunning claims” of election fraud that have been added to a 27-page amended complaint filed by VoterGA on June 13. The claims allege “new evidence from public records that show Fulton County’s hand count audit of the November 3rd, 2020 election was riddled with massive errors and provable fraud.”

Favorito was a Fulton County tabulation observer for the 2020 General Election. He asserts having detected an abnormal 20,000 vote increase for candidate Joe Biden and an “apparent abnormal reduction” in votes for Donald J. Trump.

Using ballot images from Fulton County that were made public after Favorito and the other petitioners won a court order on April 13, the team now claims to reveal astounding error rates and falsified audit tally sheets, among other irregularities.

“The team’s analysis revealed that 923 of 1539 mail-in ballot batch files contained votes incorrectly reported in Fulton’s official November 3rd, 2020 results. These inaccuracies are due to discrepancies in votes for Donald Trump, Joe Biden and total votes cast compared to their reported audit totals for respective batches. Thus, the error reporting rate in Fulton’s hand count audit is a whopping 60%.”

Illicit votes were found because of “at least 36 batches of mail-in ballots with 4,255 total extra votes” that were redundantly added to Fulton county audit counts.

SO....when the repub party ties itself to a serial liar, such as trump, they are playing with fire. They will suffer in the coming years from ignoring truth and allowing a blatant liar to drag along by the nose.
I'd bet 90% to 95% of Republican politicians and politicos know this is a sham.

They'd rather play along than lose their cushy jobs. They're enablers, and look at the damage this is causing. That's craven.
Like Billy Barr said

It’s all bullshit
SO....when the repub party ties itself to a serial liar, such as trump, they are playing with fire. They will suffer in the coming years from ignoring truth and allowing a blatant liar to drag along by the nose.
I'd bet 90% to 95% of Republican politicians and politicos know this is a sham.

They'd rather play along than lose their cushy jobs. They're enablers, and look at the damage this is causing. That's craven.
Like Billy Barr said

It’s all bullshit
I wonder what it was like in the White House. There were both True Believers and people who saw the con. I wonder how those groups got along, and how many people regretted coming into his orbit. It must have been surreal.
All the evidence of voter fraud will just be ignored.

There is nothing to ignore. Not one shred of evidence has been produced.

The courts are now disbarring Trump's lawyers for lying to the courts, and filing false affidavits.

SO....when the repub party ties itself to a serial liar, such as trump, they are playing with fire. They will suffer in the coming years from ignoring truth and allowing a blatant liar to drag along by the nose.


You dumb uneducated Moon Bat. They have been caught lying more times than Carter has Liver Pills.

No wonder you are so damn ignorant getting your news from that filthy ass fake news organization.

If they want to report on emails why aren't they reporting on the emails from Hunter Biden laptop that reveal that the Biden family has been getting rich off selling "The Big Guy's" influence?
Too many black people on MSNBC for you?

SO....when the repub party ties itself to a serial liar, such as trump, they are playing with fire. They will suffer in the coming years from ignoring truth and allowing a blatant liar to drag along by the nose.


You dumb uneducated Moon Bat. They have been caught lying more times than Carter has Liver Pills.

No wonder you are so damn ignorant getting your news from that filthy ass fake news organization.

If they want to report on emails why aren't they reporting on the emails from Hunter Biden laptop that reveal that the Biden family has been getting rich off selling "The Big Guy's" influence?
Too many black people on MSNBC for you?

Too many hate filled lying Moon Bats. Yea, a bunch of them are goddamn Negroes.

SO....when the repub party ties itself to a serial liar, such as trump, they are playing with fire. They will suffer in the coming years from ignoring truth and allowing a blatant liar to drag along by the nose.
Hey fool, that article is an OpEd....First paragraph....leading Republican Party figures have known.........

SO....when the repub party ties itself to a serial liar, such as trump, they are playing with fire. They will suffer in the coming years from ignoring truth and allowing a blatant liar to drag along by the nose.
Hey fool, that article is an OpEd....First paragraph....leading Republican Party figures have known.........
Did you have to point out the obvious?
Liberals consider opinions to be facts.

SO....when the repub party ties itself to a serial liar, such as trump, they are playing with fire. They will suffer in the coming years from ignoring truth and allowing a blatant liar to drag along by the nose.
Hey fool, that article is an OpEd....First paragraph....leading Republican Party figures have known.........
Did you have to point out the obvious?
Liberals consider opinions to be facts.
Yes, liberals believe that if you spread a lie often enough it actually BECOMES fact. The Democrat party floats a lie to their sycophant media, it ping pongs around and then magically becomes truth!!!

SO....when the repub party ties itself to a serial liar, such as trump, they are playing with fire. They will suffer in the coming years from ignoring truth and allowing a blatant liar to drag along by the nose.
Hey fool, that article is an OpEd....First paragraph....leading Republican Party figures have known.........
Did you have to point out the obvious?
Liberals consider opinions to be facts.
Yes, liberals believe that if you spread a lie often enough it actually BECOMES fact. The Democrat party floats a lie to their sycophant media, it ping pongs around and then magically becomes truth!!!
Pathetic but true.
I've never met a canine as dumb as a Liberal.
I do wonder if they ever doubt this stuff.

I wouldn't be surprised if they don't, but I do wonder. They're 100% emotionally invested in this now.
We warned them in 2016 that if they nominated a very unstable Captain Chaos and he was elected it would be the end of the Republican Party as we know it. We were correct.
I political party based on lie cannot stand. When repub officials are forced to resign when they speak the truth, we have a big problem.

SO....when the repub party ties itself to a serial liar, such as trump, they are playing with fire. They will suffer in the coming years from ignoring truth and allowing a blatant liar to drag along by the nose.
Hey fool, that article is an OpEd....First paragraph....leading Republican Party figures have known.........
PLEASE READ THE DIRECT QUOTE FROM THE EMAIL OF A repub ATTORNEY! That is not opinion. It is a fact. The repub party is nothing more than a bunch of trump humping liars.

SO....when the repub party ties itself to a serial liar, such as trump, they are playing with fire. They will suffer in the coming years from ignoring truth and allowing a blatant liar to drag along by the nose.


You dumb uneducated Moon Bat. They have been caught lying more times than Carter has Liver Pills.

No wonder you are so damn ignorant getting your news from that filthy ass fake news organization.

If they want to report on emails why aren't they reporting on the emails from Hunter Biden laptop that reveal that the Biden family has been getting rich off selling "The Big Guy's" influence?

So your argument isn’t that the story is a lie. It is that they aren’t reporting on what you think the real issue is. Got it.

So to summarize. You know the election fraud claims are a lie but it is fine because the other side is corrupt too.

So which totalitarian government is the right one?

My point is that the assholes at MSNBC have been caught lying many times and this article on their Opinion page smells of just more TDS afflicted bullshit we see out of the filthy ass Left Wing media all the time. I doubt there is any truth to the article just like there has not been very much truth to a lot of crap they have spouted over the years.

You stupid uneducated Moon Bats are low information because, being the dumbshits that you are, you get your information from really shitty hate mongering sources, like MSNBC.

The Democrats stole the election with the fraud of unverified mail in and harvested ballots in Democrat controlled swing districts. That is a fact that the shitheads from MSNBC don't want to amit so they write an Opinion piece quoting undisclosed sources.

Pull your head out of yoour Moon Bat ass. Then you wouldn't embarrass yourself by quoting silly shit like this as fact.

You call me a moon bat. Every single conspiracy theory has been disproven. Riverside California investigated 1,000 reports of fraud. They found one. One. How that one out of a thousand cost Trump the election we will never know. The dead who supposedly voted were confirmed alive. This was done by both the talking to them and the poking them tests.

In Georgia. There was a count. A recount. A hand count. An audit. And every time Biden was declared the winner.

The phantom 30,000 ballots never existed. The double votes were bogus claims.

Time and time again it is the same thing. And you call me a moon bat.

You are confused Moon Bat. Recounting the same fraudulent Democrat created ballots over and over again doesn't validate anything.
They were not fraudulent. You don't know much about elections. do you? The repub party is about to go down in flames. Independent voters in this country will not for a man that continues to spread a lie months and possible years after the fact. trump is doing damage to this country like no one has ever done before.

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