Emails reveal the RNC has known for months that trump is lying about "massive voter fraud."

SO....when the repub party ties itself to a serial liar, such as trump, they are playing with fire. They will suffer in the coming years from ignoring truth and allowing a blatant liar to drag along by the nose.

It was the most honest election in all of human history

A new press release posted by Garland Favorito of VoterGA unveils “stunning claims” of election fraud that have been added to a 27-page amended complaint filed by VoterGA on June 13. The claims allege “new evidence from public records that show Fulton County’s hand count audit of the November 3rd, 2020 election was riddled with massive errors and provable fraud.”

Favorito was a Fulton County tabulation observer for the 2020 General Election. He asserts having detected an abnormal 20,000 vote increase for candidate Joe Biden and an “apparent abnormal reduction” in votes for Donald J. Trump.

Using ballot images from Fulton County that were made public after Favorito and the other petitioners won a court order on April 13, the team now claims to reveal astounding error rates and falsified audit tally sheets, among other irregularities.

“The team’s analysis revealed that 923 of 1539 mail-in ballot batch files contained votes incorrectly reported in Fulton’s official November 3rd, 2020 results. These inaccuracies are due to discrepancies in votes for Donald Trump, Joe Biden and total votes cast compared to their reported audit totals for respective batches. Thus, the error reporting rate in Fulton’s hand count audit is a whopping 60%.”

Illicit votes were found because of “at least 36 batches of mail-in ballots with 4,255 total extra votes” that were redundantly added to Fulton county audit counts.

^^^ lunatics gotta tic.
SavannahMann wow moonbat, you believe anything the Dimmers tell you to believe.

In Georgia the Governor and Secretary of State are Republicans. In my county the Elections Supervisor is Republican. Biden won our County.

Now. I am a Cynic. I doubt everything. I trust very few people. I run their statements through probability considerations.

The less probable. The less likely I am to believe.

44 states had statistically higher votes for Biden than Hillary. So this conspiracy would have to involve 44 states, including Texas, to explain the increased votes for Biden. We are getting into seriously improbable territory.

It would have to include hundreds of Republicans at the County level. Even more improbable. It would have to include statewide Republicans in deeply red states. Holy crap the lottery is starting to look like a good investment by comparison.

Tell me how the Democrats did it.


The blue states show a higher number of democratic voters compared to 2016. 44 states. Including deeply red Alabama, Tennessee, Texas, Nebraska, and the list goes on.

No handful of Democrats could do this. It would take tens of thousands.

How. Tell me how. It isn’t enough to say he cheated. You have to be able to identify how they cheated.

Let’s take baseball. A guy is hitting a lot of home runs. You test him for steroids. The test comes back negative. The bat is next. Not corked. Meets all standards. It is a regulation bat.

Different pitchers are throwing the ball. So you test the balls. They are regulation too.

At some point you have to describe how he is cheating or admit he is a great batter.

So I ask again. What kind of conspiracy explains a huge shift to the Democratic Ticket compared to 2016 in 44 states?

SO....when the repub party ties itself to a serial liar, such as trump, they are playing with fire. They will suffer in the coming years from ignoring truth and allowing a blatant liar to drag along by the nose.


You dumb uneducated Moon Bat. They have been caught lying more times than Carter has Liver Pills.

No wonder you are so damn ignorant getting your news from that filthy ass fake news organization.

If they want to report on emails why aren't they reporting on the emails from Hunter Biden laptop that reveal that the Biden family has been getting rich off selling "The Big Guy's" influence?

So your argument isn’t that the story is a lie. It is that they aren’t reporting on what you think the real issue is. Got it.

So to summarize. You know the election fraud claims are a lie but it is fine because the other side is corrupt too.

So which totalitarian government is the right one?

My point is that the assholes at MSNBC have been caught lying many times and this article on their Opinion page smells of just more TDS afflicted bullshit we see out of the filthy ass Left Wing media all the time. I doubt there is any truth to the article just like there has not been very much truth to a lot of crap they have spouted over the years.

You stupid uneducated Moon Bats are low information because, being the dumbshits that you are, you get your information from really shitty hate mongering sources, like MSNBC.

The Democrats stole the election with the fraud of unverified mail in and harvested ballots in Democrat controlled swing districts. That is a fact that the shitheads from MSNBC don't want to amit so they write an Opinion piece quoting undisclosed sources.

Pull your head out of yoour Moon Bat ass. Then you wouldn't embarrass yourself by quoting silly shit like this as fact.

You call me a moon bat. Every single conspiracy theory has been disproven. Riverside California investigated 1,000 reports of fraud. They found one. One. How that one out of a thousand cost Trump the election we will never know. The dead who supposedly voted were confirmed alive. This was done by both the talking to them and the poking them tests.

In Georgia. There was a count. A recount. A hand count. An audit. And every time Biden was declared the winner.

The phantom 30,000 ballots never existed. The double votes were bogus claims.

Time and time again it is the same thing. And you call me a moon bat.

You are confused Moon Bat. Recounting the same fraudulent Democrat created ballots over and over again doesn't validate anything.

Ok. Let’s explain this again.

Here is a thread I posted on the investigation in Riverside California.

It was claimed that 700 dead people voted. The DA’s office spoke to the aforementioned dead people. They claim the people are in fact alive.

Now. To prove they are actually dead. One of you CT fellows can do this easy. You go to the Courthouse and pay a fee for a copy of the death certificate. Easy as pie.

Only nobody has done this. So we are left with the conclusion that the claim of 700 dead people in California voting is bogus.

Fulton County Georgia. The double counted ballots. They were initially counted twice. An error. A mistake. A mistake that was caught in the first recount. Where Trump picked up 121 additional votes.

The audit.

The audit included a hand recount. Not by one person. But by several people. The Statesboro paper covered the audit for the county.

Everyone counted every ballot. Everyone. They all had to agree on the total.

Now fraudulent ballots. Which ones were fraudulent?

Each ballot is sealed in an envelope where the voter signs attesting they filled out the ballot inside. That envelope is put into another envelope and mailed back.

I know. My handicapped wife voted this way and has for years.

The signature is compared to a card on file requesting the ballot. Then if the signatures match they open the inner envelope and put the ballot on a pile to be counted.

For 30,000 plus fraudulent ballots the number of people you would need would got to the hundreds. The address of the voter would have to match the DMV records. So intercepting the ballot would be vital. That is mail theft snd mail fraud. Both felonies.

We haven’t even cast the ballot yet. And already we are up to what? Half a dozen crimes?

Finding a thousand people willing to risk prison if they are caught for no profit is tricky don’t you think?

So this is into the thousands of people. Just in Georgia.

44 states. 44 states showed a significant increase in Democratic Voters. That means thousands of people in every one of the 44 states. Tens of thousands in some states is not impossible.

Coordination of this would be a logistical nightmare. It would take months of planning. Months of execution. All this time nobody gets cold feet and turns states evidence. Or if they do now the FBI, county, state, and or city police are now implicated. Jesus. How big is this thing?

We are up well over a hundred thousand headed for the millions. Because now all the cops have to be involved to make sure nothing gets investigated.

So say we eliminate the cops. All of whom supposedly love Trump. We are still brushing up against a million. A million people and nobody put a camera on or recorded anything?

Somebody always talks. Snowden. Manning. The list is endless. Someone always talks.

I keep asking. How did they do it. I keep being told I believe the propaganda. So answer the question. How the hell did they pull it off?
Even Trump Humpers don't really believe there was an actual stolen election.

They "feel" that Trump SHOULD have won.

They pretend to believe because it validates their "feelings"
SavannahMann they did it with abuse of the rampant leftyvirus fake mailin ballots. There were millions of these in every state and they were illegally filled out to get Pinochijoe the vote total he needed.
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Facts and Truth are not your friend. trump is dead politically...but the repub party is groveling at his feet.....
Trump can get more people at a rally than any Republican or Democrat Politician. Tens of thousands always turn out. Biden's rally in Georgia? 500 cars. Honk! Honk!
Yes....cult enthusiasm usually reaches a fever pitch....but....THE FRIGIN IDIOT STILL LOST!
JimH52 and you are a brainless twit. President Trump at least tried to put an emphasis back on America for Americans but you braindead Dims are too ignorant to see it.
JimH52 and you are a brainless twit. President Trump at least tried to put an emphasis back on America for Americans but you braindead Dims are too ignorant to see it.
He fed your prejudices hatred and you loved it
As I have been saying for months...trumpism is turning the repub party into the Taliban if the United States.

A once proud and noble political party has been bludgeoned into supporting and even worshipping a man who is a the greatest threat to our republic since the civil war. Why?

He threatens and bullies anyone who calls his lies out by calling on his cult of gullible fascist. How did we get here?

God help our country. We have a hitler lover at the head of a major political party....the repub party.
JimH52 what goofs you globalist fascists are. This is the United States doofus, and if it takes someone to stand up to you spineless weenies to protect the citizens here, so be it. The rest of you can leave.
The freaking Country is falling apart. Disease filled illegal aliens cross over the border at will, race riots start at the drop of a hat, foreign policy is in shambles while a doddering old man with his finger on the nuclear trigger is led around by the arm. Meanwhile MSNBC focuses on meaningless election day trivia allegedly found in meaningless e-mails. WTF?
You should prolly flee now before it's too late.
The guns are being purchased more and more by many. The elections will have more men running as extremists to protect localized areas. History repeats over and over.
SavannahMann wow moonbat, you believe anything the Dimmers tell you to believe.

In Georgia the Governor and Secretary of State are Republicans. In my county the Elections Supervisor is Republican. Biden won our County.

Now. I am a Cynic. I doubt everything. I trust very few people. I run their statements through probability considerations.

The less probable. The less likely I am to believe.

44 states had statistically higher votes for Biden than Hillary. So this conspiracy would have to involve 44 states, including Texas, to explain the increased votes for Biden. We are getting into seriously improbable territory.

It would have to include hundreds of Republicans at the County level. Even more improbable. It would have to include statewide Republicans in deeply red states. Holy crap the lottery is starting to look like a good investment by comparison.

Tell me how the Democrats did it.

View attachment 512955

The blue states show a higher number of democratic voters compared to 2016. 44 states. Including deeply red Alabama, Tennessee, Texas, Nebraska, and the list goes on.

No handful of Democrats could do this. It would take tens of thousands.

How. Tell me how. It isn’t enough to say he cheated. You have to be able to identify how they cheated.

Let’s take baseball. A guy is hitting a lot of home runs. You test him for steroids. The test comes back negative. The bat is next. Not corked. Meets all standards. It is a regulation bat.

Different pitchers are throwing the ball. So you test the balls. They are regulation too.

At some point you have to describe how he is cheating or admit he is a great batter.

So I ask again. What kind of conspiracy explains a huge shift to the Democratic Ticket compared to 2016 in 44 states?
Nobody...but nobody will believe when 14 people show up for a presidential candidate with tens of thousands showing for another has won at a rally. We will never trust you again. You will be arrogant and feeling superior until the point you get stupid. Then you will die. With many others who did no wrong.

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