Emails reveal the RNC has known for months that trump is lying about "massive voter fraud."

SO....when the repub party ties itself to a serial liar, such as trump, they are playing with fire. They will suffer in the coming years from ignoring truth and allowing a blatant liar to drag along by the nose.


You dumb uneducated Moon Bat. They have been caught lying more times than Carter has Liver Pills.

No wonder you are so damn ignorant getting your news from that filthy ass fake news organization.

If they want to report on emails why aren't they reporting on the emails from Hunter Biden laptop that reveal that the Biden family has been getting rich off selling "The Big Guy's" influence?

So your argument isn’t that the story is a lie. It is that they aren’t reporting on what you think the real issue is. Got it.

So to summarize. You know the election fraud claims are a lie but it is fine because the other side is corrupt too.

So which totalitarian government is the right one?

My point is that the assholes at MSNBC have been caught lying many times and this article on their Opinion page smells of just more TDS afflicted bullshit we see out of the filthy ass Left Wing media all the time. I doubt there is any truth to the article just like there has not been very much truth to a lot of crap they have spouted over the years.

You stupid uneducated Moon Bats are low information because, being the dumbshits that you are, you get your information from really shitty hate mongering sources, like MSNBC.

The Democrats stole the election with the fraud of unverified mail in and harvested ballots in Democrat controlled swing districts. That is a fact that the shitheads from MSNBC don't want to amit so they write an Opinion piece quoting undisclosed sources.

Pull your head out of yoour Moon Bat ass. Then you wouldn't embarrass yourself by quoting silly shit like this as fact.

You call me a moon bat. Every single conspiracy theory has been disproven. Riverside California investigated 1,000 reports of fraud. They found one. One. How that one out of a thousand cost Trump the election we will never know. The dead who supposedly voted were confirmed alive. This was done by both the talking to them and the poking them tests.

In Georgia. There was a count. A recount. A hand count. An audit. And every time Biden was declared the winner.

The phantom 30,000 ballots never existed. The double votes were bogus claims.

Time and time again it is the same thing. And you call me a moon bat.

You are confused Moon Bat. Recounting the same fraudulent Democrat created ballots over and over again doesn't validate anything.
They were not fraudulent. You don't know much about elections. do you? The repub party is about to go down in flames. Independent voters in this country will not for a man that continues to spread a lie months and possible years after the fact. trump is doing damage to this country like no one has ever done before.
Doing damage to the Democrat Reich is not the same as doing damage to this country. In fact, precisely the opposite is the case.

SO....when the repub party ties itself to a serial liar, such as trump, they are playing with fire. They will suffer in the coming years from ignoring truth and allowing a blatant liar to drag along by the nose.
Hey fool, that article is an OpEd....First paragraph....leading Republican Party figures have known.........
PLEASE READ THE DIRECT QUOTE FROM THE EMAIL OF A repub ATTORNEY! That is not opinion. It is a fact. The repub party is nothing more than a bunch of trump humping liars.
A whole hitpiece based on 1 Republican RINO. Talk about naked desperation! LOL
A whole hitpiece based on 1 Republican RINO. Talk about naked desperation! LOL
The only one willing to be honest. You know this. I know you know this. I know you know you are being lied to by almost all of them. You just don't care and are happy to lie with them. Just like the article says.

or you are a lobotomized, drooling moron and actually believe the Big Lie. Pick your poison.
A whole hitpiece based on 1 Republican RINO. Talk about naked desperation! LOL
The only one willing to be honest. You know this. I know you know this. I know you know you are being lied to by almost all of them. You just don't care and are happy to lie with them. Just like the article says.

or you are a lobotomized, drooling moron and actually believe the Big Lie. Pick your poison.

"RINO" = Republican who isn't in the Orange Cult
"RINO" = Republican who isn't in the Orange Cult
No it doesn't fool. It stands for Republican In Name Only. Most Republicans support Trump. It's just the swampy ones that don't. BTW your 'Orange Cult' is not real. It's a Marxist meme. You are such a good little Marxist. Do they pay you for making a fool of yourself?
This is the obedient trump cult taking one for the master:
No, that's a stupid video that has nothing to do with Trump. You are not living in reality. That's what hatred does to people, sooner or later they become unhinged and think things like cartoons and videos are real.

SO....when the repub party ties itself to a serial liar, such as trump, they are playing with fire. They will suffer in the coming years from ignoring truth and allowing a blatant liar to drag along by the nose.
Hey fool, that article is an OpEd....First paragraph....leading Republican Party figures have known.........
PLEASE READ THE DIRECT QUOTE FROM THE EMAIL OF A repub ATTORNEY! That is not opinion. It is a fact. The repub party is nothing more than a bunch of trump humping liars.
A whole hitpiece based on 1 Republican RINO. Talk about naked desperation! LOL
Facts and Truth are not your friend. trump is dead politically...but the repub party is groveling at his feet.....

trump HUMPERS!


SO....when the repub party ties itself to a serial liar, such as trump, they are playing with fire. They will suffer in the coming years from ignoring truth and allowing a blatant liar to drag along by the nose.
Opinion piece.
Read the email idiot! Your spin won't change that. trump has been lying since Biden beat his fat, orange, ars.
Facts and Truth are not your friend. trump is dead politically...but the repub party is groveling at his feet.....
Trump can get more people at a rally than any Republican or Democrat Politician. Tens of thousands always turn out. Biden's rally in Georgia? 500 cars. Honk! Honk!
Read the email idiot! Your spin won't change that. trump has been lying since Biden beat his fat, orange, ars.
OHHHHHH!!! :oops: An E-MAIL!!!! A RINO!!!! And MSNBC.......You poor little Democrat-Desperado. :itsok:
What's funny to me is that Trump has almost half the voting public on his side. His rallies reflect a ground-swell support of his policy which is America First, being profitable, giving Americans more individual freedom and, most of all, drain the D.C. swamp. He tried but next time he will not fail.

Then we have posts like the above where little insignificant lefties pick on any story they can find to try to chip away at Trump's support. They just don't realize that the more they pick, whine, snivel, lie and wet their little panties, the more real Americans will stand with Trump.

Think about it, Trump has more support, can get more folks out to rallies than any politician of either party!! Trust me, politicians will ALWAYS defer to power and, Trump is the People's power.

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