Emails reveal the RNC has known for months that trump is lying about "massive voter fraud."

The establishment RNC hates Trump since in its opinion he stopped the wonderful Bush dynasty cold by beating Jeb Bush in the Presidential Primaries.

Plus in my opinion the establishment Republican Party is only a little better than the Democratic Party. Trump only hijacked it to ride its elephant to victory over Hillary’s lame donkey.

Hopefully Trump Deplorables will take over the Republican Party and Make America Great Again.
All the evidence of voter fraud will just be ignored.
Sure Tips, 80 judges ignored it, Bill Barr ignored it, Donald's Cyber Security Chief ignored it, Republican election officials ignored it, umpteen recounts, audits and signature matches ignored it.

There's a conspiracy afoot! :laughing0301:
I do wonder if they ever doubt this stuff.

I wouldn't be surprised if they don't, but I do wonder. They're 100% emotionally invested in this now.

SO....when the repub party ties itself to a serial liar, such as trump, they are playing with fire. They will suffer in the coming years from ignoring truth and allowing a blatant liar to drag along by the nose.


You dumb uneducated Moon Bat. They have been caught lying more times than Carter has Liver Pills.

No wonder you are so damn ignorant getting your news from that filthy ass fake news organization.

If they want to report on emails why aren't they reporting on the emails from Hunter Biden laptop that reveal that the Biden family has been getting rich off selling "The Big Guy's" influence?
The emails from the respected RND attorney are real. There is no spin. The facts are chose to ignore your detriment.
The link is an op-ed by somebody named Hayes Brown of MSNBC and has virtually no content except some vague reference to e-mails that contain almost nothing. The intent is to try to keep the focus on the former president while the current president continues to deteriorate.
I do wonder if they ever doubt this stuff.

I wouldn't be surprised if they don't, but I do wonder. They're 100% emotionally invested in this now.
We warned them in 2016 that if they nominated a very unstable Captain Chaos and he was elected it would be the end of the Republican Party as we know it. We were correct.
The establishment RNC hates Trump since in its opinion he stopped the wonderful Bush dynasty cold by beating Jeb Bush in the Presidential Primaries.

Plus in my opinion the establishment Republican Party is only a little better than the Democratic Party. Trump only hijacked it to ride its elephant to victory over Hillary’s lame donkey.

Hopefully Trump Deplorables will take over the Republican Party and Make America Great Again.
Donald Trump is an embarrassment. Thing is, so many people have lost the ability to feel any shame so he remains popular.
We warned them in 2016 that if they nominated a very unstable Captain Chaos and he was elected it would be the end of the Republican Party as we know it. We were correct.
That's my guess, but we'll see. They're gonna get pretty much 100% turnout, since they have to save the country from The Evil Hitler Commies 'n stuff. We'll see how the Dem turnout looks.

SO....when the repub party ties itself to a serial liar, such as trump, they are playing with fire. They will suffer in the coming years from ignoring truth and allowing a blatant liar to drag along by the nose.


You dumb uneducated Moon Bat. They have been caught lying more times than Carter has Liver Pills.

No wonder you are so damn ignorant getting your news from that filthy ass fake news organization.

If they want to report on emails why aren't they reporting on the emails from Hunter Biden laptop that reveal that the Biden family has been getting rich off selling "The Big Guy's" influence?

So your argument isn’t that the story is a lie. It is that they aren’t reporting on what you think the real issue is. Got it.

So to summarize. You know the election fraud claims are a lie but it is fine because the other side is corrupt too.

So which totalitarian government is the right one?
It is listed as an 'OPINION' piece for a reason.
So the email uncovered is an opinion?
The freaking Country is falling apart. Disease filled illegal aliens cross over the border at will, race riots start at the drop of a hat, foreign policy is in shambles while a doddering old man with his finger on the nuclear trigger is led around by the arm. Meanwhile MSNBC focuses on meaningless election day trivia allegedly found in meaningless e-mails. WTF?
Everyone in congress and everyone at the RNC knows about The Big Lie. Sadly, at least half of the idiots who voted for him do not. That's the dangerous part.

“What Rudy and Jenna are doing is a joke and they are getting laughed out of court,” Riemer, a longtime Republican lawyer, wrote to Liz Harrington, a former party spokeswoman, on Nov. 28, referring to Trump attorneys Rudolph W. Giuliani and Jenna Ellis. “They are misleading millions of people who have wishful thinking that the president is going to somehow win this thing."

Hey, what's happening with Sydney Powell and Lin Wood in Michigan? Ruh-Roh. Now they are battling one another! :lol:

Here Sydney Powell can be actually seen using mind transference control to make Lin Wood speak out about election fraud against his will...

The freaking Country is falling apart. Disease filled illegal aliens cross over the border at will, race riots start at the drop of a hat, foreign policy is in shambles while a doddering old man with his finger on the nuclear trigger is led around by the arm. Meanwhile MSNBC focuses on meaningless election day trivia allegedly found in meaningless e-mails. WTF?
You should prolly flee now before it's too late.
Donald Trump is an embarrassment. Thing is, so many people have lost the ability to feel any shame so he remains popular
It simply amazes me that with senile and sleepy Joe Biden as Presidential Puppet of the United States you can seriously make such a comment about Trump.

Here Sydney Powell can be actually seen using mind transference control to make Lin Wood speak out about election fraud against his will...


She is one creepy witch ain't she? But she and Lin were definitely on to something here! :D

The freaking Country is falling apart. Disease filled illegal aliens cross over the border at will, race riots start at the drop of a hat, foreign policy is in shambles while a doddering old man with his finger on the nuclear trigger is led around by the arm. Meanwhile MSNBC focuses on meaningless election day trivia allegedly found in meaningless e-mails. WTF?
You should prolly flee now before it's too late.

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