Emails reveal the RNC has known for months that trump is lying about "massive voter fraud."

SavannahMann wow moonbat, you believe anything the Dimmers tell you to believe.

In Georgia the Governor and Secretary of State are Republicans. In my county the Elections Supervisor is Republican. Biden won our County.

Now. I am a Cynic. I doubt everything. I trust very few people. I run their statements through probability considerations.

The less probable. The less likely I am to believe.

44 states had statistically higher votes for Biden than Hillary. So this conspiracy would have to involve 44 states, including Texas, to explain the increased votes for Biden. We are getting into seriously improbable territory.

It would have to include hundreds of Republicans at the County level. Even more improbable. It would have to include statewide Republicans in deeply red states. Holy crap the lottery is starting to look like a good investment by comparison.

Tell me how the Democrats did it.

View attachment 512955

The blue states show a higher number of democratic voters compared to 2016. 44 states. Including deeply red Alabama, Tennessee, Texas, Nebraska, and the list goes on.

No handful of Democrats could do this. It would take tens of thousands.

How. Tell me how. It isn’t enough to say he cheated. You have to be able to identify how they cheated.

Let’s take baseball. A guy is hitting a lot of home runs. You test him for steroids. The test comes back negative. The bat is next. Not corked. Meets all standards. It is a regulation bat.

Different pitchers are throwing the ball. So you test the balls. They are regulation too.

At some point you have to describe how he is cheating or admit he is a great batter.

So I ask again. What kind of conspiracy explains a huge shift to the Democratic Ticket compared to 2016 in 44 states?
Nobody...but nobody will believe when 14 people show up for a presidential candidate with tens of thousands showing for another has won at a rally. We will never trust you again. You will be arrogant and feeling superior until the point you get stupid. Then you will die. With many others who did no wrong.

The Trumpybear Rally's are like WWE events, naturally.

Putin Smiles.
Sadly Republicans can't let go of the dollars that Trump supporters are sending in the hope that he will be put back on the throne. They even bought into sending $50 for his birthday. Why would a billionaire need a working persons $50?
SavannahMann wow moonbat, you believe anything the Dimmers tell you to believe.

In Georgia the Governor and Secretary of State are Republicans. In my county the Elections Supervisor is Republican. Biden won our County.

Now. I am a Cynic. I doubt everything. I trust very few people. I run their statements through probability considerations.

The less probable. The less likely I am to believe.

44 states had statistically higher votes for Biden than Hillary. So this conspiracy would have to involve 44 states, including Texas, to explain the increased votes for Biden. We are getting into seriously improbable territory.

It would have to include hundreds of Republicans at the County level. Even more improbable. It would have to include statewide Republicans in deeply red states. Holy crap the lottery is starting to look like a good investment by comparison.

Tell me how the Democrats did it.

View attachment 512955

The blue states show a higher number of democratic voters compared to 2016. 44 states. Including deeply red Alabama, Tennessee, Texas, Nebraska, and the list goes on.

No handful of Democrats could do this. It would take tens of thousands.

How. Tell me how. It isn’t enough to say he cheated. You have to be able to identify how they cheated.

Let’s take baseball. A guy is hitting a lot of home runs. You test him for steroids. The test comes back negative. The bat is next. Not corked. Meets all standards. It is a regulation bat.

Different pitchers are throwing the ball. So you test the balls. They are regulation too.

At some point you have to describe how he is cheating or admit he is a great batter.

So I ask again. What kind of conspiracy explains a huge shift to the Democratic Ticket compared to 2016 in 44 states?
Nobody...but nobody will believe when 14 people show up for a presidential candidate with tens of thousands showing for another has won at a rally. We will never trust you again. You will be arrogant and feeling superior until the point you get stupid. Then you will die. With many others who did no wrong.

The Trumpybear Rally's are like WWE events, naturally.

Putin Smiles.
I have tried to vote for people in my life who are of honorable intentions. Left, Center, Right. Democrat, Republican and Independent in some way. I have studied books and have kept an opened mind and have considered my own prejudices and my own abuses from others. Most of what we vote for are not honorable and are honorable people. They are in power and push us at the edge of the threat of war over real war. The same for domestic issues.
SavannahMann wow moonbat, you believe anything the Dimmers tell you to believe.

In Georgia the Governor and Secretary of State are Republicans. In my county the Elections Supervisor is Republican. Biden won our County.

Now. I am a Cynic. I doubt everything. I trust very few people. I run their statements through probability considerations.

The less probable. The less likely I am to believe.

44 states had statistically higher votes for Biden than Hillary. So this conspiracy would have to involve 44 states, including Texas, to explain the increased votes for Biden. We are getting into seriously improbable territory.

It would have to include hundreds of Republicans at the County level. Even more improbable. It would have to include statewide Republicans in deeply red states. Holy crap the lottery is starting to look like a good investment by comparison.

Tell me how the Democrats did it.

View attachment 512955

The blue states show a higher number of democratic voters compared to 2016. 44 states. Including deeply red Alabama, Tennessee, Texas, Nebraska, and the list goes on.

No handful of Democrats could do this. It would take tens of thousands.

How. Tell me how. It isn’t enough to say he cheated. You have to be able to identify how they cheated.

Let’s take baseball. A guy is hitting a lot of home runs. You test him for steroids. The test comes back negative. The bat is next. Not corked. Meets all standards. It is a regulation bat.

Different pitchers are throwing the ball. So you test the balls. They are regulation too.

At some point you have to describe how he is cheating or admit he is a great batter.

So I ask again. What kind of conspiracy explains a huge shift to the Democratic Ticket compared to 2016 in 44 states?
Nobody...but nobody will believe when 14 people show up for a presidential candidate with tens of thousands showing for another has won at a rally. We will never trust you again. You will be arrogant and feeling superior until the point you get stupid. Then you will die. With many others who did no wrong.

The Trumpybear Rally's are like WWE events, naturally.

Putin Smiles.
I have tried to vote for people in my life who are of honorable intentions. Left, Center, Right. Democrat, Republican and Independent in some way. I have studied books and have kept an opened mind and have considered my own prejudices and my own abuses from others. Most of what we vote for are not honorable and are honorable people. They are in power and push us at the edge of the threat of war over real war. The same for domestic issues.
Okay. Most anyone who enters politics, even with honorable intentions, are usually corrupted by the system itself in one way or another. You've got to play along to get along.
Only have been to one political rally. That was enough, the purpose of a rally is to keep your supporters stirred up, not to bring you any new information.
JimH52 and you are a brainless twit. President Trump at least tried to put an emphasis back on America for Americans but you braindead Dims are too ignorant to see it.
"America for Americans" is just dog-whistle for the white nationalists.

SavannahMann they did it with abuse of the rampant leftyvirus fake mailin ballots. There were millions of these in every state and they were illegally filled out to get Pinochijoe the vote total he needed.

Fake ballots? Really? Someone printed up thirty thousand bogus ballots just in Georgia?

First. In 2016 Hillary lost Georgia by more than 200k votes. So to be safe the conspirators would need more than 300k votes for Biden added to the totals.

And that just squeaks out a victory.

So a mere thirty thousand fake ballots wouldn’t do it.

I mean we are talking bad juju for Trump if he went from winning by more than 200k votes to barely squeaking by with only 20k. That seems unlikely given how you and others maintain he is a massively popular President.

So Hillary got 1.8 mil and Biden got 2.4 mil. That means to explain it we have to either accept that Biden got more than 500k votes more than Hillary, and needed the last 30k fraudulently. Or we assume that a much larger percentage of the votes were fraudulent.

So which is it? Did Biden pick up half a million voters in 2020 or were 600k plus fraudulent?
SavannahMann wow moonbat, you believe anything the Dimmers tell you to believe.

In Georgia the Governor and Secretary of State are Republicans. In my county the Elections Supervisor is Republican. Biden won our County.

Now. I am a Cynic. I doubt everything. I trust very few people. I run their statements through probability considerations.

The less probable. The less likely I am to believe.

44 states had statistically higher votes for Biden than Hillary. So this conspiracy would have to involve 44 states, including Texas, to explain the increased votes for Biden. We are getting into seriously improbable territory.

It would have to include hundreds of Republicans at the County level. Even more improbable. It would have to include statewide Republicans in deeply red states. Holy crap the lottery is starting to look like a good investment by comparison.

Tell me how the Democrats did it.

View attachment 512955

The blue states show a higher number of democratic voters compared to 2016. 44 states. Including deeply red Alabama, Tennessee, Texas, Nebraska, and the list goes on.

No handful of Democrats could do this. It would take tens of thousands.

How. Tell me how. It isn’t enough to say he cheated. You have to be able to identify how they cheated.

Let’s take baseball. A guy is hitting a lot of home runs. You test him for steroids. The test comes back negative. The bat is next. Not corked. Meets all standards. It is a regulation bat.

Different pitchers are throwing the ball. So you test the balls. They are regulation too.

At some point you have to describe how he is cheating or admit he is a great batter.

So I ask again. What kind of conspiracy explains a huge shift to the Democratic Ticket compared to 2016 in 44 states?
Nobody...but nobody will believe when 14 people show up for a presidential candidate with tens of thousands showing for another has won at a rally. We will never trust you again. You will be arrogant and feeling superior until the point you get stupid. Then you will die. With many others who did no wrong.

Ok. How was the election stolen?
SavannahMann many many fake ballots were created for this scam. Every voter in almost all if not all states had a leftyvirus ballot printed and likely sent to them.....I myself got 5 even after declining to receive them. So collecting and illegally filling them out would have been very simple since nobody ever went back to verify signatures. Or even cared if multiple ballots were filled out. No quality control on the ballots.

SO....when the repub party ties itself to a serial liar, such as trump, they are playing with fire. They will suffer in the coming years from ignoring truth and allowing a blatant liar to drag along by the nose.
ummm, I dunno. I think the Dem loathsomeness with BLM, defund the police, and Red Bernie and the Squad cozzing up to the Cuban govt will pretty much outweigh any independents' moves from Trump, simply because he's not going to be on the ballot. The dems' will be. No doubt the dems would love to run against Trump, but I don't see it shaking out that way.

My guess is growth and inflation pretty much stabalize in the first half of 22, and people will have a little more in their pockets and roads will be getting fixed, so I think a healthy Biden will be ok heading into the 24 election, but he's not running in 22. It's looking more and more like a self-inflicted bloodbath for dems, imo.
SavannahMann many many fake ballots were created for this scam. Every voter in almost all if not all states had a leftyvirus ballot printed and likely sent to them.....I myself got 5 even after declining to receive them. So collecting and illegally filling them out would have been very simple since nobody ever went back to verify signatures. Or even cared if multiple ballots were filled out. No quality control on the ballots.

How exactly did they get these ballots accepted. I mean Jane Doe sends one in and her name is marked off of a list. Then Jane Doe sends in another. And another. And another. Multiple checks on the list would be problematic wouldn’t it?
SavannahMann not if no checks were completed or compared.

Ok. So according to you the election officials ignored some six hundred thousand duplicate ballots.

In that case we can’t afford to vote Republican ever again with such catastrophic incompetence.
Please don't take anything these liars say seriously. They are just parrotting the Liar in Chief. The repub party has become a loathsome....treasonous.....gang of liars.

How can.anyone accept anything trump has said when he has been proven a liar over and over.

But how many noble....righteous....evangelicals will vote for the serial LIAR. They are complicit in his criminal antics.
JimH52 parroting? You are the Chief Dimmer Polly Parrot and boyfriend of the Donald all at the same time. What a frickin hypocrite you are looneybin.

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