Emails Show Liar Lerner Targeted 'Dangerous' Tea Party


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
I knew that woman was a lying libturd the minute she opened her mouth:

Emails Show Liar Lois Lerner Deliberately Targeted 'Dangerous' Tea Party -

New emails show that the woman at the center of the IRS scandal over special scrutiny of conservative groups' applications for tax-exempt status targeted tea party applications specifically and directed they be held up.

While a possible "wag the dog" attack on Syria and other "phony" scandals like Benghazi have grabbed the headlines, Congress has continued its investigation into the Obama administration's targeting of tea party groups that sprang up in opposition to ObamaCare by the agency charged with enforcing it, the Internal Revenue Service.

[snip] In the February 2011 email, Lerner advised her staff — including then-Exempt Organizations Technical Manager Michael Seto and then-Rulings and Agreements director Holly Paz — that a tea party matter is "very dangerous" and something "Counsel and (Lerner adviser) Judy Kindell need to be in on." Lerner added: "Cincy should probably NOT have these cases."​
I knew that woman was a lying libturd the minute she opened her mouth:

Emails Show Liar Lois Lerner Deliberately Targeted 'Dangerous' Tea Party -

New emails show that the woman at the center of the IRS scandal over special scrutiny of conservative groups' applications for tax-exempt status targeted tea party applications specifically and directed they be held up.

While a possible "wag the dog" attack on Syria and other "phony" scandals like Benghazi have grabbed the headlines, Congress has continued its investigation into the Obama administration's targeting of tea party groups that sprang up in opposition to ObamaCare by the agency charged with enforcing it, the Internal Revenue Service.

[snip] In the February 2011 email, Lerner advised her staff — including then-Exempt Organizations Technical Manager Michael Seto and then-Rulings and Agreements director Holly Paz — that a tea party matter is "very dangerous" and something "Counsel and (Lerner adviser) Judy Kindell need to be in on." Lerner added: "Cincy should probably NOT have these cases."
When is Congress going to call her ass back before them to answer for the breach of liberty?
I knew that woman was a lying libturd the minute she opened her mouth:

Emails Show Liar Lois Lerner Deliberately Targeted 'Dangerous' Tea Party -

New emails show that the woman at the center of the IRS scandal over special scrutiny of conservative groups' applications for tax-exempt status targeted tea party applications specifically and directed they be held up.

While a possible "wag the dog" attack on Syria and other "phony" scandals like Benghazi have grabbed the headlines, Congress has continued its investigation into the Obama administration's targeting of tea party groups that sprang up in opposition to ObamaCare by the agency charged with enforcing it, the Internal Revenue Service.

[snip] In the February 2011 email, Lerner advised her staff — including then-Exempt Organizations Technical Manager Michael Seto and then-Rulings and Agreements director Holly Paz — that a tea party matter is "very dangerous" and something "Counsel and (Lerner adviser) Judy Kindell need to be in on." Lerner added: "Cincy should probably NOT have these cases."​

and yet she sits at home and collect her paycheck.. must be nice working for the government. at least in the military if you F up they kick your ass out or demote you to an E1 which is crap pay .
It was just a matter of time before she was exposed. She pleaded the 5th for this very reason.
Drag her corrupt ass back in front of Issa's group and make her talk. If she refuses, chuck her ass in jail for a while.
But...but...but...Zimmerman! Syria! Debt Ceiling! Miley Cyrus! Global Climate Chaos!!!!!!!1
It was just a matter of time before she was exposed. She pleaded the 5th for this very reason.
And to which she gave it up by making a statement FIRST...then pleading the 5th. Doesn't work that way. Send the bitch to jail.
But...but...but...Zimmerman! Syria! Debt Ceiling! Miley Cyrus! Global Climate Chaos!!!!!!!!
Politics of Deflection, Deceit........NONE of Obama's scandals WE forget...all in good time. Obama and his minions are toast.
I didnt see the email in the context or nothing.
Id like to read the actual emails first before I bother with this non-story
I didnt see the email in the context or nothing.
Id like to read the actual emails first before I bother with this non-story

It's no more of a non story than you're a non relevant person here.

You leftists denials and ignorance is a laugh.
I didnt see the email in the context or nothing.
Id like to read the actual emails first before I bother with this non-story

There are LINKS to it, and NO it isn't a non story. Even YOUR liberty is in question with crap like this.

I didnt see the email in the context or nothing.
Id like to read the actual emails first before I bother with this non-story

Non story? Even the Dems themselves on the committee have the proof of her e-mails.
It was released to all of the news outlets.
I didnt see the email in the context or nothing.
Id like to read the actual emails first before I bother with this non-story

There are LINKS to it, and NO it isn't a non story. Even YOUR liberty is in question with crap like this.


Where? There was zero in the op link.i know I read it.
Nah my freedom is just fine from this. End result if anything is they profiled people who dont like being profiled unless you are not white republicans.

Spare me your fake tears.

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