Embalmers finding spike in blood clots in corpses

I'll take your word for it that it's all happening in America.
Would you like to know the reason why it's only in America?

You would be surprised to learn that if you get vaccinated in America, then step over the border to Canada, all of that won't happen to you!

How could that be?
Cannot tell you why its worse in some countries, but maybe because the vaccine information flows more freely where it is shown to be bad. I have read a number of articles how that is the case in England, did not bother searching for them today. But here are reports of the fears this vaccine is causing in other nations.

New Zealand doctors call for criminal homicide investigations into covid-19 vaccine deaths

Israeli Mathematician Says Vaccination Causing Surge in Youth Deaths

Huge COVID Vaccine-Injured Rally in Los Angeles Blacked Out by Major Media, Injury Court Claims Skyrocket
Cannot tell you why its worse in some countries, but maybe because the vaccine information flows more freely where it is shown to be bad. I have read a number of articles how that is the case in England, did not bother searching for them today. But here are reports of the fears this vaccine is causing in other nations.

New Zealand doctors call for criminal homicide investigations into covid-19 vaccine deaths

Israeli Mathematician Says Vaccination Causing Surge in Youth Deaths

Huge COVID Vaccine-Injured Rally in Los Angeles Blacked Out by Major Media, Injury Court Claims Skyrocket
Then the only thing for Americans to do is stop being vaccinated.

Some country putting it to the test would be beneficial to humanity at this critical time.

We can maybe disregard the last experiment on the vaccines' efficiency that America carried out and call the results inconclusive.

That would only require that no vaccines be provided to Americans in order to not skew the study being conducted.

A possible complication that could prevent such a study being conducted would be Trump's proclamation that the vaccines are 'safe and effective'.

Would Trump be willing to say he was wrong in saying that?
It's clear now that Trump need to retract his statement that all the vaccines are safe and effective.

That would enable America's congress to ban all vaccines from being administered in America!
Then the only thing for Americans to do is stop being vaccinated.

Some country putting it to the test would be beneficial to humanity at this critical time.

We can maybe disregard the last experiment on the vaccines' efficiency that America carried out and call the results inconclusive.

That would only require that no vaccines be provided to Americans in order to not skew the study being conducted.

A possible complication that could prevent such a study being conducted would be Trump's proclamation that the vaccines are 'safe and effective'.

Would Trump be willing to say he was wrong in saying that?
Well, Canada cannot do that. Fidel Jr. would never allow it.
It's clear now that Trump need to retract his statement that all the vaccines are safe and effective.

That would enable America's congress to ban all vaccines from being administered in America!
Are you saying what Trump says matters to Congress? Since when?
Then the only thing for Americans to do is stop being vaccinated.

Some country putting it to the test would be beneficial to humanity at this critical time.

We can maybe disregard the last experiment on the vaccines' efficiency that America carried out and call the results inconclusive.

That would only require that no vaccines be provided to Americans in order to not skew the study being conducted.

A possible complication that could prevent such a study being conducted would be Trump's proclamation that the vaccines are 'safe and effective'.

Would Trump be willing to say he was wrong in saying that?
Who da fuck cares duck?? Jab away duck. Enjoy the rubber in your blood.

I simply dont care about Branch Covidians.

There are many examples of what could be signs of an empire's decline. Is this just one more, in which conspiracy theories are being fabricated for political purposes and to discredit modern medicine?
There are many conspiracy theories. Some are started on purpose by elites. Some conspiracies are true. The rise and fall of nations is a primer for what is ahead, and we are experiencing it now. It has different players and agendas, but the end result is the same. The vacuum created by the former most powerful declining nation to the new rising one can be dangerous. Britain and the United States were the last declining and rising nations of dominance. This time it will be the United States and China. The United States is also being blended into the Western World government and has been sabotaged from within and without because of it.
Are these considered Trumptard Embalmers?

Are they bad people for reporting what they are seeing?

Why does the left want the truth censored?

The upside is we may have a HUGE self induced culling of left wing sheep. Congrats Cult.
Is this a massive conspiracy among TRUMPTARD EMBALMERS, or might there be an issue?

Would you lefties rather have people die from the vax, but we just lie about the cause, or do you want to know the truth?

Wouldnt you want to know if you are at risk of blood clots from the experimental gene therapy shot you took?
They can get 20 for all I care

I dont wish death upon the stupid sheep. I want them to wake up.

The government forced a shot on millons of people that may prove to be fatal…yet the sheep continue to follow the government.

Its so fucking bizarre.
I dont wish death upon the stupid sheep. I want them to wake up.

The government forced a shot on millons of people that may prove to be fatal…yet the sheep continue to follow the government.

Its so fucking bizarre.
I simply dont care about them anymore
I simply dont care about them anymore

I know you dont. I care about the well intended ingnorant fools. Its too bad they were brainwashed.

For those who got triple vaxxed and triple boosted and vilified those of us who chose NOT to get the “vaccine”…suck the left corner of my right nut.
I simply dont care about them anymore

The reason this hits home for me is that my brother was pressured into getting the ”vax” from his wife so they could visit Iceland.

Now my brother is having heart issues.

Anyone can say this is anecdotal. Anyone can say I am lying. Anyone can say my brother may have had other issues.

What I know is that my 45 year old brother who played High School Football and ran cross country and track in high school and is 5 10 170…eats well, exercises…now has an enlarged heart…6 months after he took the shot.

Coincidence? Sure…maybe. But also…maybe not.

I bought my parents (mid 70s) a 10 day cruise for their 50th anniversary. There was a vax mandate. They said fuck off. I respected their decision and cancelled the cruise with a 50% penalty. The $5k I flushed was not worth them getting the clot shot.

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