Embarrassed by Putin- Obama and Pentagon: Ready For Direct Ground Action In Syria, Iraq


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
So now Otard feels the need to show Putin he's not a push over

Total fiasco


Update: While it's not entirely clear whether this represents an explicit pivot or simply amounts to a reiteration of comments US defense officials made in the wake of the ISIS prison raid that freed some 70 captives in Iraq and led to the first US casualty in ground combat since 2011, the media is alive with reports this evening which indicate that Defense Secretary Ash Carter may be set to send more spec ops ground troops to Iraq and "engage directly" in Syria. Here's CNN with the official White House-approved line:

The U.S. is considering increasing its attacks on ISIS through more ground action and airstrikes, Defense Secretary Ashton Carter said Tuesday.

Carter told the Senate Armed Services Committee that the U.S. "won't hold back" from supporting partners carrying out such attacks or from "conducting such missions directly, whether by strikes from the air or direct action on the ground."

The White House, however, has yet to make a decision on the options for upping the campaign against ISIS, according to defense and administration sources. They said that further involvement on the ground was one of the possibilities being presented.

The ground option Carter mentioned to the committee was part of a three-prong effort -- which he dubbed the "three Rs" -- to adapt the U.S. policy on countering ISIS.

Pentagon: Ready To Launch 'Boots On The Ground' In Syria And Iraq | Zero Hedge
So Obama thinks he can lead us into war against Putin. Right now MORE Americans like Putin over Obama.
Your mean treasonous right wing Americans.

By the way , Putin ain't done shit ISIS is still up to there nonsense .
If Obama got along with Putin, Republicans would be like, "Of course two commies like each other."

Doesn't matter what Obama does, Republicans just hate him. Killed Bin Laden and they couldn't even tip their caps for a job well done, so their commentary on any other matter going forward just can't be taken seriously.
"Embarrassed by Putin- Obama and Pentagon: Ready For Direct Ground Action In Syria, Iraq"

The only thing embarrassing is this ridiculous lie from the right.
I have a question . If the us went to war wh Russia , would you right wingers side wh Putin? I bet you would !
How many wars have democrats started compared to Republicans?
I was unaware political parties in America have the power to start wars.

What part of the Constitution am I missing?
How many wars have started under democrat leadership VS Republican leadership?
Are the Nazis and Japs credited with starting WWI and WWII under Democratic party majorities in the USA? Go back to school.
How many wars have democrats started compared to Republicans?
I was unaware political parties in America have the power to start wars.

What part of the Constitution am I missing?
How many wars have started under democrat leadership VS Republican leadership?
Are the Nazis and Japs credited with starting WWI and WWII under Democratic party majorities in the USA? Go back to school.

Says the far left drone!

FDR lied the US into WWII..

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