Embarrassing Kamala "Word Salad" Harris Blows Local Pennsylvania ABC 6 TV Interview

I guess FKH is everything we have come to expect form nothing but years of government service.

As best as I can tell she has never held a non-state/federal position as an adult.

Hell, even the McDonalds job she claimed to have held is unproven.
I think anyone who has had government jobs their entire life, with no experience in the real world, is unqualified for the presidency.
What a disaster. I mean, wow, this woman is a moron. She was asked the same questions from the debate, and still looked like a complete babbling idiot.

ABC News: "Lets drill down on your "opportunity Economy. what are one or two specific things you have in mind for that?"

Harris: "I grew up a middle-class kid. I grew up in a neighborhood with hard working people like construction workers and teachers, who were very proud of their lawns. Blah, blah, blah, non-answer word salad..."

This is what happens when harris is not given the questions before the interview
What word salad??? She talked in complete sentences, finishes her thoughts, and all of it makes sense.

You tuned out after the first sentence and stopped listening. She went on to outline the tax deduction for startups. Tax deductions and grants to get housing construction increased, and down payment assistance.

Very well spoken.
Why hasn’t she got tax cuts for startups and construction done yet?? She’s been in the White House four years and prior that was in the US Senate. What bill has she proposed that would do that?
The Trump cult losers get so triggered when absoultely nobody pays attention to their "Word Salad" big projection-lie.

But what else can they do? It's not like they can talk about issues, as Hariss does so masterfully, so they have to lie and deflect. The party gives them a dumb talking point, and they have to repeat it, no matter how stupid it makes them look.

See you in November, Trump cult losers. But don't despair. You can still keep crying and lying the same way after she's president. And that's all you actually want out of life, reasons to piss and moan.

It is a word salad. She talks a lot and says absolutely fucking nothing. What are her plans? She gave NO details about how she would fix what she fucked up. She just lied incessantly about Trump without a single moderator questioning those lies.

"Opportunity economy" WTF is that? Why didn't she do that the FIRST four years she was in office? Instead she produced a "no opportunity economy."
What a disaster. I mean, wow, this woman is a moron. She was asked the same questions from the debate, and still looked like a complete babbling idiot.

ABC News: "Lets drill down on your "opportunity Economy. what are one or two specific things you have in mind for that?"

Harris: "I grew up a middle-class kid. I grew up in a neighborhood with hard working people like construction workers and teachers, who were very proud of their lawns. Blah, blah, blah, non-answer word salad..."

“All people deserve dignity”…

She doesn’t believe that. Neither do prog libs who constantly attack Trump supporters.

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