Embarrassing news for Wikileaks

In an election GOP leaders expect to lose, nothing those corrupt bastards say or do is surprising.
Isn 't that the truth! They will do or say anything.
So says you left wing fascists.....
LMAO You guys are the fascists. You obviously don't understand the term 'fascist.' LOL

Says the fascist.....
In an election GOP leaders expect to lose, nothing those corrupt bastards say or do is surprising.
Isn 't that the truth! They will do or say anything.
So says you left wing fascists.....
LMAO You guys are the fascists. You obviously don't understand the term 'fascist.' LOL

Says the fascist.....
View attachment 89043

That poster is incorrect. That poster is part of the propaganda that you people accept. You don't believe in or trust education; therefore, you don't have any critical thinking skills and are subject to propaganda. You are easily manipulated by right wing propaganda that goes against reality and truth. Therefore, your vision of the world is skewed. You are victims of propaganda because you don't know how to think. It's pathetic.

  1. an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization.
dictatorship, despotism, autocracy, absolute rule, Nazism, rightism, militarism
Following the debunked claim that Hillary Clinton wore an earpiece during the recent NBC military forum, pro-Trump website Wikileaks posted the following email by Huma Abedin to Hillary Clinton:


But this was a United Nations meeting, where most attendees (even young, healthy ones) wear one: http://d279m997dpfwgl.cloudfront.net/wp/2015/10/1001_un-interpreters.jpg

Wikileaks insinuated that this somehow proved that during the debate, Clinton wore an earpiece.
Fact-checking website Snopes the forum-earpiece claim: FALSE: Hillary Clinton Wore 'Secret Earpiece' During Commander-in-Chief Forum

Take a close look at Huma's email address.

What do you see?

Anything strange?

Dupes will be duped.....even if the dupe is Wikileaks.
Everyone running around, looking for the tiniest "gotcha" opportunity and jumping on it with both feet, regardless of how petty or absurd it may be.
So it's not so great when it's a republican exploiting a "gotcha opportunity",is it?
I didn't specify sides, did I?.
You don't have to.....your words do it for you....
No doubt you believe that, since you exist in this weird Alt Right paranoid fantasy echo chamber.
WikiLeaks is working with Russia and the GOP to cause as much disruption as possible. Odd that the Republican party would work so closely with Russia to trash an election.

I don't have a clue what your problem is, if hillary just comes clean and tells the truth for once, she has nothing to hide.

She's such a sociopath she has no idea what the truth is, like most of her supporters.
This, in fact, is the truth about much of the Republican party, especially the right wingers on this board.

Who's truth? Your lying truth?

WikiLeaks is working with Russia and the GOP to cause as much disruption as possible. Odd that the Republican party would work so closely with Russia to trash an election.

And you call conservatives stupid.
WikiLeaks is working with Russia and the GOP to cause as much disruption as possible. Odd that the Republican party would work so closely with Russia to trash an election.

I don't have a clue what your problem is, if hillary just comes clean and tells the truth for once, she has nothing to hide.

She's such a sociopath she has no idea what the truth is, like most of her supporters.
This, in fact, is the truth about much of the Republican party, especially the right wingers on this board.

Who's truth? Your lying truth?


The truth is the truth. It doesn't. It is not limited to one party or the other.
WikiLeaks is working with Russia and the GOP to cause as much disruption as possible. Odd that the Republican party would work so closely with Russia to trash an election.

And you call conservatives stupid.

Trump called on Russia to hack more websites. WikiLeaks released material proven to be hacked by Russia.

So for some reason the left don't want a transparent government? I don't get it.

WikiLeaks is working with Russia and the GOP to cause as much disruption as possible. Odd that the Republican party would work so closely with Russia to trash an election.

And you call conservatives stupid.

Trump called on Russia to hack more websites. WikiLeaks released material proven to be hacked by Russia.

So for some reason the left don't want a transparent government? I don't get it.


Trump/Putin 2016.That'll give us the transparency we need.

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