Embattled New York Governor Acerbic Andrew Cuomo implies that Trump is worse than covid

splain that graph then..........

New York is gonna get it;s collective ASS SUED OFF before this is over.
Read the graph, it places NY in the bottom 80%, its just that simple.

You can't show a policy was negligent if you have BETTER NUMBERS, than a state that didn't follow that policy.
New York went postal on lock down.........quarantined the hell out of the place and the cases went through the roof anyway............They wore masks too.........cloth masks.........didn't stop the numbers there.......now it's flatlined there because so many got it quickly...........and it wiped out the elderly mainly...........by statistics..........
New York suceeded, you're thinking of Florida that failed. Todays stats.

New York pop 19.6 mil - 17 new deaths
New York pop 19.6 mil - 902 new cases

Florida - pop 20.6 mil - 93 new deaths
Florida - pop 20.6 mil - 10,328 new cases
You are boring me.............I've shown the articles many times on way more got it in New York than tested..............that has come out several times........but you ignore it.............New York got a partial if not almost done HERD IMMUNITY......whether you like it or not.

More out there ........google is your friend.............same thing with USC ........imagine that.
"It will be a double-barreled shotgun of incompetence," Cuomo told reporters during a press briefing in Albany. "You know what virus is worse than Covid? The virus of American division and federal incompetence. That's the virus that's wreaking havoc on this country."

Spot on. Do you think anyone is going to look at Trump's management of these crisis and say, "Good job"?
You guys are the new breed. You had all the answers. The Prog way answers. The Progs despise Non Progs. They hate Trump a hundred times more. The last 4 years were not about Trump. It outed the real attitudes of Progs, the false Repubs, the true ugliness of the media and the vile entertainers. To not like the man okay...To shit on his position, is a whole different matter.
splain that graph then..........

New York is gonna get it;s collective ASS SUED OFF before this is over.
Read the graph, it places NY in the bottom 80%, its just that simple.

You can't show a policy was negligent if you have BETTER NUMBERS, than a state that didn't follow that policy.
Your example state has the worst record in the nation with maybe the exception of New Jersey.........The data and end result from New York was an example of FAILURE.............

Yet you try to say look over here.....look there..........yadda yadda yadda because DNC states got hammered..............

We have no reason to listen to you ...........You don't use a FAILURE MODEL to create your stategy.
When it became apparent that Cuomo was the only governor in the U.S. to issue an order that nursing homes would be forced to admit obviously infected patients, his minions in the media either ignored the order or went to work fudging the statistics related to the deaths.
Official government data says that New York nursing home deaths per resident, were in the bottom 80%

View attachment 365100

That article claims 2nd behind only New Jersey...........6200 DEATHS............

and in that article they tried the same excuse you did here that the staff did it..........
On Monday, the Cuomo administration fired back: The State Department of Health issued a 33-page report meant to dispel the notion that its March directive fueled the spread of the virus. The report blamed the 37,500 nursing home workers — about a quarter of the state’s total nursing home staff — who became infected since mid-March, unknowingly transmitting the virus to residents.

Did you read the report, or just dismiss it off hand?

If New York is going to be held up as the model, every officeholder in the country has a new road map for handling the virus: See a significant percentage of residents of your largest city get infected, barely prevent your hospital system from getting overwhelmed, implement a policy that increases infections and deaths at nursing homes, suffer more than 30,000 deaths and a higher per-capita death rate than any country in the world — and then, after all that, get hailed as a hero.

The outbreaks in other parts of the country aren’t anything like what happened in New York, at least not yet. What states such as Florida, Arizona, Texas, and California are trying to do is avoid New York’s fate, even as they are lectured about the superiority of the Empire State’s approach.

In per capita terms, New York has had 1,668 deaths per million. In contrast, Arizona has had 308, Florida 199, California 179, and Texas 114.

Just in terms of the sheer numbers, New York should be a watchword, not something to emulate.

It is in a better situation now, but only after the virus burned through much of the city. A state survey found that more than 20 percent of New York City residents have antibodies to the virus. At clinics in some hard-hit neighborhoods, about 60 percent of people have tested positive for antibodies. This isn’t an experience anyone should want to duplicate.

This is from MSM.......you should trust it............LMAO
You are boring me.............I've shown the articles many times on way more got it in New York than tested..............that has come out several times........but you ignore it.............New York got a partial if not almost done HERD IMMUNITY......whether you like it or not.

That's the difference between you and me. You swallow somebody elses bullshit, and think it's caviar.

I posted government data, showing NY applied what you said was a bad policy (even though it was CDC policy) and in the end New York had BETTER outcome than nearly a dozen states that didn't follow the policy (according to a poster who said NY was the only one to follow the policy)
When it became apparent that Cuomo was the only governor in the U.S. to issue an order that nursing homes would be forced to admit obviously infected patients, his minions in the media either ignored the order or went to work fudging the statistics related to the deaths.
Official government data says that New York nursing home deaths per resident, were in the bottom 80%

View attachment 365100

That article claims 2nd behind only New Jersey...........6200 DEATHS............

and in that article they tried the same excuse you did here that the staff did it..........
On Monday, the Cuomo administration fired back: The State Department of Health issued a 33-page report meant to dispel the notion that its March directive fueled the spread of the virus. The report blamed the 37,500 nursing home workers — about a quarter of the state’s total nursing home staff — who became infected since mid-March, unknowingly transmitting the virus to residents.

Did you read the report, or just dismiss it off hand?
Yawn............you are making excuses for him........better get better at it.........as the Law suits come............you will need practice.

I just posted another article showing how bad New York was in this............yet you still CRAWFISH trying to back peddle out of a DISASTER KNOWN AS NEW YORK.
You are boring me.............I've shown the articles many times on way more got it in New York than tested..............that has come out several times........but you ignore it.............New York got a partial if not almost done HERD IMMUNITY......whether you like it or not.

That's the difference between you and me. You swallow somebody elses bullshit, and think it's caviar.

I posted government data, showing NY applied what you said was a bad policy (even though it was CDC policy) and in the end New York had BETTER outcome than nearly a dozen states that didn't follow the policy (according to a poster who said NY was the only one to follow the policy)
i BUSTED your lies in this thread........showed Cuomo himself saying they put infected back in............showed a older report of 6200 deaths in nursing homes and charts showing the inflated rates of the elderly getting hammered..........

No one..........should EVER LISTEN to NEW YORK.........on this issue........New Jersey either..............they are models of what not to do.
Your example state has the worst record in the nation with maybe the exception of New Jersey.........The data and end result from New York was an example of FAILURE.............

Simple fact, from government data reported to the CDC on actual nursing home data, including number of residents, number of admissions, positive cases of both staff and residents, and deaths of residents.

They combine to show NY in the bottom 80% in nursing home deaths per 1,000 residents.
Democrats just make shit up as they go.
This is how despots stay in power.
They create a Boogie Man and then blame every fucking thing they do on that Boogie Man.

Trump said the coronavirus was going away in April, then he said it was going away in May, then June, then July. Chris Wallace asked him about those wrong predictions, and all Trump said that eventually he would be right.


I don't think Trump counted on Democrats rioting in the streets.
They told us they wanted to flatten out the curve by locking everything down for 2 weeks.
Then they stretched it out till just a week ago....but by then the Democrats claimed that we needed another lockdown with staggered test results. Some of the tests were done 2 months ago....but the Democrats in the CDC didn't start counting them till last week.
So blaming Trump for this BS is totally dishonest.

If New York is going to be held up as the model, every officeholder in the country has a new road map for handling the virus: See a significant percentage of residents of your largest city get infected, barely prevent your hospital system from getting overwhelmed, implement a policy that increases infections and deaths at nursing homes, suffer more than 30,000 deaths and a higher per-capita death rate than any country in the world — and then, after all that, get hailed as a hero.
Do you know what this reminds me of? The civil war. The Union suffered many defeats at the start of the war, what you would call a failure.

But it's not measured by how many battles you lose, but by winning in the end. And New York is currently winning.
How 'bout those nursing homes, Andy?

How about them? Hey, funny thing. Those people were already living in Nursing homes, that's how the thing spread to start with. The problem was, the hospitals were overwealmed and they had no where else to put them.

Texas and Florida are about to get a taste of the same.
Hey you stupid fuck, Cuomo the murdering Asshole ORDERED the sick to be returned to the nursing homes. Him, NOT Trump. Hospitals were never overwhelmed. Those field hospitals Cuomo cried for sat empty and the medical ship left because it wasn’t being utilized. Funny thing, you liking to show your stupidity daily. Nowhere to put them? Fuck you and anybody who praises Cuomo the murdering Asshole.

If New York is going to be held up as the model, every officeholder in the country has a new road map for handling the virus: See a significant percentage of residents of your largest city get infected, barely prevent your hospital system from getting overwhelmed, implement a policy that increases infections and deaths at nursing homes, suffer more than 30,000 deaths and a higher per-capita death rate than any country in the world — and then, after all that, get hailed as a hero.
Do you know what this reminds me of? The civil war. The Union suffered many defeats at the start of the war, what you would call a failure.

But it's not measured by how many battles you lose, but by winning in the end. And New York is currently winning.

Because they got herd immunity early on...........that is why it flat lined.............it raced though the ventilation ducts of the high rises and infected the heard in massive numbers...........

You are the SAME AS SWEDEN ......with more dead and worse rate.........and don't even know it.

We will still be getting hit as it goes away there.........because so many got it there.......Same shit happened in California.....the USC study showed it.
When it became apparent that Cuomo was the only governor in the U.S. to issue an order that nursing homes would be forced to admit obviously infected patients, his minions in the media either ignored the order or went to work fudging the statistics related to the deaths.
Official government data says that New York nursing home deaths per resident, were in the bottom 80%

View attachment 365100

That article claims 2nd behind only New Jersey...........6200 DEATHS............

and in that article they tried the same excuse you did here that the staff did it..........
On Monday, the Cuomo administration fired back: The State Department of Health issued a 33-page report meant to dispel the notion that its March directive fueled the spread of the virus. The report blamed the 37,500 nursing home workers — about a quarter of the state’s total nursing home staff — who became infected since mid-March, unknowingly transmitting the virus to residents.

Did you read the report, or just dismiss it off hand?
Nice lie of omission there. Why don’t you tell people that the head of the NYS Health Department RAN the “investigation”? He investigated his and Andy’s screwup and decided they did nothing wrong. Surprise surprise. Even Dims are calling bullshit and demanding an INDEPENDENT investigation.
i BUSTED your lies in this thread........showed Cuomo himself saying they put infected back in............showed a older report of 6200 deaths in nursing homes and charts showing the inflated rates of the elderly getting hammered..........

The whole state was getting hammered. The people outside the nursing homes had a higher infection and death rate than the people inside the nursing homes.

Of course that accounts for how the virus spread from OUTSIDE nursing homes to INSIDE nursing homes, and not from the INSiDE.
Did you read the report, or just dismiss it off hand?
Nice lie of omission there. Why don’t you tell people that the head of the NYS Health Department RAN the “investigation”? He investigated his and Andy’s screwup and decided they did nothing wrong. Surprise surprise. Even Dims are calling bullshit and demanding an INDEPENDENT investigation.
Are you saying we should treat AG Barrs report on the conclusions of the Mueller report as bullshit?
Did you read the report, or just dismiss it off hand?
Nice lie of omission there. Why don’t you tell people that the head of the NYS Health Department RAN the “investigation”? He investigated his and Andy’s screwup and decided they did nothing wrong. Surprise surprise. Even Dims are calling bullshit and demanding an INDEPENDENT investigation.
Are you saying we should treat AG Barrs report on the conclusions of the Mueller report as bullshit?
Totally unrelated bullshit. Your surrender is documented. Mule-er is another corrupt asshole.

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