Embattled New York Governor Acerbic Andrew Cuomo implies that Trump is worse than covid

I guess this all means he feels like the New York Press will protect him from any prosecution for negligent homicide for what he did to thousands and thousands of old people with covid, tested positive, then promptly sent back to Nursing Homes to infect other old people----the most vulnerable.
Nursing homes are certified medical facilities, just like hospitals. They know how to deal with infectious disease, just like hospitals.
If putting infected people into medical facilities would spread the disease, you have no concept of reality.
That worked out so well.............LOL

They got butchered by this..........unless you have been living under a rock.
Bullshit! He had a temporary hospital that was at the park where he decided he didn't need it and a ship
off shore to take patients that was barely used.
Don't piss on our leg and tell us it's raining, joe.
You actually point out the success of Andrew Cuomo. Everybody predicted those facilities would be needed to take the overflow from inundated hospitals that would soon go beyond capacity.

But as Cuomo said at the time, he started closing the valve (restrictions on large gatherings), when cases continued to climb, he closed it tighter, and when cases continued to climb, he closed the valve (stay at home order)

After that, the numbers plateaued making the Ship and Javits center unnecessary.

Not using those facilities was proof what Cuomo did worked. New York even started exporting ventilators.
Democrats just make shit up as they go.
This is how despots stay in power.
They create a Boogie Man and then blame every fucking thing they do on that Boogie Man.

Trump said the coronavirus was going away in April, then he said it was going away in May, then June, then July. Chris Wallace asked him about those wrong predictions, and all Trump said that eventually he would be right.
I guess this all means he feels like the New York Press will protect him from any prosecution for negligent homicide for what he did to thousands and thousands of old people with covid, tested positive, then promptly sent back to Nursing Homes to infect other old people----the most vulnerable.
Nursing homes are certified medical facilities, just like hospitals. They know how to deal with infectious disease, just like hospitals.
If putting infected people into medical facilities would spread the disease, you have no concept of reality.
That worked out so well.............LOL

They got butchered by this..........unless you have been living under a rock.

It's not that he is living under a rock. His head is like a rock.

You don't send infected people into a community which is most vulnerable to the infection. You can't carry on a discussion with people that stupid.


from the article, here's the money quote:

"It will be a double-barreled shotgun of incompetence," Cuomo told reporters during a press briefing in Albany. "You know what virus is worse than Covid? The virus of American division and federal incompetence. That's the virus that's wreaking havoc on this country."
Cuomo defends nursing home policies as long-term care deaths top 5,800
Andrew Cuomo followed national policy on nursing homes from www.timesunion.com
May 20, 2020 · Andrew Cuomo defended his administration's policies toward nursing... ... It's because the state followed President Trump's CDC guidance. So they ...
I guess this all means he feels like the New York Press will protect him from any prosecution for negligent homicide for what he did to thousands and thousands of old people with covid, tested positive, then promptly sent back to Nursing Homes to infect other old people----the most vulnerable.
Nursing homes are certified medical facilities, just like hospitals. They know how to deal with infectious disease, just like hospitals.
If putting infected people into medical facilities would spread the disease, you have no concept of reality.
That worked out so well.............LOL

They got butchered by this..........unless you have been living under a rock.

I ran the numbers, New York nursing homes were in the bottom 80% of coronavirus deaths per capita. And as a ratio of nursing home deaths to general population deaths, New York was 46th from the top.

Numbers and data are REALITY.
You don't send infected people into a community which is most vulnerable to the infection. You can't carry on a discussion with people that stupid.


They do it all the time. Hospitals discharge patients to nursing homes with infectious diseases every day. Nursing homes are certified medical facilities able to handle infectious disease the same as a hospital.

Transmission-Based Precautions Door Signage

Communication of Transmission-Based Precautions on a resident’s door are important to alert health care professionals and other visitors that they must take additional precautions.

Signage should:
  • Be uniform throughout the facility
  • Be printed (not handwritten)
  • Remain in place until terminal disinfection of the room has occurred
  • Include the type of precautions necessary
This is what they do.

Resident Average Deaths per 1,000 Residents

Cuomo defends nursing home policies as long-term care deaths top 5,800

That's because there are a lot of nursing homes in New York. Cuomos death rate per patient was in the bottom 80% of nursing homes nationwide.
And it was national policy at the time if you read the whole link. As usual total garbage propaganda from the brainwashed functional morons.....

from the article, here's the money quote:

"It will be a double-barreled shotgun of incompetence," Cuomo told reporters during a press briefing in Albany. "You know what virus is worse than Covid? The virus of American division and federal incompetence. That's the virus that's wreaking havoc on this country."

he really didn't mean it-----it's a QUEENS thing
I guess this all means he feels like the New York Press will protect him from any prosecution for negligent homicide for what he did to thousands and thousands of old people with covid, tested positive, then promptly sent back to Nursing Homes to infect other old people----the most vulnerable.
Nursing homes are certified medical facilities, just like hospitals. They know how to deal with infectious disease, just like hospitals.
If putting infected people into medical facilities would spread the disease, you have no concept of reality.
That worked out so well.............LOL

They got butchered by this..........unless you have been living under a rock.

I ran the numbers, New York nursing homes were in the bottom 80% of coronavirus deaths per capita. And as a ratio of nursing home deaths to general population deaths, New York was 46th from the top.

Numbers and data are REALITY.
And it was national policy at the time if you read the whole link. As usual total garbage propaganda from the brainwashed functional morons.....
Simple minds are easily swayed by ignorant assumptions. The coronavirus didn't get into nursing homes through the front door, from patients they knew were infected. Those patients were isolated.

It came through the back door, by staff and contractors who didn't know they were infected, and traveled freely throughout the facility.
So far as I know, no one in my family ever went to a nursing home, with all going into their 80s and 90s.

Nor has anyone I know contracted C-19, or anyone they know.

As far as you know. Reality may be completely opposite of the picture you paint.
And it was national policy at the time if you read the whole link. As usual total garbage propaganda from the brainwashed functional morons.....
Simple minds are easily swayed by ignorant assumptions. The coronavirus didn't get into nursing homes through the front door, from patients they knew were infected. Those patients were isolated.

It came through the back door, by staff and contractors who didn't know they were infected, and traveled freely throughout the facility.

Here it directly from their mouths.
So far as I know, no one in my family ever went to a nursing home, with all going into their 80s and 90s.

Nor has anyone I know contracted C-19, or anyone they know.

As far as you know. Reality may be completely opposite of the picture you paint.

Well, since you know nothing about me, my family or circle of acquaintances, you're just talking out of your ass as you people are wont to do.

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