Embattled New York Governor Acerbic Andrew Cuomo implies that Trump is worse than covid

Are you saying we should treat AG Barrs report on the conclusions of the Mueller report as bullshit?
Totally unrelated bullshit. Your surrender is documented. Mule-er is another corrupt asshole.
It was his rule that self investigation yields bullshit.
And Trump didn’t investigate himself either stupid. Any more bullshit you want to spit out?
Cuomo didn't investigate himself either, his health commissioner (like the attorney general) did the investigation, and his rule is that such an investigation is bullshit.

You have to agree , or dismiss his premise as wrong.

So which is it? Are self investigations bullshit?
Because they got herd immunity early on...........that is why it flat lined............

Now you're turning to outright lying. Herd immunity requires 70% of the people to have been infected, and New York is at 2%.
If you read the articles I posted one early on showed 20% had the antibodies........fail again.and even that would be low to this date..........

The 70% is not set in stone............some say 50% and even 20%...........all you need is for the rate to fall below 1 ..........RO........and it goes away..................more are getting this than are tested......but that screws up the narrative you are pushing..........

The Herd down south is getting it now............and at least most are younger and it isn't killing many.........sooner the better if we want this to go away.
Bullshit! He had a temporary hospital that was at the park where he decided he didn't need it and a ship
off shore to take patients that was barely used.
Don't piss on our leg and tell us it's raining, joe.
You actually point out the success of Andrew Cuomo. Everybody predicted those facilities would be needed to take the overflow from inundated hospitals that would soon go beyond capacity.

But as Cuomo said at the time, he started closing the valve (restrictions on large gatherings), when cases continued to climb, he closed it tighter, and when cases continued to climb, he closed the valve (stay at home order)

After that, the numbers plateaued making the Ship and Javits center unnecessary.

Not using those facilities was proof what Cuomo did worked. New York even started exporting ventilators.
Tell that to the thousands at the nursing homes who died because of his total incompetence.
I'll go out on a limb and say that they wouldn't agree with you......if they were still alive.
The hospitals weren't overwhelmed. They could not have been overwhelmed. Javitts Field, Central Park and the Mercy hospital ship were all empty. Cuomo not only put sick people in nursing homes. He put murderous mentally ill people in nursing homes so They could beat people to death.

The Hospital ship was only there to take non-Covid Cases, and they weren't the problem.

That mentally ill person was already in assisted living before Covid happened

But look, with 145,000 dead on Trump's watch, I KNOW you guys need to deflect.
145000 sick and we don't even know if that's true. Democrats have been lying about this since day one.
"It will be a double-barreled shotgun of incompetence," Cuomo told reporters during a press briefing in Albany. "You know what virus is worse than Covid? The virus of American division and federal incompetence. That's the virus that's wreaking havoc on this country."

Spot on. Do you think anyone is going to look at Trump's management of these crisis and say, "Good job"?
Cuomo racked up twice as many deaths as the next Dimwinger run state.

He was, and is, a disaster. Now he is trying to shift blame to Trump for HIS policy of killing old folks in nursing homes.

He is pathetic waste of skin.
Cuomo racked up twice as many deaths as the next Dimwinger run state.

He was, and is, a disaster. Now he is trying to shift blame to Trump for HIS policy of killing old folks in nursing homes.

He is pathetic waste of skin.

Trump was the guy who ignored the problem for three months... Cuomo just had to deal with the mess he left.

But that's how it always works. Republicans fuck things up, Democrats have to fix them.
Cuomo racked up twice as many deaths as the next Dimwinger run state.

He was, and is, a disaster. Now he is trying to shift blame to Trump for HIS policy of killing old folks in nursing homes.

He is pathetic waste of skin.

Trump was the guy who ignored the problem for three months... Cuomo just had to deal with the mess he left.

But that's how it always works. Republicans fuck things up, Democrats have to fix them.

Oh, I know. It's Opposites Day, right?
And it was national policy at the time if you read the whole link. As usual total garbage propaganda from the brainwashed functional morons.....
Simple minds are easily swayed by ignorant assumptions. The coronavirus didn't get into nursing homes through the front door, from patients they knew were infected. Those patients were isolated.

It came through the back door, by staff and contractors who didn't know they were infected, and traveled freely throughout the facility.
Whatever. The point is Cuomo did nothing wrong.
Forcing nursing homes to take infected people and directly causing thousands of nursing home deaths is not wrong?
When it became apparent that Cuomo was the only governor in the U.S. to issue an order that nursing homes would be forced to admit obviously infected patients, his minions in the media either ignored the order or went to work fudging the statistics related to the deaths.
Official government data says that New York nursing home deaths per resident, were in the bottom 80%

And it was national policy at the time if you read the whole link. As usual total garbage propaganda from the brainwashed functional morons.....
Simple minds are easily swayed by ignorant assumptions. The coronavirus didn't get into nursing homes through the front door, from patients they knew were infected. Those patients were isolated.

It came through the back door, by staff and contractors who didn't know they were infected, and traveled freely throughout the facility.
Whatever. The point is Cuomo did nothing wrong.
Forcing nursing homes to take infected people and directly causing thousands of nursing home deaths is not wrong?
Not at the time, he was following Trump's CDC guidelines. You want a diagram?
When it became apparent that Cuomo was the only governor in the U.S. to issue an order that nursing homes would be forced to admit obviously infected patients, his minions in the media either ignored the order or went to work fudging the statistics related to the deaths.
Official government data says that New York nursing home deaths per resident, were in the bottom 80%

there were 10 states that did the same thing at the time, brainwashed functional GOP morons. Change the channel for crying out loud and stop the b******* propaganda....
"It will be a double-barreled shotgun of incompetence," Cuomo told reporters during a press briefing in Albany. "You know what virus is worse than Covid? The virus of American division and federal incompetence. That's the virus that's wreaking havoc on this country."

Spot on. Do you think anyone is going to look at Trump's management of these crisis and say, "Good job"?
Cuomo racked up twice as many deaths as the next Dimwinger run state.

He was, and is, a disaster. Now he is trying to shift blame to Trump for HIS policy of killing old folks in nursing homes.

He is pathetic waste of skin.
New York is the center of business travel in the world for crying out loud. he was following Trump's CDC guidelines at the time like 10 other states. If you didn't bloviate pure garbage you wouldn't talk at all like most Fox bots.... Or whatever crap you listen to.....
The hospitals weren't overwhelmed. They could not have been overwhelmed. Javitts Field, Central Park and the Mercy hospital ship were all empty. Cuomo not only put sick people in nursing homes. He put murderous mentally ill people in nursing homes so They could beat people to death.

The Hospital ship was only there to take non-Covid Cases, and they weren't the problem.

That mentally ill person was already in assisted living before Covid happened

But look, with 145,000 dead on Trump's watch, I KNOW you guys need to deflect.
Oh look Joe is lying again............imagine that.

NEW YORK - The Navy hospital ship that has treated only a handful of non-COVID patients since docking on the West Side of Manhattan a week ago will shift its mission to treating patients with the coronavirus, officials said on Monday.

President Trump authorized the USNS Comfort to start accepting COVID-19 patients, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said on Monday evening.

"This will provide much-needed relief to our over stressed hospital systems," the governor tweeted.

Cuomo racked up twice as many deaths as the next Dimwinger run state.

He was, and is, a disaster. Now he is trying to shift blame to Trump for HIS policy of killing old folks in nursing homes.

He is pathetic waste of skin.

Trump was the guy who ignored the problem for three months... Cuomo just had to deal with the mess he left.

But that's how it always works. Republicans fuck things up, Democrats have to fix them.
Um, States had the authority to shut down. Trump had no authority to shut states down, Stupid.

Cuome NEVER shut down the subways, and took months and thousands of deaths before he even decided to clean the damn things.

Cuomo is the Grim Reaper of NY.
Um, States had the authority to shut down. Trump had no authority to shut states down, Stupid.

Sure he did. He just didn't use it. In fact, he's frustrated every attempt to get this thing under control, it's why we have the most cases and the most deaths.

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