Emboldened shoppers threaten Target workers over Pride Month items

Yeah, employees should be allowed to shoot those psychos, or at least mace them and taze them til they pass out.
yeah, and employees should be able to shoot Krazy Karens as well.
Lefty MSM headline: Target employee threatened by customer over pride month merchandise.

The truth:

Customer was cutting up her Target charge card in front of Target employee. Sounds like an insurrectionist to me. I wonder how much time this customer will serve for threatening the Target employee.

Brandishing her own scissors in front of guest services in a Target store in south Florida, the customer chopped up her store credit card while lambasting the retail chain for carrying Pride Month merchandise. "I am never shopping here again," she warned.

But 4th, special allowance will be made for BLM rioters to gather by the thousands and burn down buildings, loot stores, and assault people during COVID while churches cannot hold services.
What do you mean "special allowance"? Are you asserting that BLM rioters weren't arrested and charged?
These protests are not motivated by anything just or right; they're fueled by blind hatred and intended to marginalize a group of people because they have the audacity to come out of the closet.

And spare me the groomers crap - those are vicious lies that are manufactured by hatemongers as a baseless justification for their bigotry and harassment of others.
More and more, we are finding out that the REAL groomers are the very people accusing gays and trans of being groomers.
I just want to buy some cat food. Why should I have to “celebrate” that 5% of people are gay? What does that have to do with the price of Fancy Feast?
Next you'll be complaining about gay people in commercials, right?
Nobody wants to shoot me and my loved ones because we’re sane.

The sad truth is you leftists can only dream of having a grass roots nationwide boycott like we have with Bud Light and Target. You kooks tried with Chic Fil A and our grass roots efforts resulted in chicken sandwich sellouts all across the country. Hilarious!
Don't count on it. I'm sure those people in that El Paso WalMart thought no one wanted to shoot them. I'm sure the children in all those schools thought no one wanted to shoot them. I'm sure the shoppers at the Buffalo Topps thought no one wanted to shoot them....etc.
The article mentions that accusation but offers no proof other than a claim by an employee. IF it's accurate then that person may wind up in jail. Giving an opinion, even being NASTY and loud should be acceptable but actually implying a threat is dicey and dude better watch himself. The disturbing thing is the fact that passions have gotten so inflamed that eventually some fool WILL shoot someone over these issues and once that happens, the media will create a doomsday/circus atmosphere that will lead to tit-for-tat violence. There is no telling where or how that ends.
Excuse making for someone willing to shoot gay people.
People who aid, abet, and cover for the pedos who manipulate and mutilate innocent children, will burn in Hell along side them.

If you have a soul, stay away from the LGBTQ+ people.
You mean stay away from hetero males...............that's what most pedophiles are. In fact that's also what most violent criminals are too.
Riiiiight, like the person behind the counter getting paid $15 an hour has anything to do with anything… way to make a stand ya moron!
she made the Washington Post, so a rather effective stand, wouldn't you say?
Bring it on, Nancy Boy. Never pays for a little sparrow to try to bite the hand
of a big eagle. You are just another fucked-in-the-head leftwing idiot
kook heading straight for a brick wall and just too stupid and
stubborn to change direction even for your own sake, so,
sooner or later, someone will come along and clip
your wings and bring you down to earth.
Uh oh....someone set off.

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