Emboldened shoppers threaten Target workers over Pride Month items

What we see here is the result of the double standards the Left has created in this country:

Liberals can block streets, burn flags, assault people, set cars and buildings on fire, vandalize statues, and it’s all ”for a good cause” and people are “justifiably angry.”

But let a conservative cut up her credit card to express her disapproval of the crazy wokeism, and the Left is calling for her arrest and placement in a reeducation camp.

Communism is alive and well, right here in America.
No it isn't you dumb chimp.
Pressuring companies to stop marketing and selling to them most certainly is, yes.

Take that up with Target's management ask for them, then.
They don’t sell strap ins though, so if they really wanted to market to them ……..
Doesn't matter to me... but you certainly seem to chime in everytime defending leftist politics

I stopped shopping Target when they allowed men in women's and girls restrooms. Haven't missed them at all
They don't anymore. Or at least point the one near me doesn't. They had too many men taking hours in the restroom masturbating hoping to be seen. So they stopped the program.
Look, Lil, let's get a few things straight:
Offending customers until they chop up their store cards isn't good business for anyone.
Whatever the reason that some few people are attracted to homosexuality, I can accept that is their choice. I've known a couple over the years and both seemed like perfectly normal people, at least until one of them expressed an interest in me, which I simply declined. Other than that, they were normal, intelligent people.

They did their thing and others did theirs. But it doesn't change the fact that homosexuality is DEVIANT SEXUAL BEHAVIOR. Keep it to yourself and I'll keep my heterosexuality to me. After all, I don't dry hump women in public, I don't try to convert gays to straight, I don't bother little kids, so the least you can do is the same with guys.

But enter Rainbow gay pride month. Half the stores are jiggy with it despite it doing SQUAT in retail business for them, while the other half do it out of fear of being attacked by the Left for NOT participating! But do they put it in a discreet location? No! They put the crap next to kid's toys. But that still wasn't enough, you have to RAM it down people's throats with all these public demonstrations trying to indoctrinate and brainwash children with the stuff. Worse, many are actively encouraging kids to go transgender!

These are not decisions to be lightly made, much less for little kids who don't even know what sex is.

So whatever goes on, understand that YOU are the cause of it, YOU need to back off, YOU need to keep your sexual interests and choices out of people's unwelcome faces then you will get along just fine. Keep going the way you are offending 80% of the people and sooner or later, states will start passing anti-gay laws, worse, someone is bound to get hurt. Someone will go too far one of these days, lose control, get fed up with having this offensive crap shoved down their throats and hurt people. And YOU will be the cause of it.

Is that what you really want?
:itsok: son, you ain't right in your head.
I will do whatever I want to do and you will not do a damn thing about it.
Can you believe that Karen, cutting up her credit cards :aargh:
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She should have just shoplifted $900.00 dollars worth of stuff instead. In some cities that’s the norm.
son, you ain't right in your head.

Well, I tried to talk to you like an intelligent, reasonable adult and you just threw it back in my face with insults refusing to listen, so, when a war starts and gays start getting mugged, hurt, beaten or killed and businesses protested, robbed, looted and closed, you can sit there with an innocent face and say those crazy right wingers are just violent, backward and intolerant!
How about tearing down displays?
Damaging merchandise?
Threatening employees?

Arrest their White asses , throw them in jail and let them make some new friends.
1) WHITE asses? What does skin color have to do with this? You leftists are such racists.

2) And were you screaming for the BLM protestors to be thrown in jail for impeding traffic? Or did you support Harris‘ fund to bail their asses OUT of jail? You leftists are such hypocrites.
Well, I tried to talk to you like an intelligent, reasonable adult and you just threw it back in my face with insults refusing to listen, so, when a war starts and gays start getting mugged, hurt, beaten or killed and businesses protested, robbed, looted and closed, you can sit there with an innocent face and say those crazy right wingers are just violent, backward and intolerant!

I will start a service. Pink Panther. Similar to Black Panthers only for LGBTQ+
You want to mess with the LGBTQ+ community. You are going to get the horns.
Yes it is poo-poohead.
You have no idea what communism is. We get it. It's the latest term trump is using along with marxist so you just throw these words around without an understanding what they mean. You're an idiot.
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You want to mess with the LGBTQ+ community. You are going to get the horns.

Bring it on, Nancy Boy. Never pays for a little sparrow to try to bite the hand
of a big eagle. You are just another fucked-in-the-head leftwing idiot
kook heading straight for a brick wall and just too stupid and
stubborn to change direction even for your own sake, so,
sooner or later, someone will come along and clip
your wings and bring you down to earth.

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