Emerging: Massive Ransomware Attack

It's the God damned Russians again. Why are you people looking for someone else to blame? Why are you trying to cover for our enemies?
Because they are our enemies. Would it surprise you if members of USMB were actually foreign assets? Not me. These America haters are way too obvious in their love of Putin and hatred for democracy.
Most of them are not even aware of having been trained to blame America when Russia attacks us. We've all seen over and over again over the last few years. In their eyes we somehow deserve it.
They think they are all way too smart and independent thinking to ever accept that right-wing media is brainwashing.
Oh, and before Grampa Merked U reappears to show his ass again, the 3 tweets in the OP are from an NBC News cyber reporter, the co-founder/former CEO of Crowdstrike anti-virus, and the COO of Correlium.
POSPOTUS China Joe is a Catholic-CIA puppet. Though the attack could be FBI, we see that JoeXi wants to destroy American infrastructure just like his puppet-baboons, though what he really craves is international acclaim. The CIA simply has much more experience than the FBI, even though media prisoners were recently fed FBI ‘international style’ propaganda in the media.

We must ask the question. . . when and if, and what will it take for the Biden administration to stop the intel services from attacking the American economy and the American people? Stealing elections, creating mass shootings, attacking cyber infrastructure. It is getting too much already.

Passage of the Green New Deal? Passage of the Infrastructure "deal?"

Do they really think we are this dumb?

They use cyber warfare to steal the election, and then they get right to work on destroying the infrastructure and economy, so they can pass legislation restricting the average person's access to the internet, until Americans give up all their privacy to the Deep State, so in the end, the government can track, monitor, and control every little last thing you do.

Yes, very much in agreement with the modus operandi, though it will be a mistake to leave the theologian out of this scenario, and to not go back far enough: to at least when hominids were coming out of Africa. No shit, Sherlock, that’s the truer beginning of world protection-racketism, embedded so deeply in the collective Unconscious of the prisoners that it’s almost no effort at all for these adepts to dupe the masses.

We must ask the question. . . when and if, and what will it take for the Biden administration to stop the intel services from attacking the American economy and the American people? Stealing elections, creating mass shootings, attacking cyber infrastructure. It is getting too much already.

Passage of the Green New Deal? Passage of the Infrastructure "deal?"

Do they really think we are this dumb?

They use cyber warfare to steal the election, and then they get right to work on destroying the infrastructure and economy, so they can pass legislation restricting the average person's access to the internet, until Americans give up all their privacy to the Deep State, so in the end, the government can track, monitor, and control every little last thing you do.

That reminds me of another Democrat plot to steal taxpayer money and subjugate the populace. For instance: Create a fake pandemic, take tax dollars to 'protect' the populace, control the populace by making them wear protection (masks) that don't work, take away their livlihood in the form of shutting down jobs and businesses. Then provide a 'solution' (unneeded vaccinations). All aimed at exacting pain and suffering because they are scared to death of the one man the represents a free patriotic America, Donald J. Trump.

There are other such Democrat fake problems like 'White Privilege' and 'Climate Change'.....
It's the God damned Russians again. Why are you people looking for someone else to blame? Why are you trying to cover for our enemies?
So your RUSSIA/TRUMP conspiracy was outed as a lie and your are still banging that drum? How desperate and pitiful you lefties have become.
Has anyone woke the Fucktard up from his nap yet, where he can make his usual incoherent statement????
“First mainstream African-American”....no, JoeXi got it wrong, too. Obama is Arab, not black African DNA. There has never been a black POTUS.
Pandemic opportunists, no doubt, though the vaccines must proceed. It’s not that the unvaccinated can continue to elude the needle: the longer new variants pummel the unvaccinated, the less likely the vaccinated will be safe from the commie virus.
It's the God damned Russians again. Why are you people looking for someone else to blame? Why are you trying to cover for our enemies?
So your RUSSIA/TRUMP conspiracy was outed as a lie and your are still banging that drum? How desperate and pitiful you lefties have become.
Look at you jumping to Russia's defense like a good little Trumpbot.
Look at you jumping to Russia's defense like a good little Trumpbot.
You believe in Democrat fantasies. I didn't defend Russia I just pointed to the fact that you could not prove your fake Trump/Russia fairy tale. Since you could not prove it for 4 years, now you lie about those who reveal your lies. Typical Marxist MO.
Look at you jumping to Russia's defense like a good little Trumpbot.
You believe in Democrat fantasies. I didn't defend Russia I just pointed to the fact that you could not prove your fake Trump/Russia fairy tale.
It was MindWars who first brought up the Chinese ebola-related Chinese filovirus. Bottlecap was the one who linked Obama-Biden administration funding of Duke-NUS in Singapore. Badger then linked Duke-NUS adenovirus research to Ad26, one of the vectors used to vaccinate the Russian military. Fuck You, JoeXi. There has never been a black POTUS, and you know it.
It's been proven to my satisfaction that Russia owns the American right.
Yeah, we know you are satisfied with anything that upholds your fake 'Orange Man Bad" fantasies. Bottom line, you have no proof. Just bluster and hot air.
It's been proven to my satisfaction that Russia owns the American right.
Yeah, we know you are satisfied with anything that upholds your fake 'Orange Man Bad" fantasies. Bottom line, you have no proof. Just bluster and hot air.
I have nothing to prove to you Trumpbot. Screw you. At this late date I have no interest in exerting a lot of extra effort trying to set you people straight. Enjoy your bubble.
I have nothing to prove to you Trumpbot. Screw you. At this late date I have no interest in exerting a lot of extra effort trying to set you people straight. Enjoy your bubble.
IOW "I ain't got nothin'" and "I don't gotta prove nothin'" "Orange Man Bad!! Orange Man Bad!!" :auiqs.jpg:
I have nothing to prove to you Trumpbot. Screw you. At this late date I have no interest in exerting a lot of extra effort trying to set you people straight. Enjoy your bubble.
IOW "I ain't got nothin'" and "I don't gotta prove nothin'" "Orange Man Bad!! Orange Man Bad!!" :auiqs.jpg:
You know the score but just don't care. This has been an ongoing controversy for 5 years. We've both seen all the same news stories and you have somehow decided that Russia never did a goddamned thing. Now get back on the topic at hand and explain why you feel the need to defend Russia on yet another ransomware attack?
Russians have traditionally preferred a Republican U.S. President, because romance carries a different placard in the Latin and Slavic countries. If the reader accepts this, they will better than most understand the dynamics now going on in Florida turning deeply red. Duh. California, also heavily Latin, will still remain the subject-state par excellence for continuing studies in pathology. Be sure of it.
I've only seen this one thing, but....

From OP’s link: “Few American companies have come forward as victims so far. But a person familiar with some victims said that they included a large New Jersey educational services company, an outpatient surgical center in South Carolina and a mid-size law firm in Florida.”

First thing that stands out to me is “a person familiar with some victims” that is just sludgy reporting. Was there some reason the article writer couldn’t report that name due to the risk factor of that person’s life? Otherwise, that name should be mentioned in the article.

Another thing, that probably stands out to most readers, is why in the heck would these 3 businesses withhold that information from their customers if factual? Can they not tell whether or not they were hacked? I am clueless about how fast a company could confirm this, but if these three businesses are known to the media it’s a very strange quandary to not make a public statement even if it’s one like “We don’t have all the information yet, but we want to alert our customers that a potential breach succeeded.”

Maybe an actual journalist has provided more details with names and business responses.
You know the score but just don't care. This has been an ongoing controversy for 5 years. We've both seen all the same news stories and you have somehow decided that Russia never did a goddamned thing. Now get back on the topic at hand and explain why you feel the need to defend Russia on yet another ransomware attack?
The only controversy is in the echo-chamber Democrat-controlled media. Do yourself a favor and access media sources other than those that uphold their stories. Trump never did a goddamned thing with regard to Russia. I never defended Russia you lamebrain, I said your Trump/Russia fairy tale was never proven. In fact, it was based on a fake dossier.

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