Emmett till accuser dies today

Please point out where I said anything but prosecute and punish those people?

Fuck you for trying to minimize what this worthless woman did.
Fuck you. How blacks killed whites after tawana brawley lies? You people have been on a racial rampage for 60 years killing innocent people.
Fuck you. How blacks killed whites after tawana brawley lies? You people have been on a racial rampage for 60 years killing innocent people.
Show us a link where black folks killed whites for Tawana Brawley. Black folks are killing black folks, white folks are killing white folks. If black folks went on a rampage killing whites, the Gov't would be killing black folks in the streets.
Show us a link where black folks killed whites for Tawana Brawley. Black folks are killing black folks, white folks are killing white folks. If black folks went on a rampage killing whites, the Gov't would be killing black folks in the streets.
It is practically the one single case in the USA that we know of an innocent black person being lynched. May be a few more but for the the dramatic far left wingers there so crazy and insane that they’re just blown away by these cases…

”oh America has such an evil history!”

No…it isn’t … why would you say that? Being black was in and of itself a conviction of any rumor or claim back them.

We have a long history of lynchings…not just of blacks,but most were and not guilty of any crime.

“Let’s all hold hands and wave our Ukrainian, LGBT and BLM flags….. never mind that Black people owned slaves throughout history, never mind that there are Nazis in Ukraine, never mind that men want to identify as women so they can go into a woman’s bathroom and do whatever the heck they want….

A lot of red herrings to distract…

but the far left never talk about Black people who owned white people, they never talk about black violence on white people.

Maybe because you are omitting some relevant history? I’ve never heard of black people in this country owning white slaves. When colonists first arrived racialized slavery was not yet realize d The first colonies included free whites, free blacks, black slaves and white indentured servants. Free blacks could ”own” the labor of an indentured servant, but they did not own the person. That is not to say the institution of indentiture wasn’t brutal, it was. But there were some differences: indentured were free once they completed their contract, slaves could only win their freedom by purchasing themselves or escaping. The children of indentured servants were born free while the children of slaves were born into slavery.

Most black violence on whites is common crime…why would it be talked about any differently than other criminal violence?

The far left doesn’t celebrate the fact that so many unions and American auto companies broke the color barrier in the 1930s. God bless America

Contrary to popular belief of the anti-American racists and the anti-Americans in general the anti-white racists of history….. the vast majority of lynchings in America were of criminals whether they were white or black … something like 4000 people were lynched in America 1500 of them white people….

How do you know most of them were criminals…got a link? Given white people far outnumbered minorities…is that surprising? What is more striking (assuming your numbers are true) is that almost 2/3 we’re not white.

Acknowledging the warts on America is neither anti-American nor racist.

But don’t let facts get in the way of these anti-American to give us nothing but a horrendous economy and racial divide like those of today who prop up the 400 years of slave argument, those of today they constantly complain about white racism when it doesn’t exist, those of today who are multi millionaire athletes and celebrities and who complain about racism by white people, those of today who claim America has a systemic racist imperial history.
I’m not sure you’ve provided many facts…

Meanwhile in America there’s more poor Black people than we have ever had so many poor Black people and white people starving on the streets with nothing at all.

Now that, for sure, is not a fact.

Meanwhile look at this form of people like Superbadbrutha C_Clayton_Jones skews13 these posters and others provide antiwhite racism almost all the time, they lie or engage in misinformation almost all the time…… all the meanwhile are economy is horrible in these posters and people like Dragonlady are some of the worst racists on the planet they don’t give a damn that white woman was viciously beat down recently in Chicago by a mob of 20 or 30 young black men and women. They just don’t give a darn about it it’s because they’re on drugs or they are intentionally evil and they are a huge problem for whatever country they live in. It’s what you get from the left you get a criminal and terroristic mindset from far left wingers.

Nice rant.

All of the posters I have mentioned in this post are extremist far left wing racists and they are destructive people you can only hope that they get the help they need.
Do tell…

There is no mutual respect from the far left they simply don’t care that Black people owned white people as slaves when it comes to history they just keep talking about slavery in America because they’re brainwashed or again they are intentionally racist against white people and there’s a special place in hell for racists.


remember the far left wing terrorists in 2020 these BLM supporters they tore down and destroyed statues of the great white men the great white Christians of history that brought us a civilized world people that Christopher Columbus and St. Louis and others like Andrew Jackson. So what we’re dealing with in the pro BLM crowd are terrorists and they only represent a tiny portion of Americans. So many Americans are waking up embracing freedom and love, equality and prosperity and glory and our Lord.

Andrew Jackson? A “great” White man? Wasn’t he responsible for the Indian Removal Act and the Trail of Tears?

Have a nice day
You too! :)
BLM supporters are living in a backwards world. History does not apply to them. They view the world from the lands of a person who is high on drugs, or racist against white people this explains their position of supporting BLM and of course all of the narrative that you just crushed with that graph above. The graph illustrates above the downfall of the black middle class

The black child born out of wedlock rate, the divorce rate among blacks, the crime rate among blacks were extraordinarily lower in the 1930s the 1960s. As pointed out by the black economics to Walter Williams many times. The same can apply for white people as well but it comes to divorce and child born out of wed lock rate and the crime rate.

Excuses of the far left are beyond crazy. They all say out of nowhere simply making things up and lying like they do all the time that “most black crime is black on black” but it actually includes a lot of black on white crime and of course it’s almost as if they’re saying that they don’t give a damn about black on black crime.

This thread is a great example of these sheer racism moronic attitude and clearly an attitude that comes from some portion of people who are stoned on drugs all day. It is of course a hallmark of the American left today to celebrate being high like Gavin Newsom did as governor of California he said to Americans it’s OK to let loose sometimes and get high do what you Gotta do “who wants to be sober all the time “

Marijuana and other drugs can make many men weaker. And so what we are seeing from fire leftist in this thread is a result of no doubt marijuana use of drug use. There’s no doubt about it and it has made them weaker and also subservient to the Black Lives Matter, they are so weak that they don’t think that Africa has a respectable honorable history which it does they believe that all Africans happen to victims of history.

You will never one time more than likely get a response that includes a dignified response, responds with fax that respects history from any of the far leftists in this thread including
Fuck you. How blacks killed whites after tawana brawley lies? You people have been on a racial rampage for 60 years killing innocent people.

"You people"? Either you have me mistaken for someone else or you are a complete idiot. I'll let you choose.

The topic of the thread is the death of a woman who lied and got a 14 year old boy tortured and murdered. And his murder went unpunished because of the racism of the day. I did not create or endorse the racism. I am merely one who is mad that it happened the way it did. The "authorities" did not give a damn if one more young n****r died horribly.
No…it isn’t … why would you say that? Being black was in and of itself a conviction of any rumor or claim back them.

We have a long history of lynchings…not just of blacks,but most were and not guilty of any crime.

A lot of red herrings to distract…

Maybe because you are omitting some relevant history? I’ve never heard of black people in this country owning white slaves. When colonists first arrived racialized slavery was not yet realize d The first colonies included free whites, free blacks, black slaves and white indentured servants. Free blacks could ”own” the labor of an indentured servant, but they did not own the person. That is not to say the institution of indentiture wasn’t brutal, it was. But there were some differences: indentured were free once they completed their contract, slaves could only win their freedom by purchasing themselves or escaping. The children of indentured servants were born free while the children of slaves were born into slavery.

Most black violence on whites is common crime…why would it be talked about any differently than other criminal violence?

How do you know most of them were criminals…got a link? Given white people far outnumbered minorities…is that surprising? What is more striking (assuming your numbers are true) is that almost 2/3 we’re not white.

Acknowledging the warts on America is neither anti-American nor racist.

I’m not sure you’ve provided many facts…

Now that, for sure, is not a fact.

Nice rant.

Do tell…


Andrew Jackson? A “great” White man? Wasn’t he responsible for the Indian Removal Act and the Trail of Tears?

You too! :)
Hi buddy. I see that you are responding with sarcasm and no response to all of the points that matter. Like you’re blowing off the fact that a white woman was recently brutally beat down by 20 young black men and women. You think that’s a rant? That tells a lot about your world views.

Black people owned white people in North Africa. The Ottoman empire had raids on southern Europe.

So when you look back into American history and start picking on bad tomatoes then you need to also realize as we all do that race issues were felt all over the world, slavery whether race-based or religious based or caste based was an issue all throughout of the world. So it is there for a flaw to spend so much time and resources including racist job quotas that discriminate against white people in our country today. In other words the US government and major corporations have racist hiring quotas that hurt white people and also Black people to because the somebody with less skill can get a job because they’re not a white man and they’re looked at as some kind of a minority. And of course the Democrat party along with Republican supporters are using US government resources to provide time and money to talking about and studying What they claim as a “racist evil history of America”, this is disgraceful it has done not one thing to give good jobs to poor Black people or poor white people. Such a waste of time or waste of resources on BLM activities and of course on the leading Democrats using US government resources to allocate money to what they say are black companies or whatever similar is a disgrace to America. You know our country is in a terrible position the jobs aren’t what they used to be ….why are the Democrats not doing something about that like they used to. Instead of looking out for the middle-class black Americans and white Americans the major plans of the Democrat party today is to support BLM, support the 400 years of slave argument, support anti-American ism support the false idea that America has a racist and brutal history all to gain votes. And perhaps to get a bunch of money from anti-American groups.

Andrew Jackson was a man of his Times, there were Indians who scalped white women, there were Indians who engaged in brutal and utter barbaric violence including cannibalism ….. not all Indians acted like this certainly many were civil and very interesting to look at and admire.

When people talk about Indian treatment by Andrew Jackson and mention no activity of the various tribes they are engaging in anti-Americanism, and a clear-cut selective treatment of history. It is quite clear quite obvious that Andrew Jackson led a life similar to any civilized tribesmen of America

So that was a two-way issue of course and Andrew Jackson was not a cannibal he was certainly a civilized manner a great American expanded the territory of the United States of America. He looked out for the poor man….
Of course as a young child Andrew Jackson stood up to a British soldier who smacked him in the face…. there you saw a young child in Andrew Jackson who would in the future go on to be one of the greatest leaders in American history, his leader ship was shown at a young age in defiance to an adult British soldier. A story for the ages my friend and one that motivates Americans of all stripes to this very day.
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The use of the phrase "dies today" is strange. It indicates prior knowledge of pending demise The woman died today. Was she a registered democrat at the time? They don't want us to know.
What is all the phony outrage about?

In the 1950’s, a black kid makes lewd comments and grabs a white woman. People were outraged and rightfully so. The men went too far in what they did perhaps, but that is not the fault of the woman. All she did was report it. Was she supposed to stay silent? What happened to must believe all women? There is zero proof she lied about the incident. The men who were accused of killing Till were acquitted of the charges by a jury. Even the attempt to charge her later on never made it past a grand jury it was so absurd.

Till was just born in the wrong times. He could easily assault and rape white women in this day and age. He’d be praised for it.
The men went to far in what they did, "perhaps" really? Perhaps? So perhaps they did not go too far?
It is practically the one single case in the USA that we know of an innocent black person being lynched. May be a few more but for the the dramatic far left wingers there so crazy and insane that they’re just blown away by these cases…

”oh America has such an evil history!”

“Let’s all hold hands and wave our Ukrainian, LGBT and BLM flags….. never mind that Black people owned slaves throughout history, never mind that there are Nazis in Ukraine, never mind that men want to identify as women so they can go into a woman’s bathroom and do whatever the heck they want….

but the far left never talk about Black people who owned white people, they never talk about black violence on white people.

The far left doesn’t celebrate the fact that so many unions and American auto companies broke the color barrier in the 1930s. God bless America

Contrary to popular belief of the anti-American racists and the anti-Americans in general the anti-white racists of history….. the vast majority of lynchings in America were of criminals whether they were white or black … something like 4000 people were lynched in America 1500 of them white people….

But don’t let facts get in the way of these anti-American to give us nothing but a horrendous economy and racial divide like those of today who prop up the 400 years of slave argument, those of today they constantly complain about white racism when it doesn’t exist, those of today who are multi millionaire athletes and celebrities and who complain about racism by white people, those of today who claim America has a systemic racist imperial history.

Meanwhile in America there’s more poor Black people than we have ever had so many poor Black people and white people starving on the streets with nothing at all. Meanwhile look at this form of people like Superbadbrutha C_Clayton_Jones skews13 these posters and others provide antiwhite racism almost all the time, they lie or engage in misinformation almost all the time…… all the meanwhile are economy is horrible in these posters and people like Dragonlady are some of the worst racists on the planet they don’t give a damn that white woman was viciously beat down recently in Chicago by a mob of 20 or 30 young black men and women. They just don’t give a darn about it it’s because they’re on drugs or they are intentionally evil and they are a huge problem for whatever country they live in. It’s what you get from the left you get a criminal and terroristic mindset from far left wingers.

All of the posters I have mentioned in this post are extremist far left wing racists and they are destructive people you can only hope that they get the help they need.

There is no mutual respect from the far left they simply don’t care that Black people owned white people as slaves when it comes to history they just keep talking about slavery in America because they’re brainwashed or again they are intentionally racist against white people and there’s a special place in hell for racists.

remember the far left wing terrorists in 2020 these BLM supporters they tore down and destroyed statues of the great white men the great white Christians of history that brought us a civilized world people that Christopher Columbus and St. Louis and others like Andrew Jackson. So what we’re dealing with in the pro BLM crowd are terrorists and they only represent a tiny portion of Americans. So many Americans are waking up embracing freedom and love, equality and prosperity and glory and our Lord.

Have a nice day

If you truly believe anything that you have posted in the thread, you are suffering from senile dementia.

The only innocent black man who was ever lynched. This is what happens when you don’t teach children the history of the nation. They grow up to be as dumb, ignorant, and racist as Franklin.

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