Emmett till accuser dies today

Tawana Brawley was an ugly case in all aspects, but justice was served in court and subsequent lawsuits. Unfortunately none of that will diminish the horror of being falsely accused and dragged through the mud like that.

There is however a big difference between that and being lynched, brutally beaten and murdered,.,just sayin’
The kkk murdered as many whites as blacks
Tawana Brawley was an ugly case in all aspects, but justice was served in court and subsequent lawsuits. Unfortunately none of that will diminish the horror of being falsely accused and dragged through the mud like that.

There is however a big difference between that and being lynched, brutally beaten and murdered,.,just sayin’
It's one case of thousands of hoax hate crimes. Literally thousands
Bryant and Milam were probably both Democrats.

In Mississippi in the 1950s, they probably were. But that does not change anything. Blaming current DNC for the horrific actions of those two men is ridiculous. Hell, the DNC of the day wasn't even in favor of such.
In Mississippi in the 1950s, they probably were. But that does not change anything. Blaming current DNC for the horrific actions of those two men is ridiculous. Hell, the DNC of the day wasn't even in favor of such.
The current DNC seems to always think that skin color is most important. They use skin color to identify certain populations as worthy of 'reparations' or 'entitlements.'
One deplorable bitch might of kept her life but her actions helped bury white supremacist ideology. It made it ashamed. And it's remained so ever since.
She confessed lying about it. No witness from inside the store ever claimed to see anything resembling her story.
So what was the motive for "fabricating" this story? Not sure I believe she "confessed."

This story is nearly 70 years old. You don't hear anyone keeping Channon Christian's rape and murder by blacks alive.
Hi buddy. I see that you are responding with sarcasm and no response to all of the points that matter. Like you’re blowing off the fact that a white woman was recently brutally beat down by 20 young black men and women. You think that’s a rant? That tells a lot about your world views.

hmmm….pretty much thought I hit on the points “that matter” unless this is all about your emotions?

How did I blow off something? It was one event in one lengthy post and you didn’t even provide link. I looked it up…apparently part of multiple violent events on one weekend.

Some young people fear fallout of Loop chaos could be more racial profiling

No excuses for it.

Black people owned white people in North Africa. The Ottoman empire had raids on southern Europe.

I thought we were talking about America?

So when you look back into American history and start picking on bad tomatoes then you need to also realize as we all do that race issues were felt all over the world, slavery whether race-based or religious based or caste based was an issue all throughout of the world.
Of course it is a historic reality around the world, but this is about our country, and the fact we a bit further, breeding slaves like animals and when forced to end it, we continued an ugly form of hidden slavery through Jim Crowe. Because it is OUR country, it matters a bit more than what the Ottoman’s did. Germany took responsibility for the atrocities it committed in the Holocaust and acknowledged their role. They didn’t go around saying hey, but others committed genocide too! Acknowledging wrongs and trying to right them is not a sign of hating your country but a way of making it whole and an acknowledgement that we do it because we love our country warts and all

So it is there for a flaw to spend so much time and resources including racist job quotas that discriminate against white people in our country today. In other words the US government and major corporations have racist hiring photos that hurt white people and also Black people to because the worst people can get the job somebody with less skill can get a job because they’re not a white man and they’re looked at as some kind of a minority. And of course the Democrat party along with Republican supporters are using US government resources to provide time and money to talking about and studying What they claim as a racist evil history of America, this is disgraceful it has done not one thing to give good jobs to poor Black people or poor white people. Such a waste of time or waste of resources on BLM activities and of course on the leading Democrats using US government resources to allocate money to what they say are black companies or whatever similar is a disgrace to America. You know our country is in a terrible position the jobs aren’t what they used to be why are the Democrats doing something about that like they used to.
There is a lot to unpack here and I’m not how relevant it is to this particular conversation because it seems more like a tirade of everything racial and political you are mad about.

Andrew Jackson was a man of his Times, there were Indians who scalped white women, there were Indians who engaged in brutal and utter barbaric violence including cannibalism and ripping off men and babies arms and just eating them. not all Indians acted like this certainly many were civil and very interesting to look at and admire.

Even for his times he was particularly brutal, breaking treaties and killing huge numbers of people in a forced march across the country. At some point you have to weigh the positive contributions and negative ones in our historic figures, and if the negative ones outweigh the positive ones, there is less to admire and the “product of his times” argument as a reason to revere him wears thin.

When people talk about Indian treatment by Andrew Jackson and mention no activity of the various tribes they are engaging in anti-Americanism, and a clear-cut selective treatment of history. It is quite clear quite obvious that Andrew Jackson led a life similar to any civilized tribesmen of America

That is the WEIRDEST argument I’ve ever heard: that the native tribes were engaged in “anti-Americanism” when they had virtually no rights in a country that repeatedly their treaties and stole their land. Do you not see the irony?

So that was a two-way issue of course and Andrew Jackson was not a cannibal he was certainly a civilized manner a great American Who is the Louisiana purchase and other avenues expanded the territory of the United States of America. He looked out for the poor man….
Of course as a young child Andrew Jackson to finally stood up to a British soldier who smacked him in the face there are you saw a young child in Andrew Jackson who would in the future go on to be one of the greatest leaders in American history his leader ship was shown at a young age in defiance to an adult British soldier. A story for the ages my friend and one that motivates Americans of all strives to this very day.
Nah. Andrew Jackson sucked.
So what was the motive for "fabricating" this story? Not sure I believe she "confessed."

This story is nearly 70 years old. You don't hear anyone keeping Channon Christian's rape and murder by blacks alive.
But you sure hear people keeping the 150 year old Confederacy alive.
hmmm….pretty much thought I hit on the points “that matter” unless this is all about your emotions?

How did I blow off something? It was one event in one lengthy post and you didn’t even provide link. I looked it up…apparently part of multiple violent events on one weekend.

Some young people fear fallout of Loop chaos could be more racial profiling

No excuses for it.

I thought we were talking about America?

Of course it is a historic reality around the world, but this is about our country, and the fact we a bit further, breeding slaves like animals and when forced to end it, we continued an ugly form of hidden slavery through Jim Crowe. Because it is OUR country, it matters a bit more than what the Ottoman’s did. Germany took responsibility for the atrocities it committed in the Holocaust and acknowledged their role. They didn’t go around saying hey, but others committed genocide too! Acknowledging wrongs and trying to right them is not a sign of hating your country but a way of making it whole and an acknowledgement that we do it because we love our country warts and all

There is a lot to unpack here and I’m not how relevant it is to this particular conversation because it seems more like a tirade of everything racial and political you are mad about.

Even for his times he was particularly brutal, breaking treaties and killing huge numbers of people in a forced march across the country. At some point you have to weigh the positive contributions and negative ones in our historic figures, and if the negative ones outweigh the positive ones, there is less to admire and the “product of his times” argument as a reason to revere him wears thin.

That is the WEIRDEST argument I’ve ever heard: that the native tribes were engaged in “anti-Americanism” when they had virtually no rights in a country that repeatedly their treaties and stole their land. Do you not see the irony?

Nah. Andrew Jackson sucked.
I am a Democrat I consider myself a Kennedy Democrat and it is quite obvious why we have such a major disagreement you are attempting to disregard a major point a critical point which relates to our conversation into this thread and it has a major impact on the thread. That is how the world treated the issue of race and bigotry. Are you a democrat? Because if you are you would say you care about the world.

I don’t believe in isolationism... We are melting pot of cultures in America. And history has shaped are very country has literally shape our borders so you cant disregard history and the fact that it probably was America throughout his entire existence that was the most free liberal country of the world.

One cant disregard that slavery was a worldwide issue your racializing the American history but when you do something like that it’s a global issue… Considering that slavery is still going on in parts of Africa, that there is widespread poverty in South America. That there is a racist immigration policy in Japan to this day a country that has some 99% Japanese. And there’s all sorts of countries like those that are say 98% + of one ethnicity …otoh you look at America though we represent greatness a great achievement a melting pot of cultures that for decades has had success…. look at the 20th century with the black middle class and white middle-class was at its strongest… so was American industry and we led the world it all industrial output.

Now today with people like yourself and Democrats trying to push this false narrative that American history was “evil and racist” without talking about world history, that’s a bad narrative it doesn’t get anyone any help, it doesn’t give us good jobs it creates distrust in America, it creates anger it does nothing good. It is a net negative. Your description of history is wrong my friend I certainly respect you though …
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So what was the motive for "fabricating" this story? Not sure I believe she "confessed."

This story is nearly 70 years old. You don't hear anyone keeping Channon Christian's rape and murder by blacks alive.

The Emmitt Till murder was very well publicized. Unlike other crimes of the day, this one sparked outrage all over.

As for her confession, what can I tell you other than she confessed to making it up.
I am a Democrat I consider myself a Kennedy Democrat and it is quite obvious why we have such a major disagreement you are attempting to disregard a major point a critical point which relates to our conversation into this thread and it has a major impact on the thread. That is how the world treated the issue of race and bigotry. Are you a democrat? Because if you are you would say you care about the world.

I’m an Independent and while I care about the world, I don’t use that as an excuse to not acknowledge or try to right the wrongs in my own country because that’s where you need to start.

I don’t believe in isolationism... We are melting pot of cultures in America. And history has shaped are very country has literally shape our borders so you cant disregard history and the fact that it probably was America throughout his entire existence that was the most free liberal country of the world.
I agree on the first few points but not on the last. “Most free and liberal” for whom? Not Emmett Till. Many Black singers, musicians, artists etc. went to France because they could not get a venue here. Was France more free and liberal? Certainly for them.

One cant disregard that slavery was a worldwide issue your racializing the American history but when you do something like that it’s a global issue… Considering that slavery is still going on in parts of Africa, that there is widespread poverty in South America. That there is a racist immigration policy in Japan to this day a country that has some 99% Japanese. And there’s all sorts of countries like those that are say 98% + of one ethnicity …otoh you look at America though we represent greatness a great achievement a melting pot of cultures that for decades has had success…. look at the 20th century with the black middle class and white middle-class was at its strongest… so was American industry and we led the world it all industrial output.

What you are essentially saying is other countries do bad things too and that’s a reason we should disregard it here. I don’t agree.

Now today with people like yourself and Democrats trying to push this false narrative that American history was “evil and racist” without talking about world history, that’s a bad narrative it doesn’t get anyone any help, it doesn’t give us good jobs it creates distrust in America, it creates anger it does nothing good. It is a net negative. Your description of history is wrong my friend I certainly respect you though …

I thought you said you were a Democrat?

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