Emmett till accuser dies today

That, as well as because they were Catholics or Jews most times.

What, are you actually surprised by that?

Are you not even aware of things like "Mississippi Burning", a movie based on the real life 1961 murders of Andrew Goodman, Michael Schwerner, and James Chaney?

The 1999 Reseda Jewish Daycare Shooting? Where Buford Furrow attacked a preschool for Jewish families, killing 1 and wounding 5 others?

Or ironically, the late husband of Mr. Furrow's girlfriend. Who created a group he called "The Order" from a racist book (the same one that inspired Tim McVeigh), and in addition to a string of armored car robberies assassinated radio host Alan Berg in 1984.

And those are just the ones that came immediately to mind. Of course, I also consider the entire Oklahoma City bombing to have been racially motivated. You can't tell me that somebody that not only sold "The Turner Diaries" and conducted an attack that killed 168 people based upon that book was not a racist.
Had NOTHING to do with race.

It was payback for Bill Clinton and Janet Reno's murder of 86 men women and children at Waco as well as the Ruby Ridge murders
Had NOTHING to do with race.


You are aware that he had read The Turner Diaries as early as 1991, right? And was selling them in gun shows and claiming the FBI was tracking him through a chip as early as 1992, right?

Waco was 1993. Well after he had become racially radicalized.

Nice try at spinning it, but that coprolite don't fly with me.

And I will be honest, I myself read The Turner Diaries for the first time in 1987. My unit S-2 at the time had a hard on for "Internal Terrorist Groups", and one of his obsessions was the NeoNazi-KKK movement. We got into a discussion about that, and he is who I first learned from about David Matthews and The Turner Diaries. He loaned me his copy, and I was sickened by it. And I remember the dread when that attack happened in 1995. That night I was at the VFW, and a lot of the guys at the bar were convinced it was the "Arabs". But I knew immediately it was a white-supremacist as the attack was taken almost exactly from that book.

And I knew they had their man when it was announced he had been arrested, with excerpts from The Turner Diaries in his car.

No, you ain't spinning this into any kind of alt-right conspiracy nonsense. McVeigh had been radicalized years before Waco.
It was a historic atrocity that helped to trigger the Civil Rights movement and brought home to Northern Whites how bad conditions were in the South
so that northerm whites could ignore the atrocities against blacks in the north.
All of what I said this is relevant including the fact that black Africans sold black slaves to white slave masters.

Even more relevant that in the USA the black middle-class was stronger in the middle 20th century as was the white middle-class. And that was during the so-called times of this “extreme racism” that many Americans on the left would wrongly say occurred in American history.

I am pointing out your commit is wrong. America didn’t have a racist or imperial evil history. It had a history that was on course for the entire world… slavery was accepted by many Christians , the Bible was pointed to as why slavery was kept up. Jews argued that there should be slavery because it said so in the Torah. There were those in the American Civil War many Christians who pointed to the gospels and said that’s why there should be no slavery

You brought up black musicians having to go to France it is all the more of a great example of a country that was built on warfare in constant battles with England throughout history, that’s the history of France. And France and America were allies in the American revolution the very war that helped to make our country.

The French were criticized for their conduct in the Algerian War of independence by the way…. does that mean we should constantly talk about the bad parts of French history?

So I think your direction is bad for America and dangerous and it certainly does nothing for a good job in this country…. having teachers lecture American kids about how evil America was when most Americans of the past were not racist. In American history it was the elites probably that would be the same people that are on the far left today that were the most racist. Elite white people who did view blacks as inferior but of course that did not represent the American population all throughout our entire history my friend. Many white Americans would have definitely welcome the black baseball player in the 1920s and 1930s there was actually two black brothers who played on a major league roster in The 19th century … decades before Jackie Robinson. But it was the CEOs that had made that decision it was the leader ship class if you will they made that decision to exclude black baseball players from the mlb …. that is not a representation of the average white man’s opinion that’s for sure it’s a representation of the corporate elite of the time.

On the other hand Henry Ford one of the most elite rich Americans to ever live believed in equality between Black people and white people which would explain that Ford motor company had a very high black employment rate in it’s history.

Slavery was still going on in Ethiopia in the 1920s by the way over 60 years after it had ended in America.

My grandfather grew up in the 1950s had had a black boss at his steel plant… if young kids especially young black kids are brought up in America to believe America had a racist history that made things horrible for Black people that will lead young Black people to go on criminal rampages like we have seen in Chicago and in many major cities where they form flash mobs and terrorize communities causing physical pain to many people.

The black middle-class in America was perhaps stronger than every black middle-class in all of Africa and South America in the middle of the 20th century. That argument supports everything that I’ve been saying which is simply in line with American patriotism and respecting history have a mutual respect for white people, for Indians and for Black people. I don’t know if you have that for white people I think you might but you’re only talking about the bad things whites have done …not good things. You’re not talking about the fact that Black people owned slaves and sold slaves to white slave masters.
In otherwords, black people can't control themselves so we can't teach them about all the awful things racists did to their ancestors. It's like a racist Turducken. Franklin is stuffing racism inside other racism. Good on you. 😄
The Klan has zero power, unlike the time when the group was the militant arm of the Democratic party.
The Republican Party has supplanted it with it’s own militant arm in the form of multiple white supremacist groups.
It's fun to see posters like Hawk and B Kidd attribute all of the racist shit done by Conservatives in the past as "Those were Democrats who did that" -- while defending those same racist Democrats today.....

Which is all the proof you need that Conservatism has ALWAYS BEEN OPPOSED to the Civil Rights struggle....but they lost that battle so thoroughly that they have to pretend they were on the right side of history....clearly, as their comments on this post shows; they were lying....
It's fun to see posters like Hawk and B Kidd attribute all of the racist shit done by Conservatives in the past as "Those were Democrats who did that" -- while defending those same racist Democrats today.....

Which is all the proof you need that Conservatism has ALWAYS BEEN OPPOSED to the Civil Rights struggle....but they lost that battle so thoroughly that they have to pretend they were on the right side of history....clearly, as their comments on this post shows; they were lying....
I get tired of pointing out the obvious. Conservatives did NOT free the slaves. I don't care what party the conservatives are in, and I really don't think it matters, what matters is racism today, the conservatives were not in favor of freeing the slaves, and from what I read on this forum, still aren't.
The poor boy died 70 years ago. It's okay to get over it.

The crime of the torture and murder of Emmitt Till was not the entirety of the crime.

The fact that the authorities couldn't (or wouldn't) convict the perpetrators is the worst of the crime. Much like the Birmingham Church bombing, justice was long delayed.
I get tired of pointing out the obvious. Conservatives did NOT free the slaves. I don't care what party the conservatives are in, and I really don't think it matters, what matters is racism today, the conservatives were not in favor of freeing the slaves, and from what I read on this forum, still aren't.

Even during Civil Rights, most Conservatives advocated “give it time” and “the system is working, leave it alone”
Hi brother hope you’re doing well. I wouldn’t wish pain on my worst enemy because this is not in line with Christian values I believe.

can you understand what you’re saying here ? ….that white woman reported what was back then something that was lewd conduct a man or a kid cat calling for a lady. Back in the 1940s and 1950s it was out of line whether a white boy or a black boy would’ve done it. So it seems like you’re acting like the woman was a part of the killing when she wasn’t there ..it’s two entirely different stories and one thing should not have led to another in this case quite clearly. The men who killed till were clearly criminals and they committed a crime against Christianity and of course our nation.

You know every year in American history there have been white criminals and black criminals every year sir. And this is what the far left wing always loses side of. They view the world as only being America as if our country was the only country that has ever existed because all they talk about is how “evil and racist American history “ was.

Race division and anti-American ism… It’s a major plank of the Democrat party as you clearly know, it’s BLM it’s the transgender issue by being able to go into a women’s belIt’s a major plague of the…. That’s not a responsible view toward history because of racism and bigotry if he will was always a worldwide issue and one look at it perhaps United States was the most liberal and anti-racist country throw it’s entire existence unless of course you can maybe find some other examples please bring them fourth what is clearly evident that our country has some pretty well when it comes to race relations compared to other countries. The whole thing for example the entire major plank of the Democrat party today ie attempting to look back into history and explain how evil American history is…. is a fraud and it does nothing to help poor white people or poor Black people.

There is still slavery in much of Africa where children are working as child slaves mining for and the sorts of minerals that we see in electric cars.
Can you tell me how many white children were tortured and murdered and later had their murder upheld by the court system? All because a black woman claimed he whistled at her?


Do you know how many black children and men have been murdered, had their whole neighborhoods burned to the ground (BY THE STATE) -- because some white kunt lied on them?? A fuck ton more than ZERO

And here is another piece of history you dic suckers don't want your grand kids to learn about......the Kissing Game Case...

Where 2 black boys (9 and 7 years old) were put in a mens' prison for 3 months; because a white girl kissed them on the cheek. These boys were attacked by an angry mob, threatened with lynching; it took a black gun rights advocate by the name of Robert F. Williams (whom the NRA abandoned), the NAACP and Eleanor Roosevelt to put pressure on the governor to throw out the charge and release them.....Has a little black girl got the state to put 2 little white boys in prison for kissing her?

By the way, this isn't from hundred years ago....because these two little boys are still alive today.....

Even during Civil Rights, most Conservatives advocated “give it time” and “the system is working, leave it alone”
I remember the 60's, I lived in a very conservative area and still do. Conservatives in my area were straight up racist. There was not a black family in my town until the mid 80's. It seems to be a bit better around here now, but when I discovered this forum I realized the racist are still around.
I remember the 60's, I lived in a very conservative area and still do. Conservatives in my area were straight up racist. There was not a black family in my town until the mid 80's. It seems to be a bit better around here now, but when I discovered this forum I realized the racist are still around.
and what is frustrating about it all is.....the Civil Rights movement is a time for everyone to unify over how a majority of Americans of all colors and backgrounds came together to tear down a racist system....a good thing....

But whenever you bring it up, the only ones who are angry about that system being torn down are..........

I remember the 60's, I lived in a very conservative area and still do. Conservatives in my area were straight up racist. There was not a black family in my town until the mid 80's. It seems to be a bit better around here now, but when I discovered this forum I realized the racist are still around.

I grew up in a Conservative Republican community also in the 60s
Martin Luther King was considered a Communist who was riling up the negroes
Civil Rights protests were condemned and complacent negroes who conformed were praised

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