Employee, acting for the county clerk's office, registering only Romney supporters


INDEPENDENTly ruthless
May 18, 2011
El Paso County, Colorado employee, acting for the county clerk's office, registering only Romney supporters outside of a Safeway

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rdk55dLsFhc]Safeway voter registration 1 - YouTube[/ame]

Rmoney is at it again.
This pisses me off - and I would be just as pissed if Democrats did such a dirty un-American trick.
I hope the person is fired and banned from working in the election process.
Well..............voter supression seems to be the way that the GOP hopes to take this election apparently.

PA and OH are two very good examples of this.

And by the way.............how is having to show an ID going to stop voter fraud? You'd have to have several thousand different aliases and show up numerous times at polling places in order to have even a minimal impact.

The real voter fraud happens in the absentee ballots, not at the polls.
Oh my God a young female.....working for the pro life partyl...WTH??????
So do they normally tape people at these?
And was that really a member of the county clerks office?
Oh my God a young female.....working for the pro life partyl...WTH??????
So do they normally tape people at these?
And was that really a member of the county clerks office?

I highly doubt it. It shouldn't have taken her so long to remember who she is affiliated with.
Whoever is responsible for this needs to be impeached and thrown in the slammer.
This pisses me off - and I would be just as pissed if Democrats did such a dirty un-American trick.

Sure you would, and you would never post anything dishonest or untrue about Republicans either, right?

Oh my God a young female.....working for the pro life partyl...WTH??????
So do they normally tape people at these?
And was that really a member of the county clerks office?

I highly doubt it. It shouldn't have taken her so long to remember who she is affiliated with.
Whoever is responsible for this needs to be impeached and thrown in the slammer.

If there were 10,000 more like her, it might almost compensate for all the Democrat election fraud.
Count on seeing dirty tricks go into full force in the next month from the GOP.

They know they are losing bad, so resorting to voter fraud and suppression is all they've got left.
Oh my God a young female.....working for the pro life partyl...WTH??????
So do they normally tape people at these?
And was that really a member of the county clerks office?

I highly doubt it. It shouldn't have taken her so long to remember who she is affiliated with.
Whoever is responsible for this needs to be impeached and thrown in the slammer.

If there were 10,000 more like her, it might almost compensate for all the Democrat election fraud.

lol, got any proof of that besides Faux News?
Count on seeing dirty tricks go into full force in the next month from the GOP.

They know they are losing bad, so resorting to voter fraud and suppression is all they've got left.

Nah. They said that it's a GOP tactic.
Look at Voter suppression here in Florida.

Out of all of those purged votes, they only legitimately purged 1 vote, which was made by a Canadian who was here in the US Illegally.
This pisses me off - and I would be just as pissed if Democrats did such a dirty un-American trick.

You mean like having a default judgement against black panthers in paramilitary garb with billy clubs and dismissing the case. Do things like that piss you off?
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I highly doubt it. It shouldn't have taken her so long to remember who she is affiliated with.
Whoever is responsible for this needs to be impeached and thrown in the slammer.

If there were 10,000 more like her, it might almost compensate for all the Democrat election fraud.

lol, got any proof of that besides Faux News?

A federal lawsuit in 2005 found 37 Missouri election jurisdictions had more voters than voting age population.
The only way the Republicans have a hope in hell is from voter fraud and dirty tricks. I'm really not surprised and expect it from them at this point. Hell, they were screwing over their own candidates in the primaries.
El Paso County, Colorado employee, acting for the county clerk's office, registering only Romney supporters outside of a Safeway

Safeway voter registration 1 - YouTube

Rmoney is at it again.

She sounds young, stupid and has no clue as to what she is doing. Not to mention seems like she was unsure of where she worked. If this is real then she needs to be removed, sounds more like temporary help who was not instructed very well. I can't figure how you blame this on Romney though.
Well please investigate and let us know of the culprit....this story is as bogus as the video one, how do we know she and the person with the camera weren't staging this?
She doesn't work for the County Clerk's office. These folks come into our office all the time because they got hired by someone to register voters or pass out petitions...suddenly the guy isn't returning phone calls and they want to know how to get paid. We can't help them.

She's a paid shill, not making very much money and clueless about what she's doing.
That rw's are in favor of voter suppression says it all.

There really is no excuse for stealing elections and the right should be just as against this as the left.

But, yes, this is the only way mitt can win at this point. Especially since his money has dried up, the rats are jumping off a sinking ship and he's desperate.

And hey, it did work for Bush.

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