Employers are fed up with college 'waste,' opt for skilled blue-collar workers instead

Actually, believe it or not
A Medical Degree is very difficult.

I'm sure you know from personal experience having tried and failed for one. Dude, I never said it was easy! Especially just remembering all the medial terms like temporomandibula. But the argument stands, that if I had enough interest to become a doctor, I think long before I went to medical school much less got my degree, I'd have learned the basic details about the basic systems of the body that I was about to devote my life's work to on just pride of knowledge and learning alone.

But that is just me.

BTW, my pharmacologist knows about most of the things I mentioned, and he's just a pill-pusher.

I'm sure you know from personal experience having tried and failed for one. Dude, I never said it was easy! Especially just remembering all the medial terms like temporomandibula. But the argument stands, that if I had enough interest to become a doctor, I think long before I went to medical school much less got my degree, I'd have learned the basic details about the basic systems of the body that I was about to devote my life's work to.

But that is just me.


Most of my doctor friends say they would not recommend anyone pursue the profession. Far too much work for too little return.
Most of my doctor friends say they would not recommend anyone pursue the profession. Far too much work for too little return.

I can believe that. I don't think it was always that way, but government intrusion into the field now as with banking and everything else means that half their time and cost is now devoted to meeting and dealing with massive government bureaucracy and regulations.

One of my favorite experiences: back in 2012 I showed up at 6AM at a hospital to report in for a minor operation. When I gave her my name and told her what I was there for, she insisted on ID. When I asked her if they had had a lot of trouble with the wrong people showing up for someone else's operation, or how anyone else would even know my name and that I had an appointment at a given place and time for a given operation, she had no answer, just that unless I showed her ID to PROVE who I was, they were not going to allow me to be operated on.

Government regulation.

Good thing I wasn't there to vote. :uhh:
It takes a real schmuck to think he knows all the details of the lives of millions of people he’s never met. You Democrats really have convinced yourselves you know what’s best for everybody else.
You're retired. How the hell would you know?

Last two companies I worked for trained the hell out of me. Train, train, train. The one company was constantly sending us to training for all kinds of things, the other, I spent several months in intensive training in their own school before they could even let me near my job. The one because all their computer systems were totally proprietary, and the other just to keep me from getting killed on the job. And both required constant retraining in stuff already trained for, annually or as needed to make sure we were totally sharp and up to date on everything.

BTW, just because a person retires doesn't mean that they fall off the planet into a vacuum---

Guess it all depends on what kind of field you were in. Some lines of work, their retirees are some of their most cherished people, constantly called or brought back for consultation because of their accumulated years of expertise.
When was that 1963?

You trying to be funny? No, I retired officially in 2019, but was semi-retired after 2011. Traveling 60 miles a day and getting up at 4AM to leave at 5AM to start work at 7AM working up to 60 hours a week kinda wears thin on you after a while especially if you don't need the money no matter what it pays.

And the other employer I mentioned was a time freak. If you were two minutes late coming back from lunch (only 30 minutes), you heard about it. I used to start work 20 minutes early, unpaid, just to keep up with the work load. They loved me, but I didn't love them.
When was that 1963?

ok. Maybe before I was born. Now you have no relation to the current environment.
Sure I do. I have friends who are still business owners, and doctors, and tradesmen, and educators.

You think that I can't understand what they are suffering?

You're an idiot.

Which you go to great pains to prove with virtually every utterance you make.

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