Employers are fed up with college 'waste,' opt for skilled blue-collar workers instead

Why do you say that? Unless you are talking specifically about EVs, cars are not disposable. Neither are washers, dryers, dishwashers, or refrigerators.

NASA can put a man in space anytime it wants. but uses civilian rockets.
That’s like saying you can drive anywhere.
Just hire an Uber!
How long until that "Main Street" drone shows up to repeat himself for the 100000000000000th time?
A college degree opens doors to employment but a person still must be productive.

I'll add one other little tidbit worth careful reading. College kids today could not even hold their own with an 8th grader of 100 years ago in basic skill proficiency like math, reading, history, science, etc. Years ago, college was an option meant for higher learning where advanced education and very special skills were needed in fields of science and medicine--- not just to go out and be a receptionist. As a result, 90% of the people back then only completed high school and high school was designed and expected to give you a very well-rounded complete education that for the vast majority, you were good to go and ready to take on the world, and it did that very well.

But over the years, that has changed much, to now, you need at least a Bachelors to be fairly well-rounded and at that, many still graduate pretty stupid in basic areas of life. The great lie now is that the world is so much more complex that college is a NECESSITY. The truth is that college has been MADE a necessity today not by societal advances but by the educational system because it means BIG MONEY for the universities, designed to put you in debt the rest of your life. And their advocates move out into corporate America then setting hiring standards that without that college degree, they won't even look at you. People in debt are easy to control. My point being that I got more education by the time I graduated high school than many college kids today. Granted, I went to a private high school and studied everything from logic to psychology AT THE COLLEGE LEVEL while still in high school. I remember when in college my instructors telling me that they had dumbed down the calculus courses because too many students could no longer pass the courses which they taught for many years.

My opinion is that college kids today aren't getting the education I got by high school even going through college now! And for proof, just look at every snotty leftist here always obsessing how stupid republicans are--- in every case, these people prove to be the biggest dolts on this forum! Half of them can't even spell or type. Schools now from grade school up are now spending a great deal of their time filling student's heads with a bunch of social crap which ain't worth a damn. Not how to think but WHAT to think. And most college grads now are still idiots stupid in common, basic things trained really only in a very narrow, limited field pertaining to whatever specialty they majored in. You ask them a very basic question pertaining to everyday life and they are clueless.

CASE IN POINT: When I was 5-6, my first interest in life was human anatomy, physiology and medicine, so I had my dad buy me a medical encyclopedia. I began reading all about the human body and one of the first things I learned was that the body's skeletal system was made up of 206 bones. Last month I was at my doctor's getting a check up and there was a girl there sitting in as a doctor trainee in the room with us getting experience, so, she had already been through medical school. Making conversation and being at heart a teacher, I am always testing and challenging people so I casually asked her what the number of bones were in the body! Seems any doctor would know that, right? I mean, I learned that at the age of 5-6 just curious how the body worked.

This young girl doctor recent grad's reply to me was:

I HAVE NO IDEA. I'm not a studying to be an Orthopedist! :lmao:

I stopped right there realizing that I could easily embarrass this "doctor" with how much she didn't know. I was kind of shocked at her indifference and lack of interest in the most BASIC physiology--- I mean, she's chosen MEDICINE as her field of career! I wonder if she even knows the three bones making up the inner ear?

I ran into her in the hallway a bit later and she gave me a scared look: I think she was afraid I might ask her another medical question. Probably a good thing I didn't ask her about the endoplasmic reticulum, the function of the golgi complex, the difference between mitochondrial and nuclear DNA, or to explain DeQuervain's StenosingTenosynovitis. :smoke:

Bottom line is that the new, upcoming generation taking over the world now are largely FUCKING IDIOTS (for the most part). Candy ass babies. Dumbed down and ripe for the taking by a corrupt government as we have now.
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Takes a real shmuck to want kids to go into massive 6 figure debt to get brainwashed into thinking men can have babies and mass murder is good.
All to get a $23/hr job.
It takes a real schmuck to think he knows all the details of the lives of millions of people he’s never met. You Democrats really have convinced yourselves you know what’s best for everybody else.
So much rank stupidity in this thread.

Hey guys, Usain Bolt shows that ANYONE can be a world class athlete and set world records.

what about them? can you make any point, may people are super successful without degrees and the debt that goes with it

Which in NO WAY invalidates the value of a University diploma

It basically comes down to this…..As a whole, Those who have a College Degree or Technical School Diploma do better than those who do not.
I'll add one other little tidbit worth careful reading. College kids today could not even hold their own with an 8th grader of 100 years ago in basic skill proficiency like math, reading, history, science, etc. Years ago, college was an option meant for higher learning where advanced education and very special skills were needed in fields of science and medicine--- not just to go out and be a receptionist. As a result, 90% of the people back then only completed high school and high school was designed and expected to give you a very well-rounded complete education that for the vast majority, you were good to go and ready to take on the world, and it did that very well.

But over the years, that has changed much, to now, you need at least a Bachelors to be fairly well-rounded and at that, many still graduate pretty stupid in basic areas of life. The great lie now is that the world is so much more complex that college is a NECESSITY. The truth is that college has been MADE a necessity today not by societal advances but by the educational system because it means BIG MONEY for the universities, designed to put you in debt the rest of your life. And their advocates move out into corporate America then setting hiring standards that without that college degree, they won't even look at you. People in debt are easy to control. My point being that I got more education by the time I graduated high school than many college kids today. Granted, I went to a private high school and studied everything from logic to psychology AT THE COLLEGE LEVEL while still in high school. I remember when in college my instructors telling me that they had dumbed down the calculus courses because too many students could no longer pass the courses which they taught for many years.

My opinion is that college kids today aren't getting the education I got by high school even going through college now! And for proof, just look at every snotty leftist here always obsessing how stupid republicans are--- in every case, these people prove to be the biggest dolts on this forum! Half of them can't even spell or type. Schools now from grade school up are now spending a great deal of their time filling student's heads with a bunch of social crap which ain't worth a damn. Not how to think but WHAT to think. And most college grads now are still idiots stupid in common, basic things trained really only in a very narrow, limited field pertaining to whatever specialty they majored in. You ask them a very basic question pertaining to everyday life and they are clueless.

CASE IN POINT: When I was 5-6, my first interest in life was human anatomy, physiology and medicine, so I had my dad buy me a medical encyclopedia. I began reading all about the human body and one of the first things I learned was that the body's skeletal system was made up of 206 bones. Last month I was at my doctor's getting a check up and there was a girl there sitting in as a doctor trainee in the room with us getting experience, so, she had already been through medical school. Making conversation and being at heart a teacher, I am always testing and challenging people so I casually asked her what the number of bones were in the body! Seems any doctor would know that, right? I mean, I learned that at the age of 5-6 just curious how the body worked.

This young girl doctor recent grad's reply to me was:

I HAVE NO IDEA. I'm not a studying to be an Orthopedist! :lmao:

I stopped right there realizing that I could easily embarrass this "doctor" with how much she didn't know. I was kind of shocked at her indifference and lack of interest in the most BASIC physiology--- I mean, she's chosen MEDICINE as her field of career! I wonder if she even knows the three bones making up the inner ear?

I ran into her in the hallway a bit later and she gave me a scared look: I think she was afraid I might ask her another medical question. Probably a good thing I didn't ask her about the endoplasmic reticulum, the function of the golgi complex, the difference between mitochondrial and nuclear DNA, or to explain DeQuervain's StenosingTenosynovitis. :smoke:

Bottom line is that the new, upcoming generation taking over the world now are largely FUCKING IDIOTS (for the most part). Candy ass babies. Dumbed down and ripe for the taking by a corrupt government as we have now.

I guess you just proved a Medical Degree is useless

Next time you need surgery, I suggest you go to someone who just read a book. You will save money.
I guess you just proved a Medical Degree is useless
Next time you need surgery, I suggest you go to someone who just read a book. You will save money.

I didn't say that at all, Dolt. But its a good bet that I won't be having that girl as my doctor. And a surgeon learns surgery. Next time you go see a surgeon, ask him if he can tell you the number of bones in the body! Let's make it fair, make it an orthopedic doctor! But don't go too far and ask him/her the number of bones we have at BIRTH. Hint: we are born with several more bones but as we age, they fuse together to end up with the number I gave you.

Strange but true.
A college degree opens doors to employment but a person still must be productive.

Ok, if working at Starbucks counts. Pretty much every Starbucks is staffed by degree holders.

In the real world employers I know are hiring motivated kids and training them in house.

Better workers, and loyal.
I didn't say that at all, Dolt. But its a good bet that I won't be having that girl as my doctor. And a surgeon learns surgery. Next time you go see a surgeon, ask him if he can tell you the number of bones in the body! Let's make it fair, make it an orthopedic doctor! But don't go too far and ask him/her the number of bones we have at BIRTH. Hint: we are born with several more bones but as we age, they fuse together to end up with the number I gave you.

Strange but true.
Actually, believe it or not
A Medical Degree is very difficult.

Your test of minutia in a field outside of her specialty, proves nothing

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