Zone1 Encouragement for member and friend Dale Smith

Hello Dale Smith,

I have thought of you many hours in the past two days since I discovered this thread and read your many loving posts to all the people who care deeply for you and what you are facing. What a love you are. I'm happy Hoss started this thread as he has always held a special place in my heart and I am honored to have been reading him for years. I've always felt of him as a true friend. He is a good man—a bud.

I am an infrequent traveler at USMB but do stop by often to read what some quite witty posters are saying and to click "likes". I rarely post and do not recognize all the names of posters which included yours until just a couple of days ago. I'm sorry I missed your input as I can see how much common ground we could have shared.

Dale, please accept my deepest hearfelt solemnity as I hear of your plight and how you are coping. I have come to feel love and tenderness for you as I read through this thread. I think of your son Josh and know of the peace you will discover, free of pain, and holding your "little man" who will feel complete when that time comes and you two are rejoined in perpetuity. When one door closes another one opens.

I shall never forget you, the poster I have come to know, intuitively. You are in my prayers.

I hope you enjoy the first of several songs by a favorite singer of mine who died way too soon. She is singing from above from her heart to yours.

Until we meet again, Dale, as you become a star of a different kind. 🪐




I found another that I had completely forgotten about. Home Free's Austin Brown (high tenor) did the cover on this. I started crying like a baby thinking of my wife and eventually seeing her again. But I also thought of you, Gracie and others here who have lost those near and dear to their hearts.

For all of us.

I'm a bass player. What kind are you playing there?
I have an Epiphone that is like my best friend and Jackson bass that was pretty pricey. I a l also have an SdGr that I keep tuned up half a step when singers use a capo so I don't( have to play in minors the entire song. I had two other bass guitars one of which was a 3/4 scale ( Gretsch) that I have gifted. The Epiphone is my favorite. I have played in front of tens of thousands of folks and have used it in the recording studio for many artists. 23 years I have had that one....none of the guitars I have played fit me like that one does. What about you?
I found another that I had completely forgotten about. Home Free's Austin Brown (high tenor) did the cover on this. I started crying like a baby thinking of my wife and eventually seeing her again. But I also thought of you, Gracie and others here who have lost those near and dear to their hearts.

For all of us.

That is beautiful.....thank you for turning me on to it.....
Hello Dale Smith,

I have thought of you many hours in the past two days since I discovered this thread and read your many loving posts to all the people who care deeply for you and what you are facing. What a love you are. I'm happy Hoss started this thread as he has always held a special place in my heart and I am honored to have been reading him for years. I've always felt of him as a true friend. He is a good man—a bud.

I am an infrequent traveler at USMB but do stop by often to read what some quite witty posters are saying and to click "likes". I rarely post and do not recognize all the names of posters which included yours until just a couple of days ago. I'm sorry I missed your input as I can see how much common ground we could have shared.

Dale, please accept my deepest hearfelt solemnity as I hear of your plight and how you are coping. I have come to feel love and tenderness for you as I read through this thread. I think of your son Josh and know of the peace you will discover, free of pain, and holding your "little man" who will feel complete when that time comes and you two are rejoined in perpetuity. When one door closes another one opens.

I shall never forget you, the poster I have come to know, intuitively. You are in my prayers.

I hope you enjoy the first of several songs by a favorite singer of mine who died way too soon. She is singing from above from her heart to yours.

Until we meet again, Dale, as you become a star of a different kind. 🪐


You have left me speechless.....thank you so much for reaching out to me. USMB has some great posters here and they have blessed me and have touched me with their words and thoughts. Hossfly and his son really blessed me when they made such a long trip to see me. I still get emotional over what they did for me. It speaks volumes to me as the kind of good people they are. I consider you a very good friend as well. Thank you for all the good thoughts and prayers. Hugs ya.
Here is a song I did for Sandy last week. This is the only social media site I have put this on. My subscribers always click on my videos and I am grateful to them. This one is kind of funny because it's obvious that the pain meds are kicking facial expressions make even me laugh. I love this song so much and it remends me of what a tender-hearted lady she is and has stuck by me the entire way......

See how beautiful she is? A lot better than I ever deserved...

Sorry, I didn't mean to post that song twice........I seem to forget a lot of stuff here lately......I am such a dork.....smh.


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I have an Epiphone that is like my best friend and Jackson bass that was pretty pricey. I a l also have an SdGr that I keep tuned up half a step when singers use a capo so I don't( have to play in minors the entire song. I had two other bass guitars one of which was a 3/4 scale ( Gretsch) that I have gifted. The Epiphone is my favorite. I have played in front of tens of thousands of folks and have used it in the recording studio for many artists. 23 years I have had that one....none of the guitars I have played fit me like that one does. What about you?
I also have an Epiphone, a Jack Casady hollow body signature model. I string it with LaBella Flatwounds and use it for old time country and bluegrass. My rock and blues bass is a Lakland 55-02 five string. Also an Ibanez fretless 5 string and Guild hollow body. Here's my two main basses I use for gigs.

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I also have an Epiphone, a Jack Casady hollow body signature model. I string it with LaBella Flatwounds and use it for old time country and bluegrass. My rock and blues bass is a Lakland 55-02 five string. Also an Ibanez fretless 5 string and Guild hollow body. Here's my two main basses I use for gigs.

Sweet! You must be a 100 times better than I am. I never could get into playing a 5 string...makes the neck wider and due to destroying my wrist in 2017, the thinner the neck, the easier it is to play. Do you have any recordings you could share? If you don't want to post it to this thread, would you send it to me in a PM? I will be the first to admit that I am not even close to being what one would say is "good" but I am steady and I get the most out of the limited ability I was born with. One thing about me is that I have a tenacity that drives me keeps me and keeps me striving to be better. The one thing that has always keeps me with a gig is that I can work with the drummer and I don't try to throw in licks that really don't go with the song. I play within the capabilities I do have and let others shine. Sure would like to hear you play if at all possible.
Sweet! You must be a 100 times better than I am. I never could get into playing a 5 string...makes the neck wider and due to destroying my wrist in 2017, the thinner the neck, the easier it is to play. Do you have any recordings you could share? If you don't want to post it to this thread, would you send it to me in a PM? I will be the first to admit that I am not even close to being what one would say is "good" but I am steady and I get the most out of the limited ability I was born with. One thing about me is that I have a tenacity that drives me keeps me and keeps me striving to be better. The one thing that has always keeps me with a gig is that I can work with the drummer and I don't try to throw in licks that really don't go with the song. I play within the capabilities I do have and let others shine. Sure would like to hear you play if at all possible.
I don't have any recordings. It's all relative. You're doing just fine. As long as you keep pushing yourself to learn something new. There are many good teachers at different levels on YouTube and they're free. Never stop learning.

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