End Labels part 2


Nov 12, 2013
In part 1 the topic was immigration. We successfully managed to hold a topic with none of the labels traditionally placed on positions and instead debated facts (aside from a few sarcastic remarks made in what I believe was good humor, such as me being called gay (which I'm not but no hate ;p) and a few others).

The arguments brought up in that discussion were truly illuminating for me as it was a topic I haven't gone too in depth with personally and thank you to everyone involved.

My next question that I would pose is the salaries of congress: should they make 174,000 a year and why? I disagree with this vehemently as public service (such as me being in the navy) is something you do (at least in part) as a public service. Holding the trust of the public should be something done that requires no six figure salary, and most of the people there are well educated and have already had successful careers. I say get rid of "pensions" that give them the retirement benefits that most people would kill for. Public service and duty should be just that. I say no more $250 k desks or hundreds of thousands spent on flowers and alcohol. They've abused the system and this shouldn't be tolerated. $93 million has gone every year to congresses, which recently has been known as the do nothing congress.

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