End of Fox News as we know it?

this is nothing but a mastabatory wish piece by a bunch of yankee liberal douch bags.

Fox is DOMINATING, why change? no need to change since the channel is rocking the house as it is.

anyone that thinks the insiders are fox would EVER give interviews to a liberal reporter from a liberal paper are friggin stupid
New York's 'epic' Fox News exposé: 5 takeaways - The Week

Fox News could change a lot when Ailes leaves
At 71, Ailes hasn't named a successor. When he's gone, his role might be split between programming chief Bill Shine and Fox senior VP Michael Clemente. But "the future could be very different," with or without Ailes, Sherman says. Rupert Murdoch's son James is on the short list to take over News Corp., Fox's parent company, and he and the other top candidates aren't as conservative as Ailes or Murdoch. Another sign of the times: "Rupert's wife, Wendi, recently agreed to host an Obama fundraiser with Russell Simmons. 'She's a big fan [of the president],'" Simmons says.

Well, this is hard to believe for me...they are banking in the format they are using..hate and fear. Why would they change?
If Fox News is to become a real news channel, they're going to have to change their line up otherwise they will remain an outlet for right wing commentary.

As long as FOX refuses to drool over the president or describe a tingle up their leg when he appears, the left wingnuts will complain about the only fair and balanced news source on cable. You can't please the left with anything but suicide. Here's an example of fair and balanced. Chris Wallace is so concerned with his non partisan image that he has left wing commentator Juan Williams help him grill a republican guest. The left hates Juan Williams for joining FOX but believe me he is a partisan left winger. What do you get on NPR? Communists?

Are you kidding me....Juan Williams. He is the guy they go to every single time they screw up racially. Every single time. Please...he forgot what the field feels like. He really did.

He is your example of fox having a dem on that show? Oh please. Colmes was left and we all know what happened to him. Williams is the "hey I have a black guy as a friend so I cant be racist" guy. Seriously.
New York's 'epic' Fox News exposé: 5 takeaways - The Week

Fox News could change a lot when Ailes leaves
At 71, Ailes hasn't named a successor. When he's gone, his role might be split between programming chief Bill Shine and Fox senior VP Michael Clemente. But "the future could be very different," with or without Ailes, Sherman says. Rupert Murdoch's son James is on the short list to take over News Corp., Fox's parent company, and he and the other top candidates aren't as conservative as Ailes or Murdoch. Another sign of the times: "Rupert's wife, Wendi, recently agreed to host an Obama fundraiser with Russell Simmons. 'She's a big fan [of the president],'" Simmons says.

I think Murdoch might sell his controlling interest to close friend, business partner and part owner of Fox, Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, you know, the guy who thinks the Arabians that brought down the WTC were "heroes".

Stewart: FOX Failed To Mention Co-Owner Is One They Accuse Of 'Terror Funding' (VIDEO)

Fox continued to mention a nameless man with ties to Imam Rauf through the "Kingdom Foundation." It turns out the man they are referring to but never name is Saudi prince Al-Waleed bin Talal, one of the biggest shareholders of Rupert Murdoch's News Corp.


It's really something seeing right wingers showing so much support.
So one news corporation taking a right wing view is too many for the lovers of free speech on the left. One has to wonder what the hell they are so afraid of?

Hmmmm. It's a puzzle.

Oh, gee. Maybe it's the ratings? :lol:

Sad bastards. Don't like Fox? Don't fucking watch it.

It's important to know what the enemies of America are saying, like Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, co-owner of Fox news.

News Hounds: Wallace Inflates Fox News Sunday Ratings
there are many things you dont get.

So why do you wingnuts care about FNC?

It's a media outlet they don't control.

Can't have the proles exposed to unapproved thought, don'tcha know. They might question their leftist masters.

Schools are "liberal" because they won't teach "magical creation".

TV news is "liberal" because they refuse to say the president took a trip to Asia costing 200 million dollars a day.

I would rather be a liberal.
What's behind the left's obsession with FOX? How many people know who runs ABC, CBS, MSNBC, CNN? It was CBS that tried to undermine a presidential election with fake documents and I don't give a damn who owns or runs it as long as dandy Dan Rather was fired.

Yeah, FOX programming kills the competition, but they are all of a sudden going to change......LMAO!

The National Enquirer has a larger circulation than the Washington Post, so what does that mean?
Quantity doesn't mean quality.

It's not just republicans watching FNC...:eusa_shhh:

There just arent that many republicans in the country....
Apparently, lots of liberals watch, too.

I expect some of them like to get their Two Minute's Hate on.
How Fox News Chairman Roger Ailes Failed at Setting Up a Strong Republican Candidate for 2012 -- New York Magazine

The circus Roger Ailes created at Fox News made his network $900 million last year. But it may have lost him something more important: the next election.

Ailes is the most successful executive in television by a wide margin, and he has been so for more than a decade. He is also, in a sense, the head of the Republican Party.....

I stopped right there :rolleyes:
So why do you wingnuts care about FNC?

It's a media outlet they don't control.

Can't have the proles exposed to unapproved thought, don'tcha know. They might question their leftist masters.

Schools are "liberal" because they won't teach "magical creation".

TV news is "liberal" because they refuse to say the president took a trip to Asia costing 200 million dollars a day.

I would rather be a liberal.
You have no choice. You're not bright enough to be a conservative.
Why are liberals so afraid of Fox News? Fox may be biased in its commentary, but they are better at showing both sides of an argument. You can't even get another side of the argument on most other networks and if you do, its mis-characterized.
How Fox News Chairman Roger Ailes Failed at Setting Up a Strong Republican Candidate for 2012 -- New York Magazine

The circus Roger Ailes created at Fox News made his network $900 million last year. But it may have lost him something more important: the next election.

Ailes is the most successful executive in television by a wide margin, and he has been so for more than a decade. He is also, in a sense, the head of the Republican Party.....

I stopped right there :rolleyes:

This has legs! Fox is TOAST!!

If Fox News is to become a real news channel, they're going to have to change their line up otherwise they will remain an outlet for right wing commentary.

As long as FOX refuses to drool over the president or describe a tingle up their leg when he appears, the left wingnuts will complain about the only fair and balanced news source on cable. You can't please the left with anything but suicide. Here's an example of fair and balanced. Chris Wallace is so concerned with his non partisan image that he has left wing commentator Juan Williams help him grill a republican guest. The left hates Juan Williams for joining FOX but believe me he is a partisan left winger. What do you get on NPR? Communists?

Hey, I'm NOT an Obama lover and I have absolutely no plans for voting for the guy. Just thought I'd get that out of the way.
If any of you Fox News apologist would admit that Fox News has never come close to treating Obama the way they treated Bush, I would fall off my chair. Even after the obvious aftermath results of Bush's policies, Fox News still treats "W" with kid gloves.
There has been no consistency at all between the treatment of both presidents. Who in the hell do they think they are,,,,MSNBC?

Obama keeps wanting to raise gas prices, raise taxes, and stick it to da man.

That is as far as you can get from being a great human being.

Conservatives want leaders who are also supportive of America, the founders, the Bill of Rights, and are fiscally accountable to the American people.

Obama keeps going back to his liberal files for wisdom. It just isn't there.

I hope when the next vote rolls around, the American people send a message about how angry they are over getting lip service, but not much satisfaction. Nobody is proud of bankruptcy.

Obama has problems none of the rest of us can fix. I don't want to hurt Obama for any reason, but I want him out of that office. He's used American allies for his punching bag when his cronies want to punish someone, and that is neither the mark of a great man.

We can't fix Obama.

We can vote him out of office, however, and I hope by this time in 2013 his policies of high taxation and punitive measures against the oil and gas energy end.

We're sick of empty rhetoric, high gas prices, flambuoyant healthcare white papers in place of legislation with instructions from idiots not to read, just to pass the sicko piece of crap that Obama care was. That woman is Nancy Pelosi, and the only way to get around her while Californians in her district slime the country with her goop, is to elect a 90% conservative Congress that won't allow bad bills on the docket, much less pass such insulting gobbledygook that had so many viruses it threatens to shut down America and make us all wards of the state, and a pretty vicious state at that.

In fact, this country needs conservatives on a long term basis to prevent the criminality that surrounds the liberals willing to cheat their antiAmericanism into law.

If Fox News goes any further to the left, I hope a good conservative Republican does start a competitive News Channel that pays attention to vote fraud, defining when life begins, and holds the flame to the feet of those foisting Communism as a way of life on the American people.

Commentators on Fox News who take their eyes of the frauds being perpetuated against Americans will hopefully retire soon, and someone will take their place who are ever-vigilant, no-nonsense people who tell the truth and warn voters against those spoonfeeding schoolchildren anti-American barf.
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