END OF THE WORLD!! Obama supporters alter Perceptions!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
The end is here because I've read it all!

Environmentalist/Obama supporters would rather have 1 million barrels be spilled in the ocean then agree with Keystone pipeline!

It's true!

Consider what they would rather happen!
They'd rather have 1 million barrels of oil floating on 20,000 miles of ocean if another Exxon Valdez occurred carrying the daily shipment to China then admit the Keystone pipeline was safer!

I can't explain it!

What is UP is now down.
What is black is now white.

Environmentalists/Obama supporters rather another Exxon Valdez then a pipeline!

PLEASE someone explain!!!
The end is here because I've read it all!

Environmentalist/Obama supporters would rather have 1 million barrels be spilled in the ocean then agree with Keystone pipeline!

It's true!

Consider what they would rather happen!
They'd rather have 1 million barrels of oil floating on 20,000 miles of ocean if another Exxon Valdez occurred carrying the daily shipment to China then admit the Keystone pipeline was safer!

I can't explain it!

What is UP is now down.
What is black is now white.

Environmentalists/Obama supporters rather another Exxon Valdez then a pipeline!

PLEASE someone explain!!!

Well you are explaining the political correctness of politics. Political Correctness comes from the power elites who want the US destroyed. And so they are doing it.

You know common sense isn't politically correct at all.

Actually its part of the elites design to take down the USA, just like their created UN Agenda 21.

They want a 3rd world US....you see the AAE, or the Banksters or the BOD, or the elites, all one in the same, need the US taken down, so they can promote the plans for the world under their rule.

See, Rockefeller said it long ago.

"We are grateful to the Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries."

David Rockefeller Baden-Baden, Germany 1991
The end is here because I've read it all!

Environmentalist/Obama supporters would rather have 1 million barrels be spilled in the ocean then agree with Keystone pipeline!

It's true!

Consider what they would rather happen!
They'd rather have 1 million barrels of oil floating on 20,000 miles of ocean if another Exxon Valdez occurred carrying the daily shipment to China then admit the Keystone pipeline was safer!

I can't explain it!

What is UP is now down.
What is black is now white.

Environmentalists/Obama supporters rather another Exxon Valdez then a pipeline!

PLEASE someone explain!!!

Well you are explaining the political correctness of politics. Political Correctness comes from the power elites who want the US destroyed. And so they are doing it.

You know common sense isn't politically correct at all.

Actually its part of the elites design to take down the USA, just like their created UN Agenda 21.

They want a 3rd world US....you see the AAE, or the Banksters or the BOD, or the elites, all one in the same, need the US taken down, so they can promote the plans for the world under their rule.

See, Rockefeller said it long ago.

"We are grateful to the Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries."

David Rockefeller Baden-Baden, Germany 1991

AH... so it was never about the environment!
It was power!
Logic/rational discussion facts... all are meaningless !

NOT sure I like that world!
You are incredibly brainwashed Fox/Rush/Pub dupes...

President Obama announced Wednesday he is putting the controversial Keystone XL oil pipeline expansion project on hold, saying a decision can’t be made by the February deadline imposed by Congress. While environmental groups cheered the news, the setback is temporary and the pipeline operator says it will resubmit plans to have the pipeline running in 2014.

Skip to next paragraph Related stories
What the Keystone XL pipeline would mean for the USWhite House may reject oil pipeline, Feb. deadline 'purely political' Keystone XL pipeline: a jobs coup for Republicans in tax deal? Keystone XL pipeline delayed: Does that help Obama? Topics
Oil Pipelines Oil and Gas Storage and Transportation Pipeline Transportation Natural Gas Pipelines Diplomacy International Relations Political Policy The decision to deny the company its permit, issued through the US State Department, is considered a political risk by the president with Republican leaders saying that preventing the pipeline – proposed to be the largest of its kind in North American – is harmful to the national interest by limiting energy security and preventing job creation.

The Obama administration was first expected to rule on the permit, sought by operator TransCanada of Alberta, Canada, by late December. However, the administration sought a one-year extension, saying a more thorough environmental assessment was needed, including further exploration of alternate routes.

Republicans in Congress, in return for their support for an extension of the payroll tax holiday, forced the new Feb. 21 deadline, a date that Mr. Obama on Wednesday called “rushed and arbitrary.”

What the Keystone XL pipeline would mean for the US

His statement stressed the decision was not a ruling on the merits of the pipeline, but on the action of Congress, which he said, “prevented the State Department from gathering the information necessary to approve the project and protect the American people.”

“I’m disappointed that Republicans in Congress forced this decision, but it does not change my administration’s commitment to American-made energy that creates jobs and reduces our dependence on oil,” he said.

Obama puts Keystone pipeline on hold, decries 'rushed and arbitrary' deadline - CSMonitor.com
There are no good guys in petro-politics, any argument that tries to paint anything involved as a net benefit to society is a lie. The greater good never even enters into any equation. Sit back and quit worrying, the deepest pockets will win, they always win. Asia will get their Canadian oil and the oil companies will be happy, all they have to do is convince everyone involved that they will not be irresponsible environment rapists as usual.
Geez, I should have known................this whole thing is the fault of the REPUBLICANS!

EVERYTHING is the fault of the Republicans! I keep forgetting!
Why is this so complicated?
The tanker carrying oil to china can be wrecked spilling up to 1 million barrels!
The pipeline carrying 300 barrels per mile will spill and harm considerable LESS!

So why are environmentalists against a method that REDUCES risk of millions of barrels and reduces the amount of spills.. i.e. ships are prone to wrecks.. pipelines are NOT prone to leak and if the pipeline does.. less then 300 barrels!

I don't get it why that is so complicated to understand!

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